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Eyes Wide Open  by Fiona Barnett
To read the explosive full story of Eyes Wide Open by Fiona Barnett  ...  the true story the mainstream media controlled by the CIA/MIMI6 and their trillionaire controllers  refuse to mention ...
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Did You Know That  FaceBook Is The CIA's BaitBook
Mr Blakey Says He Does Not Trust The CIA To Tell The Truth Part A

Daniel Cregg article: breaks EU law: illegal photo, address and name published and listed on the Internet. EU articles of fundamental Human Rights.



Code of practice violations (the Irish Press Council) by Irish media

Irish Law violations by Irish media

EU Law violations by Irish media

by Daniel Cregg Aug 2023.


The following Irish media newspapers and publications are breaking Irish law, EU law, International law and the Irish Press Council code of practice in sensitive court cases by allowing media to publish the name, photo and address of an individual or persons:


Irish Independent Newspaper

Sunday World


The Code of practice of the Irish Press Council principles violated:


“Principle 8 − Prejudice The press shall not publish material intended or likely to cause grave offence or stir up hatred against an individual or group on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, colour, ethnic origin, membership of the travelling community, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, illness or age.” [2]


Principle 4 − Respect for Rights Everyone has constitutional protection for his or her good name. The press shall not knowingly publish matter based on malicious misrepresentation or unfounded accusations, and must take reasonable care in checking facts before publication”.


Again another violation is “ Principle 8 − Prejudice” under “...sexual orientation….disability, illness...“.


Under Irish law “Fundamental rights under the Irish Constitution” it states:


"...The right to fair procedures

The courts and all public bodies or persons making decisions that affect your constitutional rights must treat you fairly. Two of the essential components of fair procedures in this context are:


The person making the decision that affects you should not be biased or appear to be biased.

You must be given an adequate opportunity to present your case. You must be informed of the matter and you must be given a chance to comment on the material put forward by the other side.

Bodily integrity

You have a right not to have your body or person unjustifiably interfered with. A person can only interfere with your body with a valid justification and in a proportionate manner. Similarly, you have a right not to be subjected to torture, inhumane or degrading treatment." [3]


The Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission and the EU Agency for Fundamental Human Rights were contacted multiple times regarding the specific violations with little to no help provided [4[[1]









Additional violations found in a complex court case:


Under the “EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, the following articles have been violated in the Irish Republic by media:


Article 1 - Human dignity

Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected.

Article 3 - Right to integrity of the person

1. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6 - Right to liberty and security

Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.

Article 7 - Respect for private and family life

Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life, home and communications.

Article 15 - Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work

1. Everyone has the right to engage in work and to pursue a freely chosen or accepted occupation.
2. Every citizen of the Union has the freedom to seek employment, to work, to exercise the right of establishment and to provide services in any Member State...” [1]

Due to photos, names and addresses being published by media as a result of sensitive court cases it can affect the persons right to get employment, and find accommodation also.

What was put forward to the Irish Human Rights Commission is what happens in Ireland when the above laws/practice codes have been violated? Does the state have an obligation to look into the matter and then prosecute the offending newspapers? In addition the Irish state itself may have to modify the law to prevent media from further violations and misleading/inaccurate word usage, and safety violations to individuals when photographs, full names and addresses are being published.

Article by Daniel Cregg

Editor/Researcher INL News Group







Eyes Wide Open 
CIA Child Trafficking | MK-ULTRA in Australia Ritual Abuse & Mind Control | Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation Trauma-Focused Integration 2019 by Fiona Barnet
The Luciferian Cover-up 
1. Watergate was Pedogate 
2. Royal Whitewash 
3. Victorian Pedophile Network 
4. NSW Pedophile Network 
5. Bond University Pedophile Network 
6. ‘The Greater Good’ 
7. Conspiracy Fact The Luciferian Philosophy 
8. Justice Denied 
9. MK-ULTRA & the Occult 
10. MK-ULTRA in Australia 
11. MK-ULTRA in Hillsong Church 
12. Confessions of a Sydney Satanist My Witness Testimony 
13. Ritual Abuse in Australia 
14. Relevance of Intelligence 
15. The Programming Matrix 
16. Candy Girl Child Prostitute 
17. MK-DELTA Child Soldier How to Heal 
18. Psychology 101 
19. Trauma-Focussed Integration 
20. Dirty Doctors 
21. A Life Sentence 
22. Source of Hope Within 

CIAs MK Ultra Mind Control Program

Story Of Former CIAs MK Ultra Mind Control Patients


CIA Mind Control Search Sidney Gottlieb CIA Chief Poisoner By Stephen Kinzer

Dr. Frank Olsen's Mysterious CIA Death - Jimmy Atkins Analysis


See: CIAOperationMindControl_MKUltra (

Walter Bowart was born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1939. He was awarded a McMahon journal-ism scholarship to the University of Oklahoma and has since worked as an editor, publisher and writer. His articles have appeared in many journals including The East Village Other, the underground newspaper which he founded in 1965.

Walter Bowart lives in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife and three children.

Published in the U.S.A. by Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1978

First published in Great Britain by Fontana 1978

This book is dedicated to those who are obedient to authority. May they follow in the path of Daniel Ellsberg, L. Fletcher Prouty, Victor Marchetti, John Marks, and George OToole, become responsible, and break free from the chains of command.

“ I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control  with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education” …. Thomas Jefferson

“In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploring the latest communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason,”  …… Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to USA President Jimmy Carter


See: CIAOperationMindControl_MKUltra (

Walter Bowart was born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1939. He was awarded a McMahon journal-ism scholarship to the University of Oklahoma and has since worked as an editor, publisher and writer. His articles have appeared in many journals including The East Village Other, the underground newspaper which he founded in 1965.

Walter Bowart lives in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife and three children.

Published in the U.S.A. by Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1978

First published in Great Britain by Fontana 1978

This book is dedicated to those who are obedient to authority. May they follow in the path of Daniel Ellsberg, L. Fletcher Prouty, Victor Marchetti, John Marks, and George OToole, become responsible, and break free from the chains of command.

“ I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control  with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education” …. Thomas Jefferson

“In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploring the latest communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason,”  …… Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to USA President Jimmy Carter

Author's Note

This book is an exercise in citizens' intelligence. The author and the majority of those who've contributed to it are private citizens working on their own in a synergistic effort, without major funding or corporate support, without government privilege or "need to know," other than that need cited by Jefferson—the need for informed discretion in a democracy. Without the help of these many people, who, like the author, were motivated by shock and outrage that citizens have been so victimized by their own government, this book would not have been undertaken.

Thanks first to the victims of mind control who had the courage to come forward and tell their stories. 

A number of professional people gave valuable technical assistance and patient explanations. My thanks to Harry Arons, Robert Brauers, Dr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Cohen, Dr. Remo Dicenso, Betty Dumaine, Dr. Milton E. Erickson, Morris Ernst, Bernard Fensterwald, George Griffin, Col. Laird Guttersen, Dr. Paul Henshaw, Edward Hunter, Hon. Louis K. Lefkowitz, John MacDonald, V. R. Sanchez, Alan W. Sheftin, Dr. Edgar Schein, Mrs. E. D. Yeomans, and Col. Joseph H. Ziglinski.

I received a great deal of assistance from a number of researchers and writers around the world. Thanks to Chip Berlet, Nancy Bressler, Jeff Cohen, Loren Coleman, Richard Crowe, William Grimstad, Paul Hoch, L. Ron Hubbard, Larry Lee, Charles Maierson, John Marks, David McQueen, Sandra Meiersdorff, Janet Michaud, Beverly Ogden, George OToole, Richard Popkin, Jeff Quiros, William Stevenson, Scoop Sweeny, Harold Weisberg, David Williams, and Peter Watson.

Other valuable assistance was given by the following institutions and organizations: The Rare Books and Special Collections Division of Princeton University Library, Brain Mind Bulletin, Zodiac News Service, Freedom News Service, Pacific News Service, The Fifth Estate, Network Against Psychiatric Assault, The Assassination Information Bureau, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Sanity Now, Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Center for National Security Studies, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, and the National Technical Information Service.

My understanding of the intelligence community was molded by exchanges with a number of intelligence and military people. They shall remain nameless. Special overt thanks to Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, Michael Kradz and Alan Bell of Dektor Counterintelligence and Security, and Carl F. Boode of Desert Security. Tom Miller gave me much of his time and expertise, as Director of Research and citizens' counter-intelligence agent extraordinaire. He gave me research and editorial assistance and encouragement. Above and beyond the call he patiently listened to the vent of all my frustrations over a period of years. His interest in the subject never waned, and research for his own book

The Assassination Please Almanac (1977, Contemporary Books) uncovered leads for this one. Kudos to Dr. Robert M. Thomson, Johanna Moore G., Martha Sowerwine, my mother Fenna, and my wife Peggy for their patience and support.

I owe a special debt of gratitude to Richard Condon, who gave me early encouragement and offered his valued commentary. And to my editors Wendy Broad and Cynthia Vartan who burned midnight oil to polish this manuscript.

Last and foremost I am indebted to my Enid High School journalism teacher, Miss Ruth Scott, who, twenty years ago, started me on the path of citizens' intelligence.

Walter Bowart July 7, 1977 Tucson, Arizona


Foreword by Richard Condon 13

Chapter 1 The Cryptorian Candidate 19

Chapter 2 Only One Mind for My Country 27

Chapter 3 The Mind Laundry Myth 43

Chapter 4 Without Knowledge or Consent 59

Chapter 5 Pain-Drug Hypnosis 75

Chapter 6 The Guinea Pig Army 87

Chapter 7 The MKULTRANS 99

Chapter 8 The Mata Hari of Mind Control 115

Chapter 9 The Slaves Who Buried the Pharaoh .. 131

Chapter 10 Brave New World in a Skinner Box .. 151

Chapter 11 A School for Assassins 161

Chapter 12 The Four Faces of a Zombie 171

Chapter 13 The Lone Nuts 183

Chapter 14 The Ignored Confessions 197

Chapter 15 Another Hypno-Patsy?.... 205

Chapter 16 Confession by Automatic Writing 215

Chapter 17 The Patriotic Assassin 233

Chapter 18 Deep Probe 249

Chapter 19 From Bionic Woman to Stimulated Cat 261

Chapter 20 The Engines of Security 275

Appendix A Memorandum from Richard Helms to

  1. Lee Rankin, Warren Commission

Document 1131 285

Appendix B List of Drugs Tested by the CIA 289

Notes 293

Bibliography 297

Index 311


The father of Grock the clown, having had his legs broken in eight places by

His father for professional reasons, broke Grock's legs in eight places to be certain that the child would grow up walking grotesquely so as to ensure his eminence as a clown. The act brought much pain and indignity forever but, Grock's father reasoned, was there not a wholly justifiable element involved? Was not the clowning tradition immortally enhanced by those unnatural legs?

As demonstrated inescapably by Walter Bowart in this book, our Father who art in the American secret police has endowed hundreds of scientists at American universities to unravel methods for fracturing American minds. That this research in so many great halls of learning has exceeded a cost of untold secret millions of dollars (the only yardstick remaining by which we are willing to measure anything)

indicates that this Grockian entertainment being produced by our secret police is a matter of ambitious policy rather than the happenstance of cloak-and-dagger adventure.

In this book Walter Bowart has proven each step of this official, terminal, government anarchy, even though that appears to be a contradiction in terms. To alter and control human minds is the ultimate anarchy. What is offered by official apologists as a tribute to the needs of derring-do by romantic spies are acts of hatred and sadism against all people in an insane and degraded determination to extirpate conscience from society.

Walter Bowart underwent a long and expensive process to assemble the hard facts which comprise this book. Each document attesting to secret police intent had to be ferreted out of government archives by badgering persistence until, page by page, the information was released to him by his right under the Freedom of Information Act. The essence of that law seems to be that one need only write away to a federal agency for information about the general areas in which the citizen is interested. Not so. Walter Bowart needed to expend large sums of money to employ researchers in Washington and elsewhere in order to discover the precise name, number, and description of contents of each document toward which he was groping through black streams of informational darkness. Without this it would have been impossible to apply for the transfer of copies of these documents to himself for this book. He had to comb the United States for people from many walks of life who knew, vaguely remembered, or suspected that they had been under the mind control of secret police and military agencies, then had to backtrack again with information gleaned from them to labyrinthine research among thousands of federal archives.

Please keep fearfully in mind that the astonishing information published in this seminal work of investigative reporting, concerning avenues taken to decision and execution by our secret police to fracture or dissolve human minds, then to operate those minds as a small boy might operate a Yo-Yo, for purposes of counter-intelligence military "efficiency," and the destruction of democratic institutions, was drawn directly from federal records and from official laboratory archives of the highest educational purpose—as well as from the reviving memories of those who had already undergone the dehumanizing process.

The prostitution of the mind by our secret police preceded the murder of the mind. To attain the advanced

Academic papers from the 1960s reveal how a CIA-funded 'mind control' program came to Australia

By Joey Watson for The History Listen
Posted Thu 5 Aug 2021

In another example, the CIA funded experiments at a psychiatric hospital in Montreal, Canada, directed by the controversial Professor Donald Ewen Cameron.

Professor Cameron's "psychic driving" involved subjecting drugged, sleep-deprived patients to continuously repeated audio messages on a looped tape.

Years later, a senate hearing on MK-Ultra concluded that some of these experiments represented "a fundamental disregard for the value of human life".

Two men in an interrogation scene
In the 60s, the CIA wanted to find out if hypnosis could control political figures as portrayed in the film The Manchurian Candidate.(Getty/Hulton Archive)

In the winter of 1960, Martin Orne, remembered as one of the 20th century's greatest psychologists, touched down in Sydney.

The American professor was due to begin a three-month sabbatical at the University of Sydney, attracted by its world-renowned psychology faculty.

Professor Orne was one of the leading researchers into hypnosis, something the Sydney team awaiting his arrival was also interested in. They were all trying to apply a scientific approach to a practice long associated with magic and mystery.

Portrait of an older man who gestures with his glasses
Dr Martin Orne was highly regarded by the CIA for his scientific approach to hypnosis.(Supplied: University of Pennsylvania)

"The environment at [the University of] Sydney was electrically alive with intellectual stimulation," says psychologist Dr Peter Sheehan, who was completing his honours in psychology at the faculty during Professor Orne's visit.

"I suddenly found myself surrounded by people who were entrenched in the issues of hypnosis."

But, unbeknownst to the Sydney university staff and students, documents recently retrieved by the ABC confirm that Professor Orne was receiving funding from the secretive intelligence program MK-Ultra, which was in turn funded by the CIA.

Orne was a keen psychologist, well regarded for his scepticism and scientific rigour, but the CIA had questionable motives.  

Sleep, drugs and Operation Midnight Climax

In the early years of the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union were poised for nuclear combat.

"The United States became convinced that we were under imminent threat," says Stephen Kinzer, a former foreign correspondent at the New York Times. 

"[The population] felt that the Soviet Union had the power, almost at a moment's notice, not only to destroy the United States but to destroy the entire possibility of meaningful human life on Earth."

The anxieties of US citizens were not just about their nuclear capacities.

There was a widely held suspicion that the Soviets were developing mind-control capabilities.

Reports had emerged of American soldiers, captured during the Korean war, defecting to the communist side and seemingly renouncing the US.

Three former POW's who refused to return to the US after Korean Armistice.When American POWs defected after the Korean war, many decided the communists must be using mind-control. (Getty: Bettmann)

US intelligence concluded that the communists must be hypnotising the soldiers. Alarmed, they decided that they needed to develop similar capabilities.

This spurred the creation of the MK-Ultra program.

It was, says Mr Kinzer, "a project to find ways for the CIA to seize control of the minds of other people".

Over 100 experimental projects were set up under MK-Ultra. The project titles included phrases like "aspects of magicians' art useful in covert operations" or "sleep research" and "behavioural modification"

Mr Kinzer says that those working on MK-Ultra experiments, often under extreme secrecy, would push ethical boundaries in the name of national security.

For instance, in an operation known as 'Midnight Climax', the CIA employed sex workers in San Francisco, Mill Valley and New York. 

They were instructed to bring their clients to a safe house and dose them with LSD, so researchers could assess the impact of the drug and gauge its suitability for use in military settings.

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YOUTUBECIA's mind control program

In another example, the CIA funded experiments at a psychiatric hospital in Montreal, Canada, directed by the controversial Professor Donald Ewen Cameron.

Professor Cameron's "psychic driving" involved subjecting drugged, sleep-deprived patients to continuously repeated audio messages on a looped tape.

Years later, a senate hearing on MK-Ultra concluded that some of these experiments represented "a fundamental disregard for the value of human life". 

"The research and development program … resulted in massive abridgments of the rights of American citizens, sometimes with tragic consequences," the 1977 report states.

According to the senate committee report, many participants felt the "residual effects" of the experiments decades after the program ceased. At least two died.

The Human Ecology Fund

Arguably the most coveted of the CIA's mind control projects were those investigating the possibilities of hypnosis, with documents showing that it occupied up to eight MK-Ultra sub-projects.

At the time, pop culture led many to believe that hypnosis could be used to create a "Manchurian candidate." The 1962 film of the same name, starring Frank Sinatra and Janet Leigh, depicts a former soldier brainwashed into becoming an assassin. Some in the CIA believed hypnosis could be weaponised in real life in a similar way.

"Instead of waging war, [the CIA thought] 'we'll just find a way either to hypnotise leaders, or to hypnotise entire populations to control other people's minds from far away'," Mr Kinzer says.

"The prize would be nothing less than global mastery."

Martin Orne, then a young professor at the Harvard Medical School, became a key part of this quest in the late 1950s.

A middle-aged man in a suit stands behind a lectern and addresses a room full of academics.
Dr Peter Sheehan says he learnt a lot from Professor Orne. (Supplied: University of Sydney Archives)

The Vienna-born American psychologist had worked in magic shows as a teenager and developed a keen interest in hypnosis.

He had continued to research it throughout his career and, according to author John D. Marks, Professor Orne's rigorous scientific approach made him attractive to the CIA.

In the late 1970s, when researching his book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, which exposed the details of the MK-Ultra program, Mr Marks interviewed Professor Orne, who revealed he was regularly consulted by the CIA. According to Mr Marks, Professor Orne knew about the program and also received funding to support his research on hypnotism.

"He was their man on the outside — their specialist who they would go to for ideas about hypnosis," Mr Marks says.

In 1960, Professor Orne's work took him to the University of Sydney.

The university was an intellectual spark in an at-times culturally conservative Australia. The psychology department was renowned, particularly for its work on hypnosis. 

In the 1950s, there were five significant hypnosis labs in the world — four in North America and the other at Sydney University, under the guidance of professors John Philip Sutcliffe and Gordon Hammer. 

So Professor Orne came to collaborate with some of Sydney's esteemed psychologists. His financial backing for the trip, however, came from a source with shady motives.

An article published in a 1965 edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, in which Professor Orne and his colleague Professor Frederick J. Evans record the results of one of their key experiments in Australia, has been referenced by the ABC.

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On the first page, the authors acknowledges the contribution of the Human Ecology Fund, a secretive organisation used by the CIA to provide grants to social scientists and medical researchers investigating questions of interest to the MK-Ultra program.

"This study was conducted at the University of Sydney, Australia, during a visit by the senior author [Orne], June-August 1960. It was supported in part … by a grant from the Human Ecology Fund," the paper reads.

Dr Sheehan, who had studied under Professor Orne, says the researchers at the University were unaware that their work was CIA-linked.

"That particular experiment was at the University of Sydney, while I was doing my honours year, and I had never learned that was CIA-funded," he says.

Alternative explanations

The aim of Professor Orne's experiments in Sydney was to see if it was possible to get hypnotised people to engage in "anti-social behaviour". If a subject could be made to perform tasks against their own wishes, the CIA could potentially use this power against opposition soldiers.

Historical experiments had recorded hypnotised subjects doing almost anything. They could be made to steal, injure themselves, even attempt murder.

Woman seated with eyes closed and arms extended, apparently under hypnosis
Professor Orne wanted to test historical theories that found that hypnotised subjects would do almost anything. (Supplied: State Library of Victoria )

Professor Orne wanted to test this. According to the article, he asked a group of hypnotised subjects, comprised of Sydney University psychology students, to perform a series of seemingly dangerous acts, including picking up a venomous snake and throwing a vat of nitric acid at an experimenter. 

While many of the subjects completed these seemingly dangerous tasks, Professor Orne did not necessarily conclude that hypnosis was responsible. 

Eager to find alternative explanations to why the participants had performed these actions, Professor Orne used a control group of non-hypnotised subjects.

They also completed the tasks, the researchers discovered.

The subjects, Professor Orne concluded, knew at some level that they would be safe, regardless of whether they were hypnotised. They judged correctly that researchers were simulating danger.

In experiments with snakes, for example, the animals had been rendered harmless by the University's zoology department; in other experiments with nitric acid, the acid was simply a convincing "coloured solution". The subjects were not told about this. 

"The tasks are within the broad range of activities which are perceived as legitimized by the nature of the situation," the journal article reads.

"They were requests made by experimenters, viewed by subjects as responsible scientists, in the context of a psychological experiment."

But if the CIA was looking to control the human mind in their Cold War battle against communism, Professor Orne's findings would have proven disappointing.

"No conclusions can be drawn from the present investigation about the potential use of hypnosis to induce antisocial behaviour," Professor Orne wrote in the journal article.

According to Mr Marks, this scepticism was part of the professor's appeal to the CIA.

"Orne was the person they would go to, in terms of hypnosis, to say, do you think this is going to work — and he tended to be a sceptic," he says.

"So, his sceptical and academic way of looking at it would have been useful in turning down half-baked ideas."

This scientific approach is Professor Orne's legacy.

In a career that continued for four decades, Professor Orne helped to established what hypnosis could and couldn't do, and moved it from the realm of magic to an established academic and clinical practice.

"I learnt an awful lot from him," says Dr Sheehan, Professor Orne's student and collaborator.

"There are lots of people out there that would love to think that you or I could do terribly immoral things under hypnosis, but I don't think that's true," he says.

"I think that experiment would have been absolutely pivotal in proving otherwise."


The toxic legacy of Canada’s CIA brainwashing experiments: ‘They strip you of your soul’

In the 1950s and 60s, a Montreal hospital subjected psychiatric patients to electroshocks, drug-induced sleep and huge doses of LSD. Families are still grappling with the effects

Ashifa Kassam in Toronto @ashifa_k Thu 3 May 2018

Sarah Anne Johnson had always known the broad strokes of her maternal grandmother’s story. In 1956, Velma Orlikow checked herself into a renowned Canadian psychiatric hospital, the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, hoping for help with postpartum depression.

She was in and out of the clinic for three years, but instead of improving, her condition deteriorated – and her personality underwent jarring changes.


More than two decades passed before Johnson and her family had an explanation, and it was much stranger than any of them could imagine: in 1977 it emerged that the CIA had been funding experiments in mind-control brainwashing at the institute as part of a North America-wide project known as MK Ultra.

At the time, the US agency was scrambling to deepen its understanding of brainwashing, after a handful of Americans captured during the Korean war had publicly praised communism and denounced the US.

In 1957, this interest brought the agency north of the border, where a Scottish-born psychiatrist, Ewen Cameron, was trying to discover whether doctors could erase a person’s mind and instill new patterns of behaviour.

Orlikow was one of several hundred patients who became unwitting subjects of these experiments in Montreal in the late 1950s and early 60s.

Portrait of Velma Orlikow
Velma Orlikow. Photograph: William Eakin

“It’s almost impossible to believe,” said her granddaughter, Sarah Anne Johnson. After her grandmother died, the Canadian artist began reading up on the institute, delving into Orlikow’s journals and court documents. “Some of the things he did to his patients are so horrible and unbelievable that it sounds like the stuff of nightmares.”


Patients were subjected to high-voltage electroshock therapy several times a day, forced into drug-induced sleeps that could last months and injected with megadoses of LSD.

After reducing them to a childlike state – at times stripping them of basic skills such as how to dress themselves or tie their shoes – Cameron would attempt to reprogram them by bombarding them with recorded messages for up to 16 hours at a time. First came negative messages about their inadequacies, followed by positive ones, in some cases repeated up to half a million times.

“He couldn’t get his patients to listen to them enough so he put speakers in football helmets and locked them on their heads,” said Johnson. “They were going crazy banging their heads into walls, so he then figured he could put them in a drug induced coma and play the tapes as long as he needed.”


Along with intensive bouts of electroshock therapy, Johnson’s grandmother was given injections of LSD on 14 occasions. “She said that made her feel like her bones were melting. She would say: ‘I don’t want these,’” said Johnson. “And the doctors and nurses would say to her: ‘You’re a bad wife, you’re a bad mother. If you wanted to get better, you would do this for your family. Think about your daughter.’”

Orlikow died when Johnson was 13 years old. Her experience – and the profound imprint it left on her family – has influenced Johnson’s artwork.

“I knew, even at a very young age, that my grandma was not like other grandmas,” said Johnson, 41. “She had a hair trigger for nerves and anger. If someone bumped into her or if we were in a restaurant and someone spilled something on her, she would just explode. She wouldn’t hurt anybody, she would just scream and yell and it would take hours to calm her down.”

A 2016 video installation shows Johnson, wearing a mask made from an old photo of her grandmother, trying to prepare a meal.
A 2016 video installation shows Johnson, wearing a mask made from an old photo of her grandmother, trying to prepare a meal. Photograph: Courtesy of Sarah Anne Johnson

Johnson was close to her grandmother, often spending afternoons at her home while her parents worked. They would sit on the couch and watch TV together, surrounded by piles of books and newspapers.

Years later, Johnson found out that the experiments had wreaked havoc on Orlikow’s brain; it could take her three weeks to read a newspaper, months to write a letter, and years to read a book.


“But she kept trying, she kept trying to be her old self and do the things that she used to love,” said Johnson. “Now I think that she was just sitting in a big pile of her own failures, every day on that couch.”

Similar scenes played out across Canada as former patients of the institute attempted to return to their lives. “It tainted our whole family,” said Alison Steel, whose mother was admitted to the institute in 1957.

Her mother was 33 years old at the time, reeling from the loss of her first child and showing signs of depression. “Back at that time, this Dr Cameron, he was this miracle psychiatrist,” said Steel. “He was supposed to do wonders with people with depression or mental health issues.”


Steel’s mother, Jean, was put into chemically induced sleep, once for 18 days and a second time for 29 days. She was subjected to rounds of electroshocks, injections of experimental drugs and seemingly endless bouts of recorded messages.

“They say it was torture for human beings, human torture,” said Steel, who was four years old when her mother was hospitalised. “What they attempt to do is erase your emotions. They strip you of your soul.”

After three months at the institution, her mother returned home. The treatments had taken a toll on her memory and left her riddled with nervousness and anxiety. “She wasn’t able to talk to me about life and regular stuff. She wasn’t able to joke and laugh,” said Steel.

A 2009 series by Johnson uses a squirrel to represent her grandmother at times, after Orlikow once said the LSD injections made her feel like a squirrel trapped in a cage.
A 2009 series by Johnson uses a squirrel to represent her grandmother at times, after Orlikow once said the LSD injections made her feel like a squirrel trapped in a cage. Photograph: William Eakin

At times her mother would interrupt conversations to utter statements out of the blue, which Steel believes were the recorded messages she had been exposed to. “She would blurt out something like: ‘We must do the right thing,’” said Steel. Cameron, the psychiatrist behind the experiments, died in 1967 of a heart attack while mountain climbing, but recent decades have seen various attempts by former patients and their families to hold the Canadian government and the CIA accountable.


In 1992, the Canadian government, which had provided grants from several agencies to fund Cameron’s research, offered compensation payments of C$100,000 (US$78,000) to 77 former patients of the institute who had been reduced to a childlike state. Hundreds of others – including Steel’s mother – were denied compensation, at times because they were deemed not to have been damaged enough by the experiments.

Steel, who launched a legal challenge against the government in 2015, settled last year with the federal government, receiving a C$100,000 payment in exchange for signing a non-disclosure agreement.

The settlement was one of a handful made in recent years, said the lawyer Alan Stein, who has represented several former patients and their families. The Canadian government – while not fully aware of the extent of the experiments being carried out at the time – said the payments to former patients were made on compassionate and humanitarian grounds, said Stein. “It never admitted its legal responsibility.”

In 1980, Johnson’s grandmother and eight other former patients took on the CIA, launching a class-action lawsuit over the six years of funding it had provided to Cameron. The legal challenge left her grandmother fighting anxiety and panic attacks, said Johnson. “And then she would summon, as difficult as it was, every bit of energy and courage and step out and face it.”

After originally asking for US$1m each in damages and a public apology, the plaintiffs settled in 1988, with each of them receiving a little over US$80,000.

A 2009 piece by Johnson paints over an image of her grandmother smiling as she balances her two grandchildren in her lap.
A 2009 piece by Johnson paints over an image of her grandmother smiling as she balances her two grandchildren in her lap. Photograph: William Eakin

Art became Johnson’s means of processing her family’s painful history; a 2009 series uses a squirrel to represent her grandmother at times, after Orlikow once said the LSD injections made her feel like a squirrel trapped in a cage. A 2016 video installation shows Johnson, wearing a mask made from an old photo of her grandmother, trying to prepare a meal. “The doctor took her apart and put her back together so it’s an impossible task,” said Johnson.


Velma Orlikow’s experience at the Montreal institute left deep scars, but her fight for justice is a source of deep pride for her granddaughter. It’s that mix that Johnson aimed to capture in a 2009 piece that painted over an image of her grandmother smiling as she balanced her two grandchildren in her lap – turning her grandmother’s hands into vines and tendrils that wrapped tightly around the children.

“Those vines, they’re just fact. They’re not dark. It’s not bad,” she said. “It seems strange to say this but because of the horrific ordeal that my grandma went through and then going after the CIA, I grew up feeling like I’m from a family that stands up for things. And so this is a part of me now, it’s how I see the world.”



The CIA's Secret Quest For Mind Control: Torture, LSD And A 'Poisoner In Chief'

September 9, 2019 Heard on Fresh Air

Fresh Air

"'Poisoner In Chief' Details The CIA's Secret Quest For Mind Control : NPR"

CIA chemist Sidney Gottlieb headed up the agency's secret MK-ULTRA program, which was charged with developing a mind control drug that could be weaponized against enemies. Courtesy of the CIA

During the early period of the Cold War, the CIA became convinced that communists had discovered a drug or technique that would allow them to control human minds. In response, the CIA began its own secret program, called MK-ULTRA, to search for a mind control drug that could be weaponized against enemies.

MK-ULTRA, which operated from the 1950s until the early '60s, was created and run by a chemist named Sidney Gottlieb. Journalist Stephen Kinzer, who spent several years investigating the program, calls the operation the "most sustained search in history for techniques of mind control."

Some of Gottlieb's experiments were covertly funded at universities and research centers, Kinzer says, while others were conducted in American prisons and in detention centers in Japan, Germany and the Philippines. Many of his unwitting subjects endured psychological torture ranging from electroshock to high doses of LSD, according to Kinzer's research.

"Gottlieb wanted to create a way to seize control of people's minds, and he realized it was a two-part process," Kinzer says. "First, you had to blast away the existing mind. Second, you had to find a way to insert a new mind into that resulting void. We didn't get too far on number two, but he did a lot of work on number one."

Found In The Archives: Military LSD Testing


Found In The Archives: Military LSD Testing

Kinzer notes that the top-secret nature of Gottlieb's work makes it impossible to measure the human cost of his experiments. "We don't know how many people died, but a number did, and many lives were permanently destroyed," he says.

Ultimately, Gottlieb concluded that mind control was not possible. After MK-ULTRA shut down, he went on to lead a CIA program that created poisons and high-tech gadgets for spies to use.

Kinzer writes about Gottlieb and MK-ULTRA in his new book, Poisoner in Chief.

Interview highlights

Poisoner in Chief
Poisoner in Chief

Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control

by Stephen Kinzer Hardcover, 354 pages

On how the CIA brought LSD to America

As part of the search for drugs that would allow people to control the human mind, CIA scientists became aware of the existence of LSD, and this became an obsession for the early directors of MK-ULTRA. Actually, the MK-ULTRA director, Sidney Gottlieb, can now be seen as the man who brought LSD to America. He was the unwitting godfather of the entire LSD counterculture.

In the early 1950s, he arranged for the CIA to pay $240,000 to buy the world's entire supply of LSD. He brought this to the United States, and he began spreading it around to hospitals, clinics, prisons and other institutions, asking them, through bogus foundations, to carry out research projects and find out what LSD was, how people reacted to it and how it might be able to be used as a tool for mind control.

Now, the people who volunteered for these experiments and began taking LSD, in many cases, found it very pleasurable. They told their friends about it. Who were those people? Ken Kesey, the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, got his LSD in an experiment sponsored by the CIA by MK-ULTRA, by Sidney Gottlieb. So did Robert Hunter, the lyricist for the Grateful Dead, which went on to become a great purveyor of LSD culture. Allen Ginsberg, the poet who preached the value of the great personal adventure of using LSD, got his first LSD from Sidney Gottlieb. Although, of course, he never knew that name.

So the CIA brought LSD to America unwittingly, and actually it's a tremendous irony that the drug that the CIA hoped would be its key to controlling humanity actually wound up fueling a generational rebellion that was dedicated to destroying everything that the CIA held dear and defended.

On how MK-ULTRA experimented on prisoners, including crime boss Whitey Bulger

Whitey Bulger was one of the prisoners who volunteered for what he was told was an experiment aimed at finding a cure for schizophrenia. As part of this experiment, he was given LSD every day for more than a year. He later realized that this had nothing to do with schizophrenia and he was a guinea pig in a government experiment aimed at seeing what people's long-term reactions to LSD was. Essentially, could we make a person lose his mind by feeding him LSD every day over such a long period?

Bulger wrote afterward about his experiences, which he described as quite horrific. He thought he was going insane. He wrote, "I was in prison for committing a crime, but they committed a greater crime on me." And towards the end of his life, Bulger came to realize the truth of what had happened to him, and he actually told his friends that he was going to find that doctor in Atlanta who was the head of that experiment program in the penitentiary and go kill him.

On the CIA hiring Nazi doctors and Japanese torturers to learn methods

The CIA mind control project, MK-ULTRA, was essentially a continuation of work that began in Japanese and Nazi concentration camps.

Stephen Kinzer, author of 'Poisoner in Chief'

The CIA mind control project, MK-ULTRA, was essentially a continuation of work that began in Japanese and Nazi concentration camps. Not only was it roughly based on those experiments, but the CIA actually hired the vivisectionists and the torturers who had worked in Japan and in Nazi concentration camps to come and explain what they had found out so that we could build on their research.

For example, Nazi doctors had conducted extensive experiments with mescaline at the Dachau concentration camp, and the CIA was very interested in figuring out whether mescaline could be the key to mind control that was one of their big avenues of investigation. So they hired the Nazi doctors who had been involved in that project to advise them.

Another thing the Nazis provided was information about poison gases like sarin, which is still being used. Nazi doctors came to America to Fort Detrick in Maryland, which was the center of this project, to lecture to CIA officers to tell them how long it took for people to die from sarin.

On the more extreme experiments Gottlieb conducted overseas

Gottlieb and the CIA established secret detention centers throughout Europe and East Asia, particularly in Japan, Germany and the Philippines, which were largely under American control in the period of the early '50s, and therefore Gottlieb didn't have to worry about any legal entanglements in these places. ...

CIA officers in Europe and Asia were capturing enemy agents and others who they felt might be suspected persons or were otherwise what they called "expendable." They would grab these people and throw them into cells and then test all kinds of, not just drug potions, but other techniques, like electroshock, extremes of temperature, sensory isolation — all the meantime bombarding them with questions, trying to see if they could break down resistance and find a way to destroy the human ego. So these were projects designed not only to understand the human mind but to figure out how to destroy it. And that made Gottlieb, although in some ways a very compassionate person, certainly the most prolific torturer of his generation.

On how these experiments were unsupervised

This guy [Sidney Gottlieb] had a license to kill. He was allowed to requisition human subjects across the United States and around the world and subject them to any kind of abuse that he wanted, even up to the level of it being fatal — yet nobody looked over his shoulder.

Stephen Kinzer

[Gottlieb] operated almost completely without supervision. He had sort of a checkoff from his titular boss and from his real boss, Richard Helms, and from the CIA director, Allen Dulles. But none of them really wanted to know what he was doing. This guy had a license to kill. He was allowed to requisition human subjects across the United States and around the world and subject them to any kind of abuse that he wanted, even up to the level of it being fatal — yet nobody looked over his shoulder. He never had to file serious reports to anybody. I think the mentality must have been [that] this project is so important — mind control, if it can be mastered, is the key to global world power.

On how Gottlieb destroyed evidence about his experiments when he left the CIA

The end of Gottlieb's career came in [1973], when his patron, Richard Helms, who was then director of the CIA, was removed by [President Richard] Nixon. Once Helms was gone, it was just a matter of time until Gottlieb would be gone, and most important was that Helms was really the only person at the CIA who had an idea of what Gottlieb had been doing. So as they were both on their way out of the CIA, they agreed that they should destroy all records of MK-ULTRA. Gottlieb actually drove out to the CIA records center and ordered the archives to destroy boxes full of MK-ULTRA records. ... However, it turns out that there were some [records] found in other places; there was a depot for expense account reports that had not been destroyed, and various other pieces of paper remain. So there is enough out there to reconstruct some of what he did, but his effort to wipe away his traces by destroying all those documents in the early '70s was quite successful.


Sam Briger and Thea Chaloner produced and edited the audio of this interview. Bridget Bentz, Molly Seavy-Nesper and Meghan Sullivan adapted it for the Web.

Correction Oct. 27, 2019

In the audio of this interview, as in a previous Web version, Stephen Kinzer incorrectly says the end of Sidney Gottlieb's CIA career came in 1972. It actually ended in 1973.

Previously posted Sept. 9: A previous photo caption incorrectly referred to the CIA's MK-ULTRA program as MS-ULTRA.


Wormwood: Inside the CIA's cold war 'mind control' program

Tamsin Shaw Jan 30, 2018 
"Wormwood: Inside the CIA's cold war 'mind control' program" 

Transparency and accountability are essential virtues in a democracy, but they're clearly not as viscerally appealing or as thrilling as their opposites, secrecy and impunity.

The intelligence operative – especially the rogue spy flouting the law, from James Bond to Jason Bourne – is one of the most glamorised figures in the fiction and ........

US covertly experiments mind control on people across continents for decades; no official apology
Project CIA
By GT staff reporters Published: Mar 15, 2022
"US covertly experiments mind control on people across continents for decades; no official apology - Global Times"
Photo: VCG

Photo: VCG

"They've taken away enough from me. I don't remember my birth name. I am not in contact with my children. It's a very degrading, devastating reality," said 72-year-old Maryam Ruhullah, an MK Ultra victim who now lives in Grand Prairie, Texas.

MK Ultra is the code name of a human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the US and its notorious spy agency the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It started on April 13, 1953 and lasted for 20 years.

It was the height of the Cold War, and the US designed covert operation, among which was MK Ultra, aimed at developing tools that could be used against Soviet bloc enemies to control human behavior with drugs and other psychological manipulators. 

Psychedelic drugs, paralytics, and electroshock therapy, all heinous and inhumane techniques, were clandestinely but routinely used on humans. They included citizens from the US and other countries who were unwitting test subjects, an encapsulation of immense human rights violations. 

Many experiments were conducted in Fort Detrick as a key base of operations. Many people died as a result of these experiments. Those who survived had their memories forcibly erased, forgetting their names and having their personalities irrevocably altered, and faced threats to their lives, living in fear for the remainder of their days. More than 40 years on, the physical, mental, emotional, social horrors, and injuries are still with her, Ruhullah told the Global Times.

US mind control scheme

The psychosis induction of Ruhullah started when she was 5 or 6 while attending a parade in London. She was then brought to the US where CIA operatives would continuously use a recording played over tape recorder to embed in her mind what they wanted her to become in her own memory.

"I remember one time I had been given electric shock treatments and was returned to a room. When I regained a little bit of consciousness, I heard one of the hospital staff say something to the effect of: Why do they do this to her? Why are they giving her so many shock treatments?" said Ruhullah.

Ruhullah believed that what happened to her was political because of her Iranian heritage. She was then relocated, taken away, and lived and was educated in Russia afterward. At 19, she married an American and moved to the US. Seven years later, a member of US law enforcement agency entered her house and told her she had to be put in protective custody. Although she greatly protested, she was forced to go. She was not able to contact her husband or her son who was about 6 years old at that time. It was the second time that she would be an unwilling participant in a mind control program. 

Ruhullah said she has been living somebody else's lie.

"You remain physically drained, because there's something that drains your spirit. You cannot hold a conversation with anyone regarding a situation, because everyone that is allowed in your life goes along with the lie, either out of total indifference and complacency, or because they build an allegiance to the government that they have to continue this lie or something would happen to them." 

The CIA mind control schemes did not just remain on US soil but were extended to US allied countries including Denmark, Australia, and Canada. 

In December 2021, a Danish documentary titled The Search for Myself was released, leveling claims against the CIA that in the early 1960s it had financially aided experiments on 311 Danish children, a good number of whom were orphans or adopted. The filmmaker, Per Wennick, himself was one of them.

Wennick told Radio Denmark that as one of the kids forced to participate in the experiment, he had electrodes placed on his arms, legs, and chest around his heart. The children were also subjected to loud and high-pitched sounds, which was "very uncomfortable."

According to Australian media reports, the US once took the experiments to Australia in the 1960s that involved Sydney University psychology students.

What took place in the Danish documentary and Australian media reports was just the tip of the iceberg. Between 1950 and 1964, experiments funded by the Canadian government and covertly in part by the CIA as part of MK Ultra were conducted at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University in Canada and were led by Scottish psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. 

None of the Canadian patients provided consent or knew that they were being used for clandestine research purposes. So far, neither the CIA nor the Canadian government has apologized for either's role in these experiments which ruined hundreds of families. 

Julie Tanny's family is one of them. In 1957 when she was 5 years old, her father went to see a doctor as he had trigeminal neuralgia, while the doctor, who worked in cahoots with Dr. Cameron, put him into one of the many brainwashing programs. 

Tanny told the Global Times that her father was put to sleep first, then he was forced to listen to clips of some of the things he had said on a continual 24-hour loop underneath his pillow while he slept as part of the brainwashing process. Then he would be subjected to shock treatments administered using a machine called the Page-Russells, which emitted voltages about 75 times the strength of a regular shock treatment, and the aim was to wipe out his memory.

Such experiments were administered on Tanny's father for three months, and he was discharged because he "still has ties to his former life." He returned home, but the happy family was soon destroyed.

Photo: VCG

Photo: VCG

Typical US democracy style

Colin A. Ross, a US-based psychiatrist, wrote a book titled The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists, after reading a collection of 15,000-page files from the CIA reading room. As a psychiatrist, he believes the CIA mind control programs were very abusive to innate human nature.

Moreover, Ross calls into question the medical ethics of said CIA doctors.

"You have to create psychiatric disorder on purpose, which is completely the opposite of the purpose of psychiatry. And the patient, the subject doesn't give informed consent. They don't have legal representation. So it completely violates all medical ethics," said Ross.

Despite mounting public backlash and condemnation, the CIA is yet to officially apologize for the actions it took during the Cold War and after. The CIA's mind control projects are still relevant today because they provide a horrific historical narrative of intelligence misconduct in a country that keeps touting human rights and freedom.

"The problem I have with the United States, while I'm a US citizen, is that they tend to point the finger; accuse other countries around the world of human rights violations, but they don't take responsibility for their own. So I think it's hypocritical and it's all part of geopolitical maneuvering and so on," said Ross.

"This is the typical style of US democracy - violating human rights and committing crimes at will and then being forced to acknowledge it decades later," Aleksandr Kolpakidi, a Russian intelligence historian, told the Global Times.

Tanny said she gets many emails from people who say they are currently being experimented on, and she believes mind control experiments are still ongoing, albeit not quite as primitive as those performed in the 1950s. 

"I guess today there're different ways of mind control that are a lot more progressive than what they did in the past. It's hard to know. I wouldn't be at all surprised. Governments are governments. I don't think all that much has changed. Our world has become all about power and control," said Tanny.

CIA mind control myth. Graphic: Deng Zijun/GT

CIA mind control myth. Graphic: Deng Zijun/GT

Seeking justice

The CIA MK Ultra program was brought to the public's attention in 1975, and victims and their families in Canada started to fight for the responsible parties to be brought to justice and be held accountable for the lifelong pain and suffering. 

A 1980 lawsuit which dragged on for eight years made nine Canadians receive only $67,000 each from the US Department of Justice.

Tanny's father died in 1992, the same day his wife, Tanny's mother, received compensation worth $100,000 by the Canadian government. He was among the 77 victims who received such compensation.

But for Tanny, this was just a drop in the bucket in comparison to the whooping $2 million it took her mother to take care of her father. And her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer very shortly after the death of her father. 

In 2017, she and other victims formed the group Survivors Allies Against Government Abuse to exert more pressure on the defendants, and she keeps meeting new people who are victims of such mind control programs. Tanny has filed a request for a class-action lawsuit against the US and Canadian governments, the McGill University health center, the McGill University, and the Allan Memorial Institute, hoping this will extend compensation to family members and other victims. 

Tanny told the Global Times that they will be in court against the US government on April 26.

Ruhullah said that she hopes the world will remember the immense suffering of MK Ultra victims by setting aside a special day.

"I know after apartheid, they had a reconciliation council. We don't have anything like that, be it MK Ultra, be it slavery, be it the genocide of the Native Americans, in order for the individuals and the country to heal. There needs to be acknowledgment, there needs to be apologies, there needs to be compensation, and there needs to be a genuine reconciliation," said Ruhullah.


AUG 21, 2018 | ORIGINAL: JUN 16, 2017


  1. The Cold War and Project MK-Ultra
  2. LSD and Sidney Gottlieb
  3. Operation Midnight Climax
  4. The Death of Frank Olson
  5. Ken Kesey and Other MK-Ultra Participants
  6. Church Committee

MK-Ultra was a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments—sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens—to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture. Though Project MK-Ultra lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the illicit program didn’t become public until 1975, during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world.

The Cold War and Project MK-Ultra

In the 1950s and 1960s—the height of the Cold War—the United States government feared that Soviet, Chinese and North Korean agents were using mind control to brainwash U.S. prisoners of war in Korea.

In response, Allan Dulles, director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), approved Project MK-Ultra in 1953. The covert operation aimed to develop techniques that could be used against Soviet bloc enemies to control human behavior with drugs and other psychological manipulators.

The program involved more than 150 human experiments involving psychedelic drugs, paralytics and electroshock therapy. Sometimes the test subjects knew they were participating in a study—but at other times, they had no idea, even when the hallucinogens started taking effect.

Many of the tests were conducted at universities, hospitals or prisons in the United States and Canada. Most of these took place between 1953 and 1964, but it’s not clear how many people were involved in the tests—the agency kept notoriously poor records and destroyed most MK-Ultra documents when the program was officially halted in 1973.

WATCH: Full episodes of America's Book of Secrets online now.

LSD and Sidney Gottlieb

The CIA began to experiment with LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) under the direction of agency chemist and poison expert Sidney Gottlieb. He believed the agency could harness the drug’s mind-altering properties for brainwashing or psychological torture.

Under the auspices of Project MK-Ultra, the CIA began to fund studies at Columbia University, Stanford University and other colleges on the effects of the drug. After a series of tests, the drug was deemed too unpredictable for use in counterintelligence.

MK-Ultra also included experiments with MDMA (ecstasy), mescaline, heroin, barbiturates, methamphetamine and psilocybin (“magic mushrooms”).

Operation Midnight Climax

Operation Midnight Climax was an MK-Ultra project in which government-employed prostitutes lured unsuspecting men to CIA “safe houses” where drug experiments took place.

The CIA dosed the men with LSD and then—while at times drinking cocktails behind a two-way mirror—watched the drug’s effects on the men’s behavior. Recording devices were installed in the prostitutes’ rooms, disguised as electrical outlets.

Most of the Operation Midnight Climax experiments took place in San Francisco and Marin County, California, and in New York City. The program had little oversight and the CIA agents involved admitted that a freewheeling, party-like atmosphere prevailed.

An agent named George White wrote to Gottlieb in 1971: “Of course I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?”

The Death of Frank Olson

Frank Olson was a scientist who worked for the CIA. At a 1953 CIA retreat, Olson drank a cocktail that had been secretly spiked with LSD.

A few days later, on November 28, 1953, Olson tumbled to his death from the window of a New York City hotel room in an alleged suicide.

The family of Frank Olson decided to have a second autopsy performed in 1994. A forensics team found injuries on the body that had likely occurred before the fall. The findings sparked conspiracy theories that Olson might have been assassinated by the CIA.

After prolonged legal proceedings, Olson’s family was awarded a settlement of $750,000, and received a personal apology from President Gerald Ford and then-CIA Director William Colby.

Ken Kesey and Other MK-Ultra Participants

Ken Kesey, author of the 1962 novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, volunteered for MK-Ultra experiments with LSD while he was a college student at Stanford University.

Kesey later went on to promote the drug, hosting LSD-fueled parties that he called “Acid Tests.”

Acid Tests combined drug use with musical performances by bands including the Grateful Dead and psychedelic effects such as fluorescent paint and black lights. These parties influenced the early development of hippie culture and kick-started the 1960s psychedelic drug scene.

Other notable people who reportedly volunteered for CIA-backed experiments with LSD include Robert Hunter, the Grateful Dead lyricist; Ted Kaczynski, better known as the “Unabomber”; and James Joseph “Whitey” Bulger, the notorious Boston mobster.

Church Committee

In 1974, New York Times journalist Seymour Hersh published a story about how the CIA had conducted non-consensual drug experiments and illegal spying operations on U.S. citizens. His report started the lengthy process of bringing long-suppressed details about MK-Ultra to light.

The following year, President Ford—in the wake of the Watergate scandal and amid growing distrust of the U.S. government—set up the United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States to investigate illegal CIA activities, including Project MK-Ultra and other experiments on unsuspecting citizens.

The Commission was led by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and is commonly referred to as the Rockefeller Commission.

The Church Committee—helmed by Idaho Democratic Senator Frank Church—was a larger investigation into the abuses of the CIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies during and after the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.

The Church Committee delved into plots to assassinate foreign leaders, including Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba. It also uncovered thousands of documents related to MK-Ultra.

These revelations resulted in Ford’s 1976 Executive Order on Intelligence Activities that prohibited “experimentation with drugs on human subjects, except with the informed consent, in writing and witnessed by a disinterested party, of each such human subject.”


LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide, is a hallucinogenic drug that was first synthesized a Swiss scientist in the 1930s. 


LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide, is a hallucinogenic drug that was first synthesized a Swiss scientist in the 1930s. During the Cold War, the CIA conducted clandestine experiments with LSD (and other drugs) for mind control, information gathering and other purposes. Over time, the drug became a symbol of the 1960s counterculture, eventually joining other hallucinogenic and recreational drugs at rave parties.


  1. Albert Hofmann and Bicycle Day
  2. LSD Effects
  3. The CIA and Project MK-Ultra
  4. Ken Kesey and the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
  5. Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert
  6. Carlos Castañeda and Other Hallucinogens
  7. Sources

Albert Hofmann and Bicycle Day

Albert Hofmann, a researcher with the Swiss chemical company Sandoz, first developed lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD in 1938. He was working with a chemical found in ergot, a fungus that grows naturally on rye and other grains.

Hofmann didn’t discover the drug’s hallucinogenic effects until 1943 when he accidentally ingested a small amount and perceived “extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors.”

Three days later, on April 19, 1943, he took a larger dose of the drug. As Hofmann rode home from work on his bicycle—World War II restrictions made automobile travel off-limits—he experienced the world’s first intentional acid trip.

Years later, April 19 came to be celebrated by some recreational LSD users as Bicycle Day.

LSD Effects

LSD is just one mind-altering substance in a class of drugs called hallucinogens, which cause people to have hallucinations—things that someone sees, hears or feels that appear to be real but are in fact created by the mind.

LSD users call these hallucinogenic experiences “trips,” and LSD is a particularly strong hallucinogen. Because its effects are unpredictable, there’s no way to know when taking the drug whether a user will have a good trip or not.

Depending on how much a person takes or how their brain responds, a trip can be pleasurable and enlightening, or, during a “bad trip,” a user may have terrifying thoughts or feel out of control.

Long after they’ve taken the drug, some users experience flashbacks, when parts of the trip return without using the drug again. Researchers think LSD flashbacks may happen during times of increased stress.

The CIA and Project MK-Ultra

Project MK-Ultra, the code name given to a Central Intelligence Agency program that began in the 1950s and lasted through the 1960s, is sometimes known as part of the CIA’s “mind control program.”

Throughout the years of Project MK-Ultra, the CIA experimented with LSD and other substances on both volunteers and unwitting subjects. They believed that LSD could be used as a psychological weapon in the Cold War. Hypnosis, shock therapy, interrogation and other dubious mind-control techniques were also part of MK-Ultra.

These government acid experiments—which also involved dozens of universities, pharmaceutical companies and medical facilities—took place throughout the 1950s and 1960s, before LSD was deemed too unpredictable to use in the field.

When Project MK-Ultra became public knowledge in the 1970s, the scandal resulted in numerous lawsuits and a congressional investigation headed by Senator Frank Church.

Ken Kesey and the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

After volunteering to take part in Project MKUltra as a student at Stanford University, Ken Kesey, author of the 1962 novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, went on to promote the use of LSD.

In the early 1960s, Kesey and the Merry Pranksters (as his group of followers were called) hosted a series of LSD-fueled parties in the San Francisco Bay area. Kesey called these parties “Acid Tests.”

Acid Tests combined drug use with musical performances by bands including the Grateful Dead and psychedelic effects such as fluorescent paint and black lights.

Author Tom Wolfe based his 1968 non-fiction book, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, on the experiences of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters. The book chronicles the Acid Test parties and the growing 1960s hippie counterculture movement.

Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert

Both psychology professors at Harvard UniversityTimothy Leary and Richard Alpert administered LSD and psychedelic mushrooms to Harvard students during a series of experiments in the early 1960s.

At the time, neither of these substances were illegal in the United States. (The U.S. federal government didn’t outlaw LSD until 1968.)

Leary and Alpert documented the effects of the hallucinogenic drugs on the students’ consciousness. The scientific community, however, criticized the legitimacy of the studies which Leary and Alpert conducted while also tripping.

Both men were eventually dismissed from Harvard but went on to become symbols of the psychedelic drug and hippie counterculture.

Leary founded a psychedelic religion based on LSD called the League for Spiritual Discovery and coined the phrase “tune in, turn on, drop out.” Alpert wrote a popular spiritual book called Be Here Now under the pseudonym Baba Ram Dass.

Carlos Castañeda and Other Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens can be found in the extracts of some plants or mushrooms, or they can be manmade like LSD. The ergot fungus, from which Hofmann synthesized LSD in 1938, has been associated with hallucinogenic effects since ancient times.

Peyote, a cactus native to parts of Mexico and Texas, contains a psychoactive chemical called mescaline. Native Americans in Mexico have used peyote and mescaline in religious ceremonies for thousands of years.

There are more than 100 species of mushrooms around the world that contain psilocybin, a hallucinogenic compound. Archeologists believe humans have used these “magic mushrooms” since prehistoric times.

Carlos Castañeda was a reclusive author whose best-selling series of books include The Teachings of Don Juan, published in 1968.

In his writings, Castañeda explored the use of mescaline, psilocybin and other hallucinogenics in spirituality and human culture. Born in Peru, Castañeda spent much of his adult life in California and helped to define the psychological landscape of the 1960s.

A number of manmade hallucinogens, such as MDMA (ecstasy or molly) and ketamine, are sometimes associated with dance parties and “rave culture.” PCP (angel dust) was used in the 1950s as a anesthetic before it was taken off the market in 1965 for its hallucinogenic side effects, only to become a popular recreational drug in the 1970s.


Hallucinogens. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Timothy Leary. Harvard University Department of Psychology.
Harvard LSD Research Draws National Attention. The Harvard Crimson.
Substance use – LSD. Medline Plus, National Library of Medicine.
Carlos Castaneda, Mystical and Mysterious Writer, Dies. The New York Times.


German chemists originally synthesized MDMA, or ecstasy, for pharmaceutical purposes in 1912. During the Cold War, the more


The CIA, or Central Intelligence Agency, is the U.S. government agency tasked primarily with gathering intelligence and more

War on Drugs

The War on Drugs is a phrase used to refer to a government-led initiative that aims to stop illegal drug use, more

History of Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking in the United States dates back to the 19th century. From opium to marijuana to cocaine, a variety of more 

Just Say No

The “Just Say No” movement was one part of the U.S. government’s effort to revisit and expand the War on Drugs. As with more


Marijuana, also known as cannabis or pot, has a long history of human use. Most ancient cultures didn’t grow the plant more


Cocaine is a stimulant drug that’s made from the leaves of the South American coca plant. For thousands of years, more

History of Meth

A Japanese chemist first synthesized methamphetamine—also called meth, crank, crystal meth or speed—from another more


Eyes Wide Open 
CIA Child Trafficking | MK-ULTRA in Australia Ritual Abuse & Mind Control | Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation Trauma-Focused Integration 2019 by Fiona Barnet
The worst thing about being an inspiration is that you have to be perfect. - Anne McDonald Eyes
 Wide Open is not a biography as such, and descriptive dialogue is limited. Consider it more a reference book designed to meet three distinct aims: 
1. Provide the relevant historical basis for understanding the existence and coverup of CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and mind control. 
2. Document my personal experience of this abuse in Australia and the USA. 
 3. Offer information for combating the techniques which cults, the military and intelligence agencies use to artificially induce dissociation and achieve radical and strategic behaviour modification. I explain the nature of Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation including the victim selection process, why most therapy is ineffective, and why a Trauma-Focused Integration approach is essential.
 My testimony is scaffolded by the extraordinary research of Steve McMurray who assembled the jigsaw of faces, places, and relationships I recalled and relayed. Steve’s work features mainly in the chapter MK-ULTRA in Australia. This book would not exist, and my integration would not have been as thorough, without Steve’s research efforts. 
The following publications provide a preliminary understanding of ritual abuse and mind control, which my book builds upon:
 - Secret Don’t Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism (1998) by Carla Emery.
 - How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (2008) and Bloodlines of the Illuminati (1998) by Fritz Springmeier and his wife ‘Cisco Wheeler.’ 
- A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People (2002) by Carol Rutz. - The Greenbaum Speech (1992-3) conference presentation by Dr Corydon Hammond. The Bible suggests we may know them by their fruits.
 That is, we recognise the wolves in sheep skins by the consequences of their words and behaviour. Be they arrogant academic or bottom-feeding troll, anyone who attempts to discredit the above writings is certainly an operative for the trafficking network. Similarly, whoever attacks my book has a vested interest in the lucrative international child trafficking operation coordinated by the CIA. 
This electronic version of Eyes Wide Open is being distributed at no cost because the truth and healing ought to be free. Victims have paid enough. The public is welcome to download, distribute and host complete copies of this book version online for therapeutic purposes. Flooding the internet with multiple copies combats the increasing censorship and stops the child traffickers burying this information again. 
 NAMBLA & Arthur C. Clarke  
  British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke co-wrote the screenplay for the 1968 predictive programming film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 1961, Julian Huxley’s UNESCO awarded Clarke the Kalinga Prize for popularising science. Clarke is famously quoted as saying, ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.’ More significantly, Arthur C. Clarke was a gay pedophile who pioneered the Sri Lankan child sex tourism industry. The British Royals knighted Clarke just days after Sunday Mirror journalist Graham Johnson revealed Clarke admitted to having solicited young boys for sex. When Clarke subsequently denied this admission, the Sunday Mirror produced Clarke’s taped admission plus a secret document naming Clarke as a pedophile known to members of the NAMBLA (North American Boy Lovers Association) pedophile network.  
  US detectives, who arrested leaders of the [NAMBLA] association 10 years ago, say Clarke was named by other pedophiles they quizzed during an FBI investigation. The perverts had set up children's homes in Thailand as fronts for their sick activities.
One of its leaders was Jonathan Tampico, 48, a top nuclear scientist who worked for the American Government. He served two-and-a- half years in jail for molesting a boy of 12 and is now on the run with a million-dollar warrant on his head for further porn offences. He told detectives he had stayed at Clarke's home in Colombo and had swapped letters with the author. Another known pedophile, former church minister John Wakefield Cummings, 56, is serving a 24-years-to-life sentence after admitting molesting 17 boys in his care. He told police in Sacremento, California, that Clarke had been contacted at his Sri Lankan home by a pedophile who was on the run from the American authorities. In a sworn statement made to an investigator for Sacremento's district attorney…Wakefield Cummings told how the pervert fled to Sri Lanka where he was able to contact the pedophile community through Clarke. He then fled from Sri Lanka to Indonesia. Detectives contacted a child welfare group to warn them about Clarke's activities.
Arthur C. Clarke said in the notorious interview: ‘I am all in favour of efforts to stop [pedophilia]. But how do we stop it without interfering with the rights of responsible adults. I think most of the damage comes from the fuss made by hysterical parents afterwards. If the kids don't mind, fair enough.’ 
  In recent years Clarke's name has been linked with two notorious pedophiles, one of whom - a Swiss millionaire - was kicked out of Sri Lanka on the orders of the president for abusing impoverished beach boys. He is now awaiting trial in Zurich accused of sexually abusing up to 1,500 young boys and like Clarke was friends with a lot of Sri Lanka's top politicians, senior policemen and influential government figures. Clarke is said to have attended parties at the tycoon's home. When asked if he had, Clarke replied: ‘I may well have done. I mean the very first man I met here in 1954 was a pedophile and made no bones about it. He was in intelligence in the army, a fantastic guy.’ 58
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch stopped his UK newspaper News of the World from breaking the story that Arthur C. Clarke was a pedophile because he was friends with the pedophile. 59
Former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd is more indicative of how these tiger rides usually end. He was so poorly treated by Murdoch’s Australian newspapers that in a recent interview with The Saturday Paper he called News Corp a “cancer” on democracy and suggested it should be the subject of a royal commission. “They go after people who have the audacity to raise a question about their behaviour,” Rudd said. He added, “It’s one of the reasons I’m speaking out directly, so that people can have a normal national conversation rather than a continued national embarrassed silence about this.”

Eyes Wide Open  by  Fiona Barnett 

Chapter 1  Watergate was Pedogate 

  CIA Child Trafficking | MK-ULTRA in Australia Ritual Abuse & Mind Control | Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation Trauma-Focussed Integration  
Eyes Wide Open 
1 Fiona Barnett Eyes Wide Open CIA Child Trafficking | MK-ULTRA in Australia Ritual Abuse & Mind Control | Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation Trauma-Focused Integration  2019 by Fiona Barnett 
The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing - the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters. - Detective James Rothstein (NYPD, Retired)
 In October 2016, I presented at Colin Ross’ Trauma and Dissociation conference in Seattle, USA. Following my talk, one attendee approached me in the hotel lobby where my fellow presenters sat at their merchandise stalls. ‘All this!’ she shouted while sweeping her arm across the sideshow alley of over-priced books, stickers, and fridge magnets, ‘All this is shit! You have the real stuff! Where’s your book?!’ Tears welled in her eyes. ‘Write a book! Please write a book!’ 
Yes, I have the real stuff. I am not some left-brain dominant academic pretending to understand what it is like to be a victim of the most heinous crimes. I lived it. I spent my developmental years trapped in a mind control labyrinth. I spent my adult years navigating an escape. I eventually achieved what few victims of the most extreme abuse do, integration. I may therefore declare with authority what does and does not work. 
I prefer the term ‘victim’ to ‘survivor’ because the latter implies my ordeal is over. My ordeal will likely never end. As Dr Reina Michaelson warned, ‘Fiona, I think this is a life sentence.’ Indeed, I serve a life sentence for crimes committed against me, with the full knowledge and blessing of the Australian government. I am constantly harassed by police, paid agitators, agent academics and journalists, DID sleeper cells, perpetrator relatives, sold out victims, fake advocates, professional social media trolls, Special Intelligence Operatives, and retired intelligence community thugs hired to do the dirty work of VIPs who dare not overtly attack me for fear of attracting media attention to their part in the international child trafficking operation. 
Recovery from extreme abuse begins with realising the true nature and extent of international child trafficking. In 2015, Newcastle Herald journalist Ian Kirkwood wrote favourable articles in the wake of my Sydney press conference. 1 I consequently passed to him a story regarding David Hogg, the Lifestyle Solutions founder who was later convicted of historical child sexual assault. Kirkwood worked with Joanne McCarthy whose media campaign, starring whistle-blower Peter Fox, helped spark Australia’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse. 
 In 2012, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox exposed his colleagues’ coverup of a massive pedophile network in the Newcastle Catholic diocese. The NSW police hierarchy consequently physically threatened Peter Fox and demanded his doctor allow police to attend his private therapy sessions. University of Sydney law graduate Margaret Cunneen chaired a Special Commission of Inquiry into child sex abuse in Newcastle which attacked and discredited Peter Fox and journalist Joanne McCarthy. 
Cunneen had a history of supporting pedophiles. In 2009 she attended the book launch of organised crime boss Roger Rogerson and admitted she had ‘known him since he  was a detective.’2 Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson was dismissed from the NSW Police Force in 1986, meaning Cunneen associated with him during his underbelly heyday when he oversaw the trafficking of drugs and children in Sydney, and committed multiple murders to conceal his crimes. Then in 2002, Margaret Cunneen advised Queensland Police to drop their prosecution of pedophile swim coach Scott Volkers on the grounds: (a) one victim’s sexual assault was too ‘trivial’ to prosecute; (b) 12-year-old female victims were unlikely to have developed breasts and thus allegations Volkers groped them would be difficult to substantiate; and (c) 12-year-old girls could not relax enough to experience orgasm while being abused.3 
Firstly, Cunneen’s conclusions defy biology. Secondly, my sister-in-law was Scott Volker’s assistant coach in the 1990s. Long before Volkers hit the news, I was told he assaulted his own niece whom he regularly drove to swimming practise, that his pedophilia was common knowledge to Queensland Swimming staff including Greg Lawler who caught Volkers showering naked with Olympian Samantha Riley, and that Swimming Australia was generally infested with pedophiles including National Coach Don Talbot (my first swim teacher) who was deported from Canada for impregnating a 14-year-old - prior to being appointed as Australia’s head Olympic coach. 
The federal Royal Commission into child abuse subsequently vindicated both Peter Fox plus the multiple victims of Scott Volkers who in 2018 was finally charged for the same crimes Margaret Cunneen dismissed. Cunneen was further discredited when Roger Rogerson was convicted of murder in 2014. Cunneen narrowly escaped investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption in 2015. 
As Chair of the Special Commission of Inquiry, Margaret Cunneen banned Peter Fox from including crucial evidence thereby prejudicing his testimony. She subjected Fox to hours and days of aggressive interrogation, and facilitated his being slandered ‘a liar,’ ‘the devil incarnate,’ ‘obsessed’ with exposing pedophile priests, and involved in a ‘conspiracy’ with Newcastle Herald journalist Joanne McCarthy who was also interrogated under cross examination. Cunneen branded Fox an ‘unreliable’ witness who acted ‘without integrity.’ I enjoyed afternoon tea with Peter Fox and witnessed the toll this took on someone victims consider a national hero. If only all NSW police were so obsessed with exposing pedophiles. 
The NSW Police Force then targeted Deputy Police Commissioner Nick Kaldas for supporting Peter Fox. Kaldas was suddenly subjected to excessive scrutiny, investigation, public discrediting and career destruction. Margaret Cunneen’s witch hunt occurred under the command of NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione who publicly supported pedophile Frank Houston, the Hillsong founder who sex trafficked kids to Kings Cross brothels in association with fellow child rapist Roger Rogerson. 
So, if the Newcastle Herald would not publish my story, I figured, no other newspaper would. I phoned Ian Kirkwood to request he investigate and publish my full story. If only one mainstream journalist published my testimony against Antony Kidman, I reasoned, it would blow the international child trafficking network wide open. 
During our call Margaret Cunneen queried whether swimmer's breasts big enough to be groped. The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 July. 6 call, Kirkwood relayed a conversation he once had with ‘a couple of spooks’ who told him that all senior politicians are pedophiles because that is how they are controlled. Kirkwood asked me if that was my story. 
‘That’s exactly right! That’s consistent with my experience.’ I tried to contain my excitement. ‘The mainstream media has long documented the CIA’s involvement in drugs and weapons trafficking, right?’ 
Kirkwood agreed, noting there had just been another story about that in the mainstream press.
 ‘Well then, is it so hard to imagine they are also involved in trafficking children which is far more lucrative than guns and drugs? ASIO and the CIA work together to traffic children between Australia and America. They’re the ones who trafficked me.’ 
The journalist promised to consider my request, bearing in mind he had a young family and publishing my story would surely place them at risk. But he never got back to me. A short time later, Ian Kirkwood developed a rare and aggressive form of cancer. I called him, expressed my condolences, and we chatted for a bit. At the end of our conversation, I mentioned I was considering writing a book. I asked him to clarify and elaborate on what he told me of his encounter with the ‘spooks.’
 ‘I never said that,’ he bluntly asserted. 
I sighed in resignation. There went my last chance at breaking into the mainstream media. There sunk years of building rapport and credibility with mainstream journalists. There went years of investigating other abuse cases and passing my findings on to television and newspapers. Years of driving journalists around the district to personally meet victims. Years of results in other cases. 
 My Gold Coast Hogtie Doctor story went international, with paediatrician Neville Davis being banned from practising medicine in Australia (although that doesn’t stop him setting up shop in Thailand). My story on Gary Willis’ 18-year child abuse spree ended with a life ban on his teaching for the NSW Education Department (although that didn’t stop him working for the Queensland Education Department). My story on Daruk government boys home forced reluctant NSW police and 60 Minutes agent journalists to conduct a mop-up investigation. I broke the Daruk story on my blog and negotiated it into the mainstream news. Sensational headlines about a victim having his penis cut off went global. Police and the media charged multiple low-level perpetrators, and 60 Minutes falsely presented the story as ‘exclusive.’ Police and media conspired to bury the crux of the Daruk story, that it was a recruitment centre for (a) boy prostitutes to service ASIO’s human compromise operation, and (b) Project MK-ULTRA lab rats. Journalists may print all sorts of child abuse information, except that which exposes the global child trafficking operation. 
I had come so close. 
My October 2015 press conference – delivered in response to Senator Bill Heffernan’s announcement that a former prime minister was a pedophile - was statistically the most popular story on the Sydney Morning Herald website that day (although the news site’s computer technicians prevented it from displaying as the most viewed article). Another of Prime Minister Bob Hawke’s sex assault victims, the daughter of Hawke’s architect Kevin Borland, agreed to address a follow-up press conference with me but pulled out last minute. The USA National Inquirer intended to run a front-page story about Antony Kidman being a pedophile, until they received a vicious legal threat from his 7 daughter Nicole Kidman. A journalist and her photographer husband flew up from Sydney to interview me for a major Australian magazine, until Nicole Kidman took a ‘Scientology approach to managing’ me. And a UK journalist travelled around the country interviewing me and two other victims of Antony Kidman for the Daily Mail, until one of the victims (whose parents were friends with Kidman) was threatened and subsequently withdrew his permission last minute. 
Nicole Kidman’s PR team shut down my mainstream media exposure by drawing on her lucrative contracts with Australia’s media outlets. So, I turned to the internet. Armed with a simple meme app and a right-brain talent for lyric writing, I launched my own social media campaign. I spent five years in front of the computer, communicating with hundreds of victims and supporters, many fake, many genuine. I hit the conspiracy theory jackpot when David Icke featured an enormous photograph of me and my story during his Australian speaking tour. 
My tactics worked. Online articles about Nicole Kidman, where the pubic was free to leave negative comments, were followed by streams of intelligent attacks on her heavily orchestrated stardom. I realised my impact when Kidman’s PR team paid the Daily Mail plus a morning television show to feature an article tellingly titled, ‘Shame on you, Australia. Stop Hating on Nicole Kidman.’4 People don’t hate Nicole Kidman as an individual. They hate what the Harvey Weinstein scandal subsequently highlighted: that Hollywood rewards something other than an ability to sing, dance or act. 
 Despite everything the pedophile network threw at me, my story still got out there, such that if you Google Antony Kidman’s name the words ‘child abuse’ soon follow. Yet no amount of alternative media success can match a complete break into mainstream news. So, I admitted defeat. I stopped posting and did not bother checking my blog sites. 
Days before the 2016 US Presidential Election, I received a barrage of phone texts from old friends asking if I was okay. People started questioning my kids regarding our family’s welfare. I had no idea what was happening. Then I checked my blog site. A spike of 100,000 views in one day stemmed from an article that activist group Anonymous published about my being trafficked to American VIPs as a kid. They used my story to expose Hillary Clinton’s involvement in a child sex trafficking ring. The Clinton Foundation was a front for the trafficking of children including Haiti earthquake victims. 
 Bill and Hilary’s trafficking network implicated campaign chairman John Podesta, billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, and ‘Saint’ Mother Teresa. In 1995, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient opened a Mother Teresa Home for Infant Children adoption centre in Washington DC with Hillary Clinton which quietly closed in 2002.5 Mother Teresa’s Roman Catholic order, Missionaries of Charity, came under Indian government investigation for child. trafficking, with a nun arrested for selling babies. 67 Mother Teresa accepted donations from Haiti dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier. 
Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficked minors to VIPs including Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey, and Bill Clinton who flew aboard the Lolita Express to Epstein’s ‘Little St. James’ pedo island in the Caribbean. Surveillance camera footage allegedly leaked from the island showed children locked in underground rooms. The island conveniently caught fire due to a massive explosion in early 2019, destroying all evidence. Jeffrey Epstein is among the many VIPs and government heads who knowingly donated money to the Clinton Foundation child trafficking operation. The Clinton Foundation received $88 million from Australian taxpayers between 2006 and 2014, peaking during Welsh-born Australian ALP Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s term.8 
Hilary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta and his brother Tony Podesta were staying in a Portuguese villa owned by UK politician Sir Clement Freud, in the same resort where British child Madeleine McCann was when she disappeared. Clement Freud was Sigmund Freud’s grandson. British media outed Clement Freud as a violent child rapist. 9 John and Tony Podesta perfectly matched the identikit images Scotland Yard released of Madeleine’s abductors. 
 Pedogate, as the scandal became known, surfaced when Wikileaks released emails from John Podesta’s account in October 2016. The emails notably outed Hillary Clinton as a self-confessed ‘Molech’ worshipper, and captured politicians ordering children for pedophile parties using alleged fast-food code words. The content of the Podesta emails is consistent with the following leak from a CIA cut-out company called STRATFOR:
From: Fred Burton [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:39 PM To: 'Don Kuykendall' Cc: 'Aaric Eisenstein'; 'Darryl O'Connor'; 'Copeland Susan' Subject: RE: Get ready for ‘Chicago Hot Dog Friday’ I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels? 
  A related email from STRATFOR’s president informed Aaric Eisenstein (of SVP Publishing): ‘Aaric, you can participate as well!’ ‘If we get the same ‘waitresses,’ I'm all for it!!!’ Aariac Eisenstein replied. If STRATFOR staff were talking about a Whitehouse orgy, the word ‘waitresses’ was placed in inverted comas to indicate its alternative meaning. Waitressed would typically be prostitutes, most likely child prostitutes. According to this email (disseminated by  Anonymous and Wikileaks), President Barrack Obama ordered $65,000 worth of fast food, an act which contravened Whitehouse policy dictating all food be prepared onsite using raw ingredients to counter the security risk posed by externally prepared foods. The leaked emails prompted Hilary Clinton to publicly declare Australian award-winning journalist and whistle-blower Julian Assange a ‘dead man walking.’ 
Child prostitutes visiting the Whitehouse is old news. On 29 June 1989, the front page of the Washington Times read: 
The sensational headline related to the Franklin Scandal in Omaha Nebraska that David Shurter was a victim of and witness to. Shurter is also a victim of my perpetrator Lt. Col. Michael Aquino who was implicated in Franklin plus the Presidio and McMartin preschool scandals in which children were sexually and ritually abused 
Pedogate whistle-blowers claimed, children trafficked to Washington DC were held in transit cellars within local businesses including a restaurant where an ‘entertainer’ was filmed boasting about raping and killing kids. Clean FBI and NYPD officers apparently made multiple attempts to charge Hillary Clinton and other VIP members of the trafficking ring, but their efforts were thwarted by those in the chain of command above them. One of the attempted charges related to a video of Hillary Clinton and her bisexual lover Huma Aberdeen (wife of pedophile Anthony Weiner) conducting a Luciferian ritual in which they skinned the face off a live young girl. The dissemination of this video was the said reason behind YouTube’s global shutdown that occurred in late 2018 while I was online. Someone later posted forensic photos of the skinned victim on my Twitter feed which I automatically viewed. 
Mainstream media giants launched a cover-up campaign against the leaked Podesta emails and related crimes, to muddy the waters and leave the general public confused about the truth. The likes of CNN (founded by my pedophile rapist Ted Turner) successfully drew the public’s attention from what was contained in the emails, to who might have leaked them and spread ‘fake news.’ The pedophiles coined the term ‘fake news’ in reaction to the publication of Podesta’s emails. Clinton herself never addressed or denied the email contents. The emails were said to have been leaked by US Intelligence community staff opposed to organised pedophilia. Mainstream journalists whose reports were consistent with this version of events were promptly fired. Further, over 100 Clinton staff and associates met untimely deaths, in quick succession, just like the many witnesses to JFK’s assassination, and witnesses to Kevin Spacey’s sexual assaults. Pedogate was discredited as ‘fake news’ despite NBC’s (11 June 2013) televised report regarding Hillary Clinton using her position as US Secretary of State to cease an investigation into child sex trafficking within the State Department. 
Despite the mainstream media blackout, Pedogate reached the public via social media. YouTube featured interviews with credible witnesses who testified to the existence of an international child sex trafficking operation involving US politicians and the CIA. That was when I noticed retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein. Pedogate, he explained in interview, was the same VIP pedophile network he investigated for 35 years. The perpetrators were doing everything in their power to shut the Pedogate story down, Rothstein observed. He predicted the perpetrators would successfully bury it just like every other time their network was almost exposed, including the Franklin, Presidio, and McMartin scandals. 
Rothstein explained that the NYPD was no ordinary state police force, but a leading investigative agency with national and international offices. Back in 1966, Rothstein became the first police detective assigned to investigate the prostitution industry. Almost immediately he discovered an underground sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes. ‘Human Compromise’ is what he labelled the honey-trap process. Rothstein and his colleagues found that approximately 70 percent of top US Government leaders were compromised in this way. Rothstein said, the CIA conducted the human compromise operation, while the FBI was tasked with covering up any leaks. 
The CIA trafficked the kids, the FBI covered their tracks 
  James Rothstein said he was alerted to an identical VIP pedophile ring operating in the UK when Scotland Yard consulted him regarding the Profumo Affair. UK agents visited Rothstein in New York to extract anything he knew about British politicians and other VIPs having sex with child prostitutes. Britain were in damage control, tying up loose ends, covering up the true pedophile nature of the Profumo Affair. Here is my email exchange with Rothstein concerning this incident:
From: Fiona Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2018 6:24 PM To: Jim Subject: CIA Hollywood pedophiles being exposed Incidentally, someone criticised my writing saying the Profumo Affair was 1963 and before your appointment, and so you are a disinfo agent. Obviously I don’t believe that - but can you tell me what to say in your defence regarding those dates? _________________________________________________  
Subject: RE: CIA Hollywood pedophiles being exposed 
From: Jim
Date: Monday, July 30, 2018 at 10:41 AM 
To: Fiona
 That is correct. They did not do the follow up until a number of years later after the Profumo case broke. My source in the business knew the whole story.
 They were making sure that there were no other connection to the operation we had in New York. Here is a copy of the actual report. 
The part they were looking for was from 1963.  
  In the late 60’s, Rothstein is called to attend a meeting with a number of New York Police Department officials and two agents from Scotland Yard at a high-end restaurant on the Upper East Side. (They picked up the tab). Scotland Yard was following up on the Profumo Scandal in 1963. They were trying to find out if their national security had been compromised. Profumo had used the services of Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice Davies. The  two girls had also been involved with a Russian, Yevgeny Ivanov. The connection in New York was that Keeler and Davies had been associated with a high-level prostitution ring operating out of an apartment on Fifty Sixth Street and Second Avenue. Rothstein calls on Peggy to determine who was operating the ring and what was going on at the prostitution operation on 56 St. and 2nd Ave. Rothstein conducted an in-depth investigation using Peggy’s information and determined that the association between Keeler, Davies, and the Madam of the Prostitution House on 56 St. and 2 Ave. were in fact true. The information Rothstein gleaned from the investigation verified that the location was being used to set-up and compromise victims. Rothstein believes it is a sanctioned State of the Art, High-End human intelligence and human compromise operation.
  The late 60’s was 68-69. I became a cop in 1965 Feb. 15.
  Rothstein and his law enforcement associates realised the international pedophile rings were all connected. He said the VIP members met at various world locations where each destination catered for a different type of degenerate sexual proclivity, including ‘satanic-themed’ abuse.
Rothstein said he and his colleagues encountered fierce resistance to the investigation and prosecution of members of the child trafficking operation. His journalist contacts at the New York Times and Washington Post could not get stories about the VIP ring printed. All police, FBI, customs and IRS officers who pursued the VIP pedophile network above street level had their careers subsequently destroyed. Rothstein’s attempts to arrest key perpetrators were continually thwarted. For example, the time he served the head of the CIA’s human compromise operation, Tippy Richardson. According to pedophile turned-police-informant Ben Rose, in November 1971, Tippy Richardson, businessman Leonard Stewart (from OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and a surgeon named Dr Chesky, raped and murdered three boys aged 14 to 15 years in Ben Rose’s apartment on East 64th Street in New York City. The New York State Select Committee on Crime subsequently served subpoenas on both Tippy Richardson and Leonard Stewart. When served, Tippy Richardson said that because he worked for the CIA the subpoena would be withdrawn under the National Security Act by the time Rothstein and his colleague returned to their offices. That is precisely what occurred. 
In 1972, Rothstein arrested one of the five Watergate burglars, CIA operative Frank Sturgis. During a subsequent two-hour interrogation, Rothstein discovered the truth about Watergate (plus Sturgis’ and the CIA’s involvement in the Bay of Pigs incident, and the related assassination of JFK). Sturgis told Rothstein, the Watergate burglars sought something they nicknamed ‘The Book’ which listed the Democratic and Republican politicians who accessed child prostitutes, their sexual proclivities, the amounts they paid to rape kids, etc. 
  The official Watergate explanation is that the Liberals broke into Democratic National Committee Headquarters to obtain information about their election strategies. People who lived through Watergate typically comment with a frown, ‘That never made sense.’ Rothstein’s experiences make better sense of why Nixon conspired to quash the Watergate investigation, why he suggested the investigation posed a threat to national security, why his personal secretary destroyed Oval Office tape recordings after they were subpoenaed, why chief CIA psychologist John W. Gittinger was called to testify at the  congressional committee that investigated Watergate, 1011 and why Nixon’s own Vice President issued a pardon which protected Nixon from prosecution for any crimes he had ‘committed or may have committed or taken part in’ as President. If Nixon’s crimes included pedophilia, that would make perfect sense.
  I am confident President Richard Nixon and his good buddy ‘the Reverend’ Billy Graham were named in the Watergate pedophile records. I am confident of this because I was sex trafficked by CIA head psychologist John W. Gittinger to both men as a young child.
I spoke with James Rothstein on 13 April 2018, 9:48 am and asked him whether he knew, or had heard, that Nixon was a pedophile. ‘No, I did not,’ he quipped with surprise and interest. I next asked him whether he knew about Billy Graham being a pedophile. At this, Rothstein chortled and responded confidently, ‘Oh, we heard lots about that!’ 
  CIA Billy Graham
 I published a draft of this Watergate was Pedogate chapter on my blog in 2018. It proved popular. ‘Watergate was Pedogate is the best thing I ever read,’ one reader commented. My article caused great controversy, particularly among Southern Baptist Billy Graham worshippers who told me I was the talk of many a Sunday table. Photographs published by Billy’s son Franklin Graham on social media showing him proudly dining on what he described as ‘killer doughnuts’ at Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland added weight to    my allegation, that Billy Graham was a multi-generational Luciferian pedophile. Many concluded that Franklin Graham posted his tweet as a cult threat against me, in direct response to my articles exposing his Freemason father. Conservative Christians found it inappropriate for an evangelical preacher to dine at an establishment that sold doughnuts decorated with encircled pentagrams and which featured Jesus Christ crucified on a penis and testicle shaped doughnut called ‘Cock-N-Balls.’ My articles caused one elderly Baptist to cut the Billy Graham Foundation from her will.
  The CIA intervened to protect their agent Billy Graham.12 One of my key perpetrators, US Army Psychological Operations expert Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, weighed in on an orchestrated international effort to discredit me. Another perpetrator, Bond University lecturer Katarina Fritzon, responded to my allegations on official Bond University letterhead. The written responses of my two perpetrators mirrored each other in their accusation I was a crazy fantasist. Yet people typically ignore crazy fantasists. People respond to someone who is swaying public opinion and who threatens to expose their cult involvement. Only the most desperate and dumb perpetrators respond personally in writing. After this umpteenth attack on my credibility failed, the fool who published both responses subsequently begged social media sharers to delete Luciferian priest Michael Aquino’s email to him, before he disappeared from the internet.
Team Aquino’s angle was to focus on whether Rothstein had personally investigated Billy Graham, and they staged a phone interview with the retired detective. I subsequently phoned Rothstein’s home. His wife, who had warmly welcomed Aquino’s lackey, was cold and short with me. I phoned Rothstein’s mobile. ‘How did you get this number?!’ Rothstein asked defensively. It was the same number Aquino’s lackey called him on. 
‘It’s plastered all over the internet,’ I responded. ‘You were tricked. A recording of your conversation with Aquino’s lackey is everywhere.’ 
‘I thought what you’re doing is admirable,’ he lamented. 
‘Can’t you just tell people an old man got it wrong?’ No, I could not.    
  To clarify, Rothstein never told me he personally worked on an investigation into Billy Graham. Rothstein spoke of Billy Graham in the context of having heard about the preacher’s pedophile antics from somewhere within his network of associates whose job it was to investigate VIP pedophile rings. We never discussed the source of this information, or whether it came from his own NYPD organisation, or from external agencies like the FBI, or his journalist contacts. He simply immediately and emphatically asserted to me that he and his colleagues ‘heard lots’ about Billy Graham’s pedophile involvement
I am not the first to publicly accuse Billy Graham of being a CIA agent, Freemason, and rapist. MK-ULTRA victim Kathleen Sullivan, who wrote Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, 13 said he raped her. Former high-ranking Freemason James Shaw described how 33⁰ Freemason Billy Graham was present at his own 33⁰ initiation ritual.14 Time magazine reported, 15 the CIA funded Billy Graham’s 1967 Latin American crusade under a  CIA cut-out, the US National Student Association, which also financed the National Council of Churches, Harvard Law School, and AFL-CIO affiliates.16 The New York Times picked up the story.17 
The Rothstein incident is a fine example of the tactics employed by CIA paid social media trolls. They search hard for inconsistencies and try to discredit and dismiss my entire testimony based on one small detail. I spent five years on the internet disproving every accusation. Every time I successfully defended myself, the CIA paid internet trolls ignored their defeat and moved directly onto their next attempt. That is a CIA tactic and the same thing a courtroom lawyer is trained to do. These CIA social media trolls are trained in public persuasion tactics based on Social Psychology, Crowd Psychology, and Bystander Effects. The CIA know that most people do not bother researching facts for themselves. Instead they would come to me and demand an answer to every false accusation, no matter how absurd. That is another reason I ditched social media: people’s apathy. To most I became a source of entertainment, with people watching how I fared in the attacks, like Romans watching Christians being fed to lions in the colosseum. The CIA will do the same with this book, focus on discrediting my entire 160,000+ words with one stupid point that I do not clarify sufficiently. 
James Rothstein told me that during his investigations he became aware of an identical child sex trafficking ring in Australia which involved our Prime Ministers. Regarding this matter, Rothstein did clarify that he had not directly investigated the Australian pedophiles himself, but that an Australian intelligence officer named Peter Osborne knew the details. Rothstein confirmed that Australian politicians and other VIPs attended international child brothels. 
The Black Network 
Dutch banker Ronald Bernard also surfaced in the wake of the Pedogate scandal to shed further light on the people and system behind the international child trafficking network. During a series of interviews with a woman named Irma Schiffers, Bernard explained how he worked in international finance and high-end money laundering for 12 years. In that role, he discovered that political power does not reside with publicly elected representatives, but with the world’s 8,000 to 8,500 wealthiest individuals who exercise power behind the scenes and who routinely manipulate the media. These elites, Bernard said, sit at the top of a power structure that resembles a pyramid: 
World Banking Power Structure 
8,000 - 8,500 wealthiest individuals 
Bank for International Settlements (BIS) 
IMF (International Monetary Fund) + World Bank Central Banks 
 Multinational companies 
Countries’ governments       
  Ronald Bernard described the Central Banks as ‘illegally created private banks’ which oversee the commercial banking system of their respective countries. He said the wealthiest 8,000 to 8,500 people created the BIS in 1930. Since the world’s richest individuals are too young to have helped establish the BIS 88 years ago, he must mean banking dynasties like the Rothschilds.
Dope Inc. (1978) 
In a chapter called Banking and the World’s Biggest Business, the book Dope Inc. (1978) lists nine family dynasties responsible for the modern drug industry which ‘…is run as a single integrated world operation, from the opium poppy to the nickel bag of heroin sold on an inner-city corner.’ 18    
  The names of the families and institutions are known to the history student: Matheson, Keswick, Swire, Dent, Baring, and Rothschild; Jardine Matheson, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Chartered Bank, the Peninsular and Orient Steam Navigation Company [P&O]. Britain’s array of intelligence fronts ran a worldwide assassination bureau, operating through occult secret societies: The Order of Zion, Mazzini’s Mafia, the ‘Triads’ or Societies of Heaven in China.19 … 
We will then take a grand tour through the Anglo-Dutch offshore banking centres, watching money being laundered through Basel, Liechtenstein, Tel Aviv, and the Bahamas; tracing it carefully as it changes ownership from the mob, to the   Bronfmans, to British banks, to the Israeli Mossad — finally ending up in dummy corporations to finance international terrorism and a privately owned worldwide assassination bureau. 20
  The drug industry is run as a single integrated world operation.
  Dutch Origins. Ronald Bernard said the financial hierarchy he worked for originated in Holland. The Dope Inc. (1978) authors agree. The British Crown employed the Hofjuden (‘Court Jews’) to financially manage their drug operation. These Royal bankers migrated from Amsterdam to Britain after the 1688 Revolution during which Holland’s leader conquered England and was crowned King William III. Previously, the bankers participated in the Dutch East India Company's first opium trade expeditions, collaborated for centuries with the British Jesuits, and participated in the Jesuit Inquisition. The Royal bankers were rewarded with Royal bloodline wives. These bankers, including the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Oppenheimers and Schroeders became Hitler’s main financial backers. The British Royal family are of German descent and changed their family name from German-sounding House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to English-sounding House of Windsor in 1917. Their Nazi sympathies were demonstrated in the 1933 film footage of future King Edward VIII teaching the ‘heil Hitler’ arm salute to young Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, and their mother. In October 1937, abdicated Edward visited Nazi Germany where he met Hitler, dined with Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, and toured a concentration camp.  
  The Royal bankers coordinated the laundering of drug money via offshore unregulated banks including Britain’s island colonies. Hong Kong was established as the centre of the global drug trade. The British Crown created the P&O shipping line specifically to transport the drugs, plus the HSBC bank to launder the opium proceeds. A portion of the drug money was laundered via ‘legitimate’ cash businesses like hotels, restaurants, gambling establishments, while some was channelled into blood diamonds, gold and art.
The Royal Family created P&O to traffic drugs, & HSBC to launder drug money 
The Hofjuden sponsored select families to run the criminal underworld and its front organizations. These families committed crimes of trafficking, extortion and murder. The Bronfman Rothschild finance company is a prime example of this arrangement. The Canadian heirs to the Seagram liquor company were originally known as the ‘Bronfman Gang.’ They made their initial fortune boot-legging alcohol and operating prostitution brothels during prohibition, followed by trafficking cocaine and heroin. 
Nothing has Changed 
Dope Inc. (1978) named prominent families involved in the drug trade, including the Astor, Bundy, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Russell dynasties. Fritz Springmeier added Bronfman, Cabot, Shaw, Bacon, Perkins, and Morgan to the list. He  aid all of these were Luciferian bloodlines. The same families are still trafficking drugs and children, as recent events indicate: 
- In April 2019, Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman pleaded guilty to her role in a sex trafficking operation called NXVIM. Her sister and co-financer Sara Bronfman was implicated but avoided charges. 
- In June 2019, US officials seized a cargo ship owned by J.P. Morgan Chase which was trafficking 20 tons of cocaine worth $1.3 billion. 
  In the late 1990s, Amway salesman Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman founded NXIVM. Raniere, who attended a Luciferian Rudolph Steiner school, modelled NXIVM on Scientology. Salzman was trained in NLP by Richard Bandler (MK-ULTRA perpetrator), and in hypnosis by Herbert Spiegel (US Army hypnotist, and MK-ULTRA researcher at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, who wrote the foreword to the MK-ULTRA classic, The Control of Candy Jones). 
The Bronfman sisters financed NXIVM and its subsidiaries including the non-profit Ethical Science Foundation which came under state Attorney General investigation in 2017 for performing brain-activity and other human behavioural studies. Medical doctor Brandon B. Porter conducted MK-ULTRA style ‘Human Fright Experiments’ in which he hooked over 100 victims to an EEG and recorded their reaction to surprise screenings of snuff films:   
      …an actual video of the horrific and brutal murders and dismemberment of four women by machetes; and violent film clips, including a male African American being viciously stomped by a Nazi; a conscious male being forced to eat a portion of his own brain matter; and a graphic gang rape.21
  The New York State Office of Professional Medical Conduct initially determined Dr Porter’s behaviour did not constitute medical misconduct. They caved to pressure following the high profile NXIVM case. 
Back in 2013, Keith Raniere patented a device designed to measure victims’ sensory responses to watching snuff films. He labelled this, ‘Determination of whether a Luciferian can be rehabilitated.’ Women who were not overtly traumatised by the images were considered suitable recruits and physically branded like cattle. Their numbness at watching snuff films indicated their passivity to, and suitability for, sex trafficking. 
 The mainstream media ignored the crux of the story, that NXVIM was a front for CIA child sex trafficking. 
NXVIM leader Raniere and his sidekick Allison Mack were originally charged with child sex trafficking. In 2019 the couple were additionally charged with child pornography. The pending counts filed on 19 April 2018 read:   
  1. Sex trafficking of children by force, fraud, or coercion. 
2. Conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of children by force, fraud, or coercion. 
3. Attempt to establish peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, human trafficking. 
Adding weight to NXVIM posing as a ‘legitimate’ front organisation for child trafficking, Clare Bronfman sponsored a NXVIM subsidiary called Rainbow Cultural Garden which operated numerous international childcare centres located in the USA, UK, Ireland, Guatemala, Spain and Mexico. Bronfman also purchased an island in Fiji, a notorious child trafficking hub. The NXVIM court case revealed the Mexican government, including their President, were involved in the operation, vindicating my five-month 2018 online campaign to expose the Arizona/Mexican border as the main human trafficking land route involving Tuscon Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, his senior police staff who were previously implicated in child trafficking in California, and a minion of NSA / FBI informants with Luciferian cult connections. Isaac Kappy who helped me expose this operation subsequently died under suspicious circumstances in Arizona near an NSA base immediately after he reached out for help to the Clinton and CIA-linked trained assassin who hid the discovery of child trafficking camps in the Tuscon desert. 
NXIVM bore the hallmarks of a CIA human trafficking and compromise operation. The cult sex trafficked children and adults, targeted influential people including entertainers, and owned over 60 related companies including a video department called Moving Pixels. Connections were detected between NXIVM and human trafficking mob bosses Bill and Hillary Clinton: 
  - Texts exist between Keith Raniere and Hillary Clinton. - In the 1990s, Bill Clinton asked Keith Raniere for money because he was doing business in Arkansas. When Raniere refused, the state Attorney General targeted his operation for closure. Consequently, Raniere’s new NXIVM operation made illegal campaign contributions to the Clintons. This information was revealed during Mark Vincente’s testimony during the NXVIM trial (12 May 2019). 
 The Octopus   
  Dope Inc. described the same criminal system as Ronald Bernard who said his own laundering operation dealt with governments, multinationals, terrorist organisations, and secret service agencies. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, MI6 and Mossad do not serve and protect a people or country as the public expect, he explained, but are all criminal organizations that trade in drugs, weapons, and children. The CIA functions as a private police force for the elite. According to Bernard, the wealthy elite control their employees through compromise and blackmail – just as James Rothstein described. 
 There must have been some truth to the 1978 content of Dope Inc. because after its publication the HSBC lost its licence to operate in the USA. Further, the 1978 book inspired law enforcement officials to swap their assumption that drug trafficking consisted of pockets of independent criminal activity, for understanding the drug industry as a global network coordinated by the CIA, with proceeds laundered through banks and funnelled into the CIA’s covert terrorist operations.   
  All intelligence agencies are privately owned criminal organizations
Dope Inc. and Ronald Bernard’s testimony are consistent with the 1972 Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal and the findings of reporter Danny Casalaro who was ‘suicided’ while investigating the same secret syndicate. The Manhattan District Attorney who closed BCCI’s USA branch announced that 16 witnesses died while investigating the BCCI’s involvement in covert CIA operations, arms smuggling to Iraq, money laundering, and child prostitution. Danny Casalaro labelled the system The Octopus and described it as follows: 
They’re not government officials but their tentacles can reach into any part of the government in almost any country including legitimate and rogue spy networks. They are not notable industrialists, but they can pull the strings of the oil and banking empires at will. They are not known criminals, but they successfully penetrated all factions of organized crime including the Mafia, the Japanese Yakuza, the secret Chinese Triads, and the terrorist underground. 22 
Casalaro linked The Octopus to people, places, and activities consistent with my experience. His notes and phone records referenced drug trafficking, money laundering, Mossad, CIA, shellfish-based bioweapons, genetic engineering, Nicaragua, Watergate, Australia’s Nugent-Hand Bank, Pine Gap, MJ-12, and Area 51.23 This bizarre combination of diverse and seemingly unrelated research topics only makes sense within the context of witness testimonies like mine. I can pull together every single one of those topics and explain their solid relationship. 
The best way to understand the global child trafficking industry is to trace the history of the drug trafficking industry. As you read Dope Inc. cross out the word ‘drugs’ and replace it with the word ‘kids’ to gain a picture of the child trafficking network that traded me. Like the drug trade, the child sex trafficking industry is run as a single integrated world operation. At the top sit the wealthy elite who maintain control by ensuring only blackmailed, compromised politicians, military brass and government officials occupy leadership. The secret services, including ASIO, MI6 and the CIA coordinate the child trafficking and human compromise operation, receive the victims procured via the little men, modify the behaviour of child victims until they become suitable assets, and transport the trained victims nationally and internationally to service VIP pedophiles 
Child trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation coordinated by the CIA 
Operation Mockingbird: In 1977, Watergate investigative journalist Carl Bernstein said the CIA had recruited over 400 American journalists
Alsop is one of more than 400 American journalists who in the past twenty‑five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters. Some of these journalists’ relationships with the Agency were tacit; some were explicit. There was cooperation, accommodation and overlap. Journalists provided a full range of clandestine services—from simple intelligence gathering to serving as go‑betweens with spies in Communist countries. Reporters shared their notebooks with the CIA. Editors shared their staffs. Some of the journalists were Pulitzer Prize winners, distinguished reporters who considered themselves ambassadors without‑portfolio for their country. Most were less exalted: foreign correspondents who found that their association with the Agency helped their work; stringers and freelancers who were as interested in the derring‑do of the spy business as in filing articles; and, the smallest category, full‑time CIA employees masquerading as journalists abroad. In many instances, CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of America’s leading news organizations.24 
This CIA operation was called Mockingbird. Australia and the UK have their own network of Mockingbird journalists which sprung to the defence of Westminster VIP pedophiles. 
 In 1971 an Adelaide barrister from the Communist Party of Australia created the precursor to what later became the Pedophile Information Exchange. This lawyer was the late ELLIOT JOHNSON. The Pedophile Information Exchange was formed from earlier pedophile groups such as the Lewis Carroll Collectors Guild and the (homosexual) Peter Pan Club. Another founder of this organization (from the Peter Pan Club) was FRANK HOUSTON who also founded the pseudo-church The Assembly of God. Houston was pastor of the Surrey Hills Christian Centre which later morphed into Hillsong Church. Houston was an organizer for the Peter Pan Club when he was contacted by Elliot Johnson and asked to assist in forming a ‘united front’ for organized pedophilia. This resulted in the formation of the Pedophile Information Exchange in February 1973. This organization was then exported to the United Kingdom. 
  The above is an excerpt from correspondence I received in 2017. PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) campaigned for the social and legal acceptance of pedophilia:
We want to dispel the myths connected with paedophilia, and show that most pedophiles desire gentle, loving, and mutually pleasurable relationships. We believe it is inhumane to children to outlaw their sexuality and we support moves to lower the age of consent.25 
PIE proposed reducing the age of consent to age 4 years. Their motto was, ‘Sex before eight - before it’s too late.’ PIE produced a magazine, Understanding Paedophilia which contained articles written by psychologists. PIE was affiliated with the UK National Council for Civil Liberties and backed by the Campaign for Homosexual Equality. 26 The UK government gave PIE grants totalling at least £70,000 via the Home Office between 1977 and 1980.27 PIE membership exceeded 1,000 by the early 1980s to include judges, politicians, 28 scoutmasters, headteachers, diplomats, aristocrats, intelligence agents, and child protection experts. Notable PIE members were: 
 - Prime Minister Edward Heath (regularly attended PIE meetings in Westminster). 29 
- Richard Maurice Clive Bigham (son of Viscount Mersey, convicted of raping sisters aged six and 10). 30 
- Sir Peter Hayman (Senior Diplomat, British High Commissioner to Canada, Foreign Office Minister. In 1981, MP Geoffrey Dickens used Parliamentary privilege to expose information that Thatcher had suppressed: Hayman sent pornographic material through the post. Dickens consequently received death threats and was burgled). 31
 - Geoffrey Arthur Prime (British Intelligence Officer, Soviet spy, convicted in 1982 of raping three girls). 32 33 
- Peter Righton (PIE founder, UK’s most senior child social worker, scapegoat for entire VIP network). 
- Charles Napier (PIE treasurer, schoolteacher). 
 Moral Panic
  Peter Righton was charged and cautioned for raping a boy in 1960. In a 1981 publication, Perspectives on Paedophilia, Righton attacked the ‘moral panic’ over pedophilia, and said with ‘the child’s willing compliance…the sex is unlikely to do much harm.’ The UK’s top social worker and child protection expert, Righton served as Director of the National Children’s Bureau charity, Director of the National Institute for Social Work, and consultant for the National Children’s Bureau. In 1992, Peter Righton was convicted of possessing hard core child abuse porn obtained from Amsterdam. Police also found a diary containing ‘scores of boys’ whom investigators believed Righton had sexually abused. At the time of his arrest, Righton lived with his gay pedophile partner at the 2,500-acre estate of Lord John and Leslie Henniker-Major which operated as ‘an educational and recreational centre for children.’ London Borough of Islington sent children to the Henniker estate under a scheme  called The Islington Suffolk Project. Hundreds of Islington children holidayed at the Henniker estate since the 1970s. Islington was implicated in child trafficking. Jimmy Savile raped kids on Islington where 14 investigations revealed pedophiles operated all 24 children’s homes.34 The entire island was complicit in the abuse, such that victims refused to testify to internal investigators who ‘lost’ all files documenting child abuse on Islington.
  Operation Fairbank was established in 2012 to investigate allegations against Peter Righton and his connections. During the 1992 raids on Righton, police found 25 years of correspondence between Righton and pedophiles in Britain and around the world.35 Police found a letter from Charles Napier to Righton boasting of his life in Cairo as a British Council teacher, how Cairo was ‘full of boys, 98 per cent of them available,’ and how Napier could send child pornography to Britain in diplomatic bags.36 Charles Napier fled England for Cairo in 1972 after being banned from teaching in the UK for indecently assault pupils at a Surrey school. In 1995, Charles Napier was convicted of the historical rape of a boy. Police evidence included letters exchanged between Napier and Righton about the availability of boys in Sweden, plus a 1978 film showing Napier and Righton with boys in Sweden.
Elm Guest House 
Operation Fernbridge was an Operation Fairbank offshoot. It focused on, ‘Elm Guest House, south-west London, a gay brothel where VIP pedophiles preyed on young boys supplied from local care homes.’37 Rent boy candidates were identified from school magazine photos and forced into foster care by government social workers like Peter Righton. Multiple boy brothel victims identified VIP Elm Guest House clients including politicians, police, Royal family employees, British Intelligence, military, and pop stars. Cliff Richards obtained a high court injunction to prevent the media naming him as an Elm Guest House client codenamed ‘Kitty.’ The media instead named Cliff Richards for sexually assaulting a boy at Billy Graham’s 1985 Crusade in Sheffield, forcing him to relocate to pedophile-friendly Portugal (where Madeleine McCain disappeared). 
Multiple victims named Prime Minister Edward Heath and Home Secretary Leon Brittan as Elm Guest House clients. In November 1983, Geoffrey Dickens MP gave Leon Brittan a ‘massive’ dossier on child abuse containing specific allegations about a link between PIE and Buckingham Palace staff, Foreign Office staff, and the civil service. Dickens gave Brittan a second dossier in 1984 alleging child abuse in a children’s home and naming prominent pedophiles including a BBC TV executive. Leon Brittan investigated nothing – because he was one of them.
  Elm Guest House ran an advertisement in the Spartacus International Gay Guide pedophile magazine which offered a ‘10% Discount to Spartacus Club members.’ According  to Australian police detectives, ‘Spartacus’ was codename for an international underground pedophile network.38 Spartacus Club, part of the British-registered Spartacus International, was run by pedophile Catholic priest John Stamford, a PIE activist who fled the UK for Amsterdam where he published and managed the German Spartacus International Gay Guide. The magazine functioned as a shopping catalogue / tourist guidebook for international pedophiles who could arrange to meet up with the children advertised in the magazine. The Spartacus International Gay Guide was distributed to pedophiles travelling to ‘Europe, Mediterranean, America, Africa, Asia, Australasia, USSR.’  
Clarence Osborne   
  Brisbane court stenographer Clarence Henry Howard-Osborne was Australia’s contact point for senior PIE figures including John Stamford.39 Osborne took photos of Brisbane children that appeared in German and English pedophile magazines including Spartacus International Gay Guide. Clarence Osborne organised for international pedophile tourists to meet up with Brisbane children whose photographs he had placed in the Spartacus International Gay Guide. 
In 1973, the Public Service Board conducted two secret inquiries into Clarence Osborne. Resultingly, Gough Whitlam’s ALP government transferred Clarence Osborne to the Hansard bureau at Parliament House in Canberra. (I was trafficked to a pedophile party held inside Parliament House during Clarence Osborne’s placement there.) Clarence Osborne committed suicide in 1979 after police raided his home:   
  [Police] discovered thousands of pictures of naked children, hundreds of hours of tape-recorded conversations with boys and a meticulously organised filing cabinet filled with index cards bearing the details of his victims, from their names, ages and addresses, to their physical measurements. It was later estimated that Osborne had been involved with more than 2500 under-aged males over a 20-year period… Incredibly, Osborne and his voluminous files were never thoroughly investigated by police. According to officers who viewed the Osborne material at the time, the names on the index cards, so dutifully recorded by Osborne, were not only those of the boys he had seduced, but adults – members of the judiciary, the legal profession, politicians, academics, and even police officers – with sexual interests in children. One former officer said the Osborne material was enough ‘to bring down the [then Queensland] government overnight.’ 40
Osborn shared his pedophile materials with Australia’s leading criminologist and ABC Radio regular Paul Wilson who wrote a book defending Clarence Osborne. 41 At the University of Queensland during the 1980s, Paul Wilson organised a pro-pedophilia conference and showed a child porn snuff film to his psychology class. Bond University published Paul Wilson’s pro-pedophile articles on their website, until Wilson was charged with historical child sexual assault. 
By the early 1980s the Osborne case had been all but forgotten, and many of the diminutive stenographer’s secrets were presumed lost with him. Except a retired Queensland police officer with a conscience and a phenomenal memory, who wanted to pursue Osborne at the time – and was warned off by senior officers, and who received a death threat after he pushed the pedophile investigation too far – only to be drummed out of the force, never forgot the case. And in breaking his silence, he would link Osborne to an international pedophile ring, and the child abuse scandal currently rocking Westminster in the UK.42 
  Jimmy Savile, who associated closely with prime ministers Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher, was linked to the PIE child trafficking operation. Initial allegations against Saville were satanic ritual abuse in nature, but the press downgraded this to a ‘plain vanilla’ story. Pro-pedophile mouthpiece The Telegraph led the propaganda charge with quotes like: ‘Satanic ritual abuse does not exist, it’s like alien abduction.’43 The quoted female barrister advocated for lowering the age of consent to 13, not charging pedophiles with historical crimes because it was ‘too late.’ She employed the term ‘moral panic’ to dismiss victim testimony. Quoting a female pedophile defender is effective because the public do not realise how many females, including barristers, are involved in Luciferian pedophile cults. 
The ‘plain vanilla’ account pushed by UK media involved 13 police stations which gathered reports from 589 victims, 450 of whom claimed abuse by Savile. The abuse implicated the BBC and 32 government hospitals. A 2014 National Health Service report concluded, Savile raped public hospital patients over several decades, including children, adults, and dead bodies, with the knowledge and support of government authorities. Nurses felt so helpless to stop Savile, they warned hospitalised children to feign sleep to avoid Savile raping them during his late-night ward rounds. Savile even assaulted hospital staff and visitors. Further, politicians and civil servants appointed unqualified Jimmy Savile to run Broadmoor psychiatric unit where he boldly assaulted staff, raped patients, and invited high profile associates to watch women shower. To date the British Government has failed to explain how one grub wielded such influence and terror without the backing of Westminster pedophiles. 
Jimmy Savile was implicated in the abuse of children at tax/pedophile haven Jersey Island 44 where residents’ front yards proudly display statues of very young children performing oral sex on erect penises, plus a 12-foot statue of Satan as pedophile Pan. The  entire island population including police, judiciary, social services and journalists were complicit to the ritual rape, torture and murder of children at the island’s children’s home, Hart de la Garenne, where police found buried remains of multiple children, plus a kill room featuring shackles, a blood-stained concrete tub, lime bath, and incinerator full of children’s dismembered body parts. Senior police, including Scotland Yard, blocked investigations of most of the 151 perpetrators identified by 192 victims who made 1,776 statements. A few low-level staff were charged, while all VIPs and those accused of satanic ritual abuse, escaped police investigation. Anyone who tried to expose the Luciferian pedophile child trafficking operation were arrested or murdered, including Dyana, sister of Bill Maloney who produced a documentary, Sun, Sea and Satan about the ritual abuse the siblings experienced on Jersey Island.
  Prime Minister Edward Heath closely associated with Jimmy Savile whose nephew Guy Marsden testified that ‘Ted’ Heath sexually assault a boy at a London party. Edward Heath was also implicated in the rape and murder of Jersey Island children aboard his yacht.
 Silent UK Witnesses  
  British Intelligence and the BBC went to extreme lengths to plug any leaks regarding the VIP trafficking operation: 
- In 1978, the BBC banned pop star ‘Johnny Rotten’ for outing Saville as a pedophile during interview. 45 
- In 1996, the British government assassinated a Dunblane teacher and her entire primary school class following disclosures the children were being sex trafficked to the elite Westminster pedophile ring. Websites exposing the truth of the Dunblane Massacre were wiped off the internet. 
- In 1999, journalist Jill Dando was gunned down in a professional hit to stop her exposing the same VIP pedophile network on the BBC Crimewatch television program she hosted. 
Owing to the internet, the truth became more difficult for the UK government to supress. Here is a summary of notable newspaper articles that documented multiple police investigations into thousands of VIP pedophile allegations in the UK.   
 Jonathan Corke, Tony Bushby & Deborah Sherwood, Daily Star, 28 Oct 2012. - The British Royal Air Force flew rich and powerful European VIPs, including Belgians, to attend London pedophile orgies in the 1980s (via RAF Northolt located outside London). - Numerous boys were sex trafficked to rich and powerful men in the 1980s.
 - VIPs paid boy prostitutes to attend pedophile orgies at ‘millionaire properties’ in London and the Home Counties.   
  - A ‘network’ of boys, including runaways, were prostituted to the orgies.
- A teenage rent boy witness vanished just weeks after speaking to Met detectives. 
- The boy named VIP pedophiles including a living Tory Cabinet minister, judges, and senior civil servants. 
 - Met detectives received multiple pedophile allegations against the Cabinet minister. 
- Metropolitan Police ordered detectives to stop investigating the VIP pedophile ring. - A retired detective who worked on the case said: ‘It wasn’t that we ran out of leads, but it reached a point where a warning to stop came. It was a case of ‘get rid of everything, never say a word to anyone. It was made very clear to me that to continue asking questions would jeopardise my career.’ 
- The Tory Cabinet minister was never arrested. No one was charged over the rent-boy pedophile ring. 
 - Labor MP Tom Watson said case files from 20 years ago link pedophile Peter Righton to a Prime Minister. Watson knows of evidence linking a second pedophile ring to Parliament and the PM. Watson said the leads were not followed up, and he was contacted by someone claiming the police ‘held a vast quantity of material suggesting Jimmy Savile was a predatory pedophile.’ - Police conducted at least 7 investigations into Savile while he was alive – yet no charges were laid.
 - Scotland Yard investigated Savile in the 1980s over claims he attacked a girl in a caravan at London BBC TV Centre. 
- Metropolitan Police are currently investigating Jimmy Savile’s assault of 300 victims over 60 years. 
  Nick Sommerlad & Jack Blanchard, The Mirror, 22 July 2015. 
- A 1985 letter from MI5 head Sir Antony Duff to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher revealed two sources accused an unnamed senior Tory MP of having ‘a penchant for small boys.’
 - MI5 told Cabinet Secretary Sir Robert Armstrong he accepted the MP’s denials of the pedophile allegations, adding: ‘At the present stage... the risks of political embarrassment to the Government is rather greater than the security danger.’ 
- Pedophile documents link PM Thatcher’s parliamentary secretary Sir Peter Morrison, Home Secretary Leon Brittan, diplomat Sir Peter Hayman, and minister Sir William van Straubenzee. ‘
 Russell Myers, The Mirror, 4 Aug 2015.  
   Metropolitan, Wiltshire, Jersey and Kent police forces investigated pedophile allegations against PM Edward Heath.
  - The Met Police had been investigating Heath for almost 10 months. - A Scotland Yard inquiry, Operation Midland, investigated Heath as part of a 1970s - 80s VIP pedophile ring. 
- Wiltshire Police received ‘a number’ of fresh calls from Heath victims. 
- In the 1990s, a brothel keeper threatened to reveal in court that she had evidence PM Heath was a pedophile. Charges against her were dropped. 
- The Police force is being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission for allegedly failing to investigate the brothel keeper’s evidence. 
- The NSPCC [the child abuse charity Jimmy Savile and Margaret Thatcher supported] has also been contacted by people claiming Heath sexually assaulted them. 
- A central police operation codenamed Hydrant collated all historical pedophile allegations involving VIPs. 
- Heath raped a 12-year-old runaway at his flat in Mayfair, Central London, in 1961. The victim made a detailed statement to lawyers. Social workers called the victim a ‘fantasist’ when he tried to report the rape. 
- Another man contacted Kent Police yesterday saying Heath raped him in the 1960s. ‘Detectives are making inquiries and will obtain a full account from the victim.’ 
- Jersey police said, ‘Heath is one of at least 13 “well known” politicians, celebrities and sports stars being looked at over decades of child abuse’ under Operation Whistle investigations of historical pedophilia. 
- Jimmy Savile frequented Jersey care home Haut de la Garenne. 
- Jersey Police’s Operation Whistle, launched in 2015, investigated 4 institutions, 45 suspects including 13 VIPs. 
 The Dutroux Affair  
 In the 1990s, Catholic Belgium became notorious for the Dutroux Affair, a 1990s child sex trafficking scandal implicating Belgian Royals, politicians, bankers, businessmen, police and lawyers. WikiLeaks dropped a ‘Dutroux dossier’ showing clientele from European countries, plus Morocco and Saudi Arabia, paid to rape trafficked Belgian children. Belgian victim Regina Louf said VIP clientele were secretly filmed without their knowledge as part of a human compromise operation, ‘It was big business - blackmail - there was a lot of money involved.’ 46 Belgian girls were kidnapped, caged, gang raped in pedophile orgies, and murdered for snuff films. They were tortured, ritually sacrificed, suffocating to death in holding cells, wrapped in plastic and buried alive, and killed for sexual pleasure. 
 Regina Louf was sold to the Belgian trafficking network by her wealthy grandmother, Cecile Beernaert, whose WW2 brothels serviced Nazi troops. Regina described being raped at sex orgies organised by businessman Jean Michel Nihoul who was later convicted of trafficking drugs and people into Belgium. Regina Louf and other Dutroux victims told police they were subjected to satanic ritual abuse and child hunts in which VIPs including Belgium Royalty hunted and murdered children for sport in locations including the grounds of Chimay Castle.   
  The Belgian government subsequently covered up the true nature of the Dutroux Affair. Evidence disappeared, numerous suspects were never investigated, and over 20 key witnesses were murdered.47 48 One witness was poisoned, and his wife incinerated in her bed.49 No VIPs were charged, and a few low-level scapegoats were prosecuted, including Marc Dutroux and his wife who received lengthy sentences for starving two eight-year-old girls to death in their cellar. RTBF, a government-owned TV station campaigned ‘to prove that Dutroux was an isolated pervert kidnapping girls for himself, that there was no network, that Jean Michel Nihoul was innocent, and Regina Louf was a liar.’50 VIP pedophile mouthpiece The Telegraph supported this angle from the UK. 51
In 1996, a massive 350,000 Belgian citizens protest marched against the VIP child trafficking operation. Belgian fire fighters protested by turning their hoses on the Belgian Parliamentary building. One third of Belgians surnamed Dutroux legally changed their family name. Yet this all this achieved nothing. 
 Belgian sex trafficking victim Anneke Lucas came forward in 2017 in the wake of Pedogate. Anneke’s mother sold her into sex slavery at age six years. For the next 5.5 years she was raped six hours per week by up to 200 pedophiles including Royalty. Anneke Lucas was subjected to torture, child murder, and satanic ritual abuse. From age six she attended weekly, late-night pedophile orgies held in mansions and castles during which she was ‘used for an S&M show, on a low stage, chained up with an iron dog collar, and made to eat human faeces.’ 52 Anneke said she and the other trafficked children were ‘made to commit violence’ against child victims so they felt too ‘implicated’ to inform police.   
  UK Prosecutes ‘Fantasist’ Victims for Whistleblowing 
The UK’s latest tactic to silence victims of government child trafficking is to prosecute them for reporting the crimes committed against them to the police. Their modus operandi involves the DPP charge the victim with perverting the course of justice, while the government-controlled media slander the victim as a ‘fantasist’ who fabricates witness testimony for the money. The UK government tried this on Ben Fellows, former UK child actor and Westminster sex trafficking victim. Ben Fellows said his agent Sylvia Young solicited him at age 14 years for sexual abuse by Tom Cruise. Fellows was subsequently targeted for false arrest and slander by the media who described the victim as ‘an inventive and sometimes persuasive fantasist.’ In 2015, the UK government unsuccessfully prosecuted Ben Fellows for perverting the course of justice for providing a 2012 police witness statement to Operation Fairbank. 53   
  Multiple victims who came forward and made police witness statements against elite UK pedophiles including Edward Heath were initially supported as ‘credible and true.’ In 2016, Westminster victim Darren Thornham used Twitter to warn of a coverup operation involving (a) a fake victim being planted to discredit the genuine ones, and (b) a cut-out media company (Exaro News) gathering testimonies from victims who were subsequently falsely arrested and murdered. Darren implicated Australian 60 Minutes journalist Ross Coulthart in an elaborate media rouse. According to Darren’s tweets, police beat him, threatened him with false arrest (for attending a 1992 rave at age 15 years with eight fellow trafficking victims) and threatened to raid and charge him for terror crimes along with victim Kevin Allen (brother of missing victim Martin Allen) whose family were also threatened. The UK media branded Darren a ‘fantasist’ after police charged him in 2016 for making false accusations against VIP pedophiles. Police eventually dropped the charges, according to Darren’s final twitter post:
Darren Press Statement – 17.11.17 
The false charge against me, which was downgraded from making hoax claims to wasting police time, has rightly been dropped. I have been subject to a terrifying ordeal of being attacked, stalked and threatened by individuals determined to get even with me for telling the truth about the sexual abuse I suffered as a child. The case has clearly shown serious misconduct by Suffolk police officers, who have ignored complex issues surrounding harassment and intimidation of myself. The case was part of an attempt by police and the wider establishment to silence me. 
I refute claims that I invented the allegations of child abuse committed by high profile offenders. On many occasions, the media have simply published lies as part of a campaign against me. Some media behaviour has bordered on harassment and bullying of a CSA survivor. I was especially saddened and shocked to see certain people who claim to be CSA survivors on social media, as well as certain journalists, vilify me. 
The last nine months since my arrest have been very difficult for me. It has led to my being on the verge of suicide on more than one occasion. It is only the support of people very close to me that I did not ultimately kill myself…    
Darren’s press statement inexplicably thanked the Exaro News journalist he criticised in numerous earlier tweets. Was Darren under duress? 
 Tavistock Psy-Op
  In 2019, after the UK government failed to prosecute high profile victims Ben Fellows and Darren Thornham, they made an example of a convicted pedophile who named Prime Minister Edward Heath plus the heads of MI5, MI6 and the Army, in a police witness statement. Nick was sentenced to 18 years prison – a disproportionate sentence compared  to the lenience granted to pedophiles – for perverting the course of justice. Social media agents spread the discourse that this action against Nick was justified because he himself is a convicted pedophile. The Telegraph vilified Nick as a ‘fantasist’ who fabricated his witness testimony to get compensation – as though by extension ALL victims of government child trafficking are fantasists. Was this the plant Darren Thornham warned of on Twitter? Nick was used to discredit and bury numerous witness testimonies against PM Edward Heath, including six different people who named Heath to police in SRA accusations. Nick’s prosecution was a Psychological Operation designed to sway public opinion, deter all other government child trafficking victims from making future police statements, and discredit the many Westminster VIP pedophiles reported to police 50 years before Nick’s prosecution. This one successful prosecution does not erase the following 1969 and 1989 police investigations into the sex trafficking of government care children to Westminster pedophiles: 
1. 1989 Police Investigation into Wales Boy Home Brothels Scallywag magazine was published between 1991 and 1998. Issue 22 (1994)  
  contained an article ‘LORD MCALPINE AND THE PEDOPHILE RING’ by Angus James which exposed the Bryn Alyn Community, a private company centred in Wrexham, Wales, which operated 11 children’s residential homes. The Bryn Alyn organisation was a front for a massive international child sex trafficking and pornography business managed by scapegoat John Allen who was eventually convicted of 33 counts of child rape against 19 children. Allen prostituted foster children to VIPs who attended boy brothel houses located all over the UK including London, Manchester, South Shields, Gloucestershire, Wrexham, Brighton, plus Bordeaux, France. He also hired rent boys for members of the Wrexham Golf Club to rape. Allen also operated a child porn empire including a branch in Amsterdam and a Wrexham film studio where foster children were used to make pornography. John Allen’s VIP clients included:
Lord Robert Alistair McAlpine (Treasurer, PM Margaret Thatcher’s Advisor. Formally cautioned in 1965 by Strathclyde police for committing a sexual offence against a child. He sued the media for outing him as a pedophile). 
- Gordon Anglesea (Police superintendent and notable Freemason. He sued two national newspapers in 1994 for printing crimes he was eventually convicted for. In 2016, he died six weeks into a 12-year prison sentence for violently raping two boys in the 1980s). 54 
- Lord Kenyon (North Wales Police Authority Chair). 
- Wyn Roberts (MP for Conway, minister for State at the Welsh Office). - Adam Mar-Jones (son of film critic Justice Jones).
 - Sgt. David Morgan. 
- PC David Rodgers. 
  - Michael Portillo (politician). 
- Peter Lilly (politician). 
- Lord David Steel (politician). 
In 1989, Detective Superintendent Ackerley collected over 1,500 witness statements during an internal police inquiry, yet his findings were buried, and key witnesses and investigators were physically assaulted. Alex Siddington (Welsh Coordinator for the National Association of Young people in Care) was beaten and had chemicals sprayed into his eyes. Gordon Anglesea’s rape victim and key witness Steven Messham was beaten twice. The local BBC journalist who investigated the case for 18 months was burgled in retaliation. 
2. 1969 Police Investigation into Rochedale Boy Home Brothels   
  Lord David Steele MP recently admitted to burying child abuse allegations that publicly emerged against politician Sir Cyril Smith in a 1979 Private Eye magazine. 55 In 1969, Lancashire police investigated Cyril Smith’s sexual assault of young boys in Rochedale care homes. The inquiry ended in 1970 when prosecutors falsely concluded they had insufficient evidence to prosecute Cyril Smith. MI5 knew the DPP lied to journalists about their decision not to charge Cyril Smith, but did nothing. 56 In Smile for the Camera: The Double Life of Cyril Smith (2014) Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk claimed Cyril Smith was allowed to continue abusing children as young as eight, after 144 victims’ complaints were submitted to authorities. This is not the extent of investigations into Westminster VIPs and UK children homes being used as VIP brothels. I will mention one more high profile due to its international trafficking relevance. 
 NAMBLA & Arthur C. Clarke  
  British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke co-wrote the screenplay for the 1968 predictive programming film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 1961, Julian Huxley’s UNESCO awarded Clarke the Kalinga Prize for popularising science. Clarke is famously quoted as saying, ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.’ More significantly, Arthur C. Clarke was a gay pedophile who pioneered the Sri Lankan child sex tourism industry. The British Royals knighted Clarke just days after Sunday Mirror journalist Graham Johnson revealed Clarke admitted to having solicited young boys for sex. When Clarke subsequently denied this admission, the Sunday Mirror produced Clarke’s taped admission plus a secret document naming Clarke as a pedophile known to members of the NAMBLA (North American Boy Lovers Association) pedophile network.  
  US detectives, who arrested leaders of the [NAMBLA] association 10 years ago, say Clarke was named by other pedophiles they quizzed during an FBI investigation. The perverts had set up children's homes in Thailand as fronts for their sick activities.
One of its leaders was Jonathan Tampico, 48, a top nuclear scientist who worked for the American Government. He served two-and-a- half years in jail for molesting a boy of 12 and is now on the run with a million-dollar warrant on his head for further porn offences. He told detectives he had stayed at Clarke's home in Colombo and had swapped letters with the author. Another known pedophile, former church minister John Wakefield Cummings, 56, is serving a 24-years-to-life sentence after admitting molesting 17 boys in his care. He told police in Sacremento, California, that Clarke had been contacted at his Sri Lankan home by a pedophile who was on the run from the American authorities. In a sworn statement made to an investigator for Sacremento's district attorney…Wakefield Cummings told how the pervert fled to Sri Lanka where he was able to contact the pedophile community through Clarke. He then fled from Sri Lanka to Indonesia. Detectives contacted a child welfare group to warn them about Clarke's activities.57 
Arthur C. Clarke said in the notorious interview: ‘I am all in favour of efforts to stop [pedophilia]. But how do we stop it without interfering with the rights of responsible adults. I think most of the damage comes from the fuss made by hysterical parents afterwards. If the kids don't mind, fair enough.’ 
  In recent years Clarke's name has been linked with two notorious pedophiles, one of whom - a Swiss millionaire - was kicked out of Sri Lanka on the orders of the president for abusing impoverished beach boys. He is now awaiting trial in Zurich accused of sexually abusing up to 1,500 young boys and like Clarke was friends with a lot of Sri Lanka's top politicians, senior policemen and influential government figures. Clarke is said to have attended parties at the tycoon's home. When asked if he had, Clarke replied: ‘I may well have done. I mean the very first man I met here in 1954 was a pedophile and made no bones about it. He was in intelligence in the army, a fantastic guy.’ 58
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch stopped his UK newspaper News of the World from breaking the story that Arthur C. Clarke was a pedophile because he was friends with the pedophile. 59
 Coverup Tactics
  The UK government employed dirty tactics to cover-up the Westminster pedophile story. Similar tactics were implemented in Belgium, Australia and the USA: 
1. Label outspoken victims as liars, fantasists, and/or insane.
 2. Frame victims for false arrest for fabricated crimes.  
  3. Label concern about, and investigation of, pedophilia and ritual abuse crimes ‘Moral Panic’ or ‘Satanic Panic.’ 
 4. Label all inquiry into adult male pedophiles with a penchant for boys, ‘homophobia’ and an ‘abuse of human rights.’   
  The gay community must be proactive in distancing themselves from pedophiles who long ago equated the fight for gay rights with the fight for social and legal acceptance of pedophilia. Being gay does not automatically make a person a pedophile. Yet many equate being gay with being a pedophile thanks to PIE and NAMBLA members who aligned themselves with gay activist groups since the 1970s. NAMBLA participated in gay pride marches. US VIP trafficking victim David Shurter provided me with insight into this issue, and I hassled him to write a book about child trafficking and his experience and understanding of the gay lifestyle he lived. Shurter’s insights may help combat the trend where VIP pedophiles suddenly come out as gay in reaction to being accused of violently raping children. The tactic of masking pedophilia allegations with cries of ‘Homophobia!’ worked for decades in Australia, UK and the USA - until Kevin Spacey tried it mid MeToo movement. Note that PIE and NAMBLA never disbanded, they simply dove underground and employed more subtle ways of achieving their perceived right to rape children.
Aussie Banks:
 CIA Money Launderers As I write, Australia is in the process of two federal investigations, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, and the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. Only one of these investigations has shed any light on the global child trafficking network. On 5 April 2018, Nicole Rose, the newly appointed head of AUSTRAC (Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre) addressed the Australian media: 60 
  I thought coming from the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission that I had a pretty good handle on serious and organised crime side. I didn't appreciate the depth and breadth of involvement with private entities and banks. I didn't appreciate how many industries it does actually touch. There's a misperception that money laundering is a victimless white-collar crime that's probably just looking at tax avoidance - and it’s not. It is criminal entities using financial institutions here and nationally to move criminal funds around our country and our financial system overseas. And it has a massive impact on everyday life. Whether that's child exploitation, serious and organised crime, drug importation - it all involves money laundering.
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) was subsequently fined $700 million for almost 54,000 breaches of anti-money laundering and counterterrorism financing laws, including the laundering of proceeds from child sex trafficking, and the channelling of these funds into overseas terrorist organisations. This massive criminal operation involved 27 different groups or cells, each of which accessed a CBA account. Each of the 27 accounts was used for money laundering by multiple, possibly hundreds, of criminals, with each individual depositing amounts of over $10,000 into the automatic tellers per sitting. Police obtained footage of people sitting at tellers at night with large bags of cash, patiently feeding notes into the IDMs (Intelligent Deposit Machines). 
About 80 percent of CBA-laundered money was obtained via drug trafficking, while the remaining 20 percent came from child sex trafficking (namely by Fijian nationals operating in far north Queensland). The CBA sting operation incorporated the biggest illicit drug bust in Australian history. This massive Perth, WA drug bust went unreported in the Australian media. And that is not all the government covered up. AUSTRAC cut short their investigation and action against the CBA because if they continued, the laundering operation was so massive the CBA would have run out of money paying the appropriate fines 
The most telling cover-up regarding the CBA case is that, while the CBA as an organisation was fined, law enforcement authorities never prosecuted the individual CBA employees identified as responsible for masterminding the laundering operation. Those offenders simply left the CBA to assume senior executive positions within other organisations. Police prosecutors claimed they had insufficient evidence to prosecute the executives, when they in fact possessed ample evidence. 
I suggest the true reason the DPP did not pursue the individuals responsible for these crimes is because the perpetrators were CIA agents, and the CBA money laundering operation was part of the CIA-coordinated global child and drug trafficking operation. 
As I write, Westpac and the NAB (National Australia Bank) are under AUSTRAC investigation for the very same crimes. 
ASIO, ANSTO & the Redress Scheme 
In 2018, the Australian government initiated a Redress Scheme where child abuse victims could apply for a maximum $150k compensation for being abused at the hands of one or more government and/or private institutions named as perpetrators to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Redress Scheme prevents victims from taking further action against the institutions. It is the responsibility of individual institutions to submit to the Redress Scheme. For instance, the Roman Catholic Church dioceses signed up, but the individual Catholic Orders including the Salesian Priests who operated Boys Town did not. Signing up is basically an admission of guilt on the institution’s part and indicates that victims reported that institution to the Child Abuse Royal Commission. Scrolling through the list of institutions who signed up to the redress scheme, my therapist and I were shocked to read the names ASIO and ANSTO. 
Babylon Will Fall  
  ‘Babylon’ is the Biblical name of the ‘great city that rules over the kings of the world’ (Rev. 17:18). Babylon was and is a global political, financial and religious power system that rules the world. It is the Black Network, the Octopus, the Illuminati, the Luciferian Order headed by the Rothschild dynasty, administered by pedophile government officials, and policed by the CIA, Mossad, ASIO and MI6. The Bible describes Babylon as follows: 
- The kings of the world have committed adultery with Babylon. (Rev 18:3) 
- The merchants of the world have grown rich because of Babylon’s desire for extravagant luxury. (18:3) 
- Babylon brewed a cup of terror for others. (18:6) - Babylon bought great quantities of human slaves. (18:11) 
- The merchants of the world became wealthy by selling human slaves to Babylon. (18:15) 
- Babylon’s merchants are the greatest in the world. (18:23) 
- Babylon deceived the nations with her sorceries. (18:23)
The ‘merchants’ are the world’s richest and most powerful merchant bankers who trade in ‘human slaves’ including child sex slaves. The ‘kings’ are the pedophile world leaders who are compromised via child prostitutes. The ‘cup of terror’ refers to the CIA created terror organisations being used to force countries to submit to Babylon. Revelation guarantees that Babylon will fall. The destruction of Babylon and her Luciferian pedophile associates will be quick and complete. My existence and endurance testify to this fact. 
Royal Whitewash "Ye shall know them by their fruit."... (Matt 7:16)
Eyes Wide Open 
1 Fiona Barnett Eyes Wide Open CIA Child Trafficking | MK-ULTRA in Australia Ritual Abuse & Mind Control | Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation Trauma-Focused Integration 
The Catalyst
My private session with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse was scheduled for 3pm, 26 June 2013 at an inner Brisbane City hotel. My husband and I sat waiting in a hotel room when a young lawyer rushed in to greet us. Her arms cradled the 22-page written complaint I electronically submitted to the Commission, and remarked:
‘You’re obviously highly educated!’ ‘No,’ I corrected her.
‘I’m highly intelligent. I received an abysmal education. I taught myself everything I know.’
The lawyer led us into an adjacent hotel room where two commissioners stood to greet us. Federal court judge Jennifer Coate sat opposite me at a large round table. Child psychiatrist Helen Milroy sat to my right. The young female lawyer took her seat to my left. Judge Coate presided over our meeting. She began, ‘We’ve read your comprehensive submission. It’s good that you submitted this beforehand otherwise we would be spending the entire hearing relaying its contents. We gained the impression that your submission contains a selection of what you experienced and that you know a lot more.’
‘Yes,’ I agreed. ’There’s much more. I selected the incidents where I could best identify a time, date and place. I also compiled this -...’ With two hands, I purposefully placed a fat, well-organised folder on the table.’ It contains some evidence to back up my complaint. Sorry about the hand-written contents page. I would normally type and reference everything better than this, but I only had a few days’ notice that I would be attending today.’
The Australian public was given the impression that private sessions were a positive, cathartic experience where victims got to share their abuse in a supportive, nonjudgemental environment. My experience was different to that. The next two hours felt more akin to a cross examination. It seemed Judge Coate was looking for holes in my testimony.
‘That’s good!’ retired Tweed Heads Detective Frank Natoli exclaimed. ’It means they took you seriously. They were seeing how you’d hold up under cross examination.’ He concluded, ‘This Royal Commission is giving victims a false sense of hope. They won’t investigate their complaints.’
Detective Natoli was right. The first thing Judge Coate told me was, ‘Fiona, we’re not here to redress current victims’ complaints. We’re here to do something for future victims.’
But current victims ARE the future! I thought. This is nothing but a collect-and contain operation. A wave of determination washed over my being. I asked,  ‘What do you plan to do differently to avoid the pitfalls of the last child abuse royal commission?’
Judge Coate was taken aback. ’We’re just at the information gathering stage. We haven’t yet decided what we’re going to do next.’ ‘
I imagine you’re overwhelmed at the response so far.’
The three women collectively sighed. We spent the next two hours exploring three separate but related matters.
1. How the NSW Education Department and NSW Police conspired to bury a pedophile ring operating within my local Tweed Shire.
2. My experiences as a victim of an international child sex trafficking ring.
3. How dirty police, Australia’s Psychology Board, and Bond University conspired to simultaneously frame me as (a) an adult perpetrator instead of a child victim of my abuse (in which case my child abuse claims were true), and (b) psychotic because I said I was abused as a child (in which case my child abuse did not occur).
‘You’re obviously not psychotic,’ Professor Milroy observed. ‘Fiona, your submission was impressive and unique. What you wrote about Elizabeth Loftus and false memory syndrome: we weren’t aware of any of that beforehand.’
I reiterated the scientific invalidation of Loftus’ pro-pedophile writings that formed the basis of the previous Royal Commission’s dismissal of witness testimonies like mine. ‘God help me if I see Elizabeth Loftus in your report!’ I warned. ‘You need to stop universities teaching this rubbish. You need to stop health practitioners automatically labelling child abuse victims borderline personality disordered. That condition is often just a symptom of child abuse and it’s - . . .’
‘Recoverable?’ Milroy offered.
‘Y-yes,’ I stared at her like a stunned mullet. ‘The symptoms dissipate as the victim recovers her memories.’ I remounted my soapbox, ‘You need to stop the latest tactic being used against child abuse victims. They’re using a study which claims that child abuse victims are more likely to become perpetrators, as grounds for accusing victims of being perpetrators. They’ve already tried to frame me as a perpetrator based on being a victim – so you’d better nip that one in the bud!’
My right hemisphere rapidly scanned and analysed the words, body language, eye appearance and micro facial expressions of the three panel members, and drew its conclusion: Milroy – empathic, intelligent, genuine, eye single, trustworthy. So, when the hotel room turned a fuzzy white and voices became like a faint echo in a dark cave, I turned to Milroy, stared into her red teary eyes and confessed: ‘I’m dissociating.’
Hold it together, I told myself. You are here to give the children a voice. I continued, ‘Detective Bob Sullivan of the NSW child protection squad told me in 2005 that only a Royal Commission had the power to investigate the Tweed Shire pedophile ring. Well, we have a Royal Commission – so let’s investigate!’
‘Are you going to investigate my complaints?’ I persisted.
Judge Coate ignored me.
I seized the commissioner’s eye and demanded: ‘Yes or no! Do you have the power and authority to investigate my complaints?’
The commissioner squared her body to mine, smiled bemusedly and coolly responded, ‘Yes.’
‘Right! That’s one point. Secondly, is it within your terms of reference to make recommendations based on your investigations?’
‘Yes,’ she responded just as smoothly.
‘Right!’ I ran my finger across their collective presence and warned, ‘I’m holding you to that. Investigate my complaints!’
I shuffled through my folder of evidence and pulled out a document. ’I’ve included a newspaper article about my university lecturer who was recently charged with sexually assaulting two children. Bond University published his pro-pedophile writings on their website. It says here:
In his book Life of Crime,61 Professor Wilson said that in the ‘sizeable majority of incidents’ adolescents were sexually provocative. ‘My findings were remarkably similar to studies in California and Scandinavia which suggest child victims of adult sex offenders are generally willing or active participants, and that they not infrequently initiate the sexual relationship,’ he wrote.
The Commissioners gasped.
‘This is what students are being taught in our universities?’ I raised my voice. ’It’s not acceptable!’ My heart beat faster as I pulled out another document. ‘This is an email sent to me from Tor Neilsen saying he witnessed sixty children raped in the very same location where I witnessed the same people committing similar crimes! Tor and I independently reported our experiences to the police!’ My frustration peaked as I turned to another section of my folder and tore out an illustration of the Order of the Eagle ritual banner. ’Look!’ I thrust it at them. ’Look at this! I am the first person in the world to come forward and publish this! This was erected at every major pedophile ring meeting! Other victims out there must recognise this!’ I tossed the drawing on the table.
Finally, Jon spoke, ‘Let’s remember that there are victims who couldn’t be here today . . .’ his voice broke as tears welled in his eyes, ‘because they didn’t make it.’
More silence.
I continued, ‘I’ve put my neck on the line time and time again for others.’ I lowered my head and fought back tears as I uttered words that caused me immense pain. ‘I’ve never asked for anything for myself…’ I struggled to continue. ’But I’m asking you now – investigate my complaints.’
‘Fiona,’ Commissioner Milroy spoke softly and pointed to my folder of evidence, ‘first we have to read that.’
‘Fiona, you’re obviously highly intelligent - . . .’
‘So what?!’ I snapped. ’What’s the use of having intelligence when institutions continually prevent me from using it?! My life has been destroyed! They’ve continually ruined my finances, my health, my reputation - and now all prospects of employment!’ Silence.
‘Fiona,’ Judge Coat asked, ‘Do you have any final questions?’ ‘Yes,’ I wiped my tears and straightened my posture. ’What am I allowed to share with the public regarding what I experienced here today?’
The judge shifted awkwardly in her seat, ‘You can’t repeat anything you heard here.’
‘Show me the legislation.’
‘The legislation,’ my tone strengthened.
’Get me the legislation that states what you just said.’
The young lawyer’s eyes widened. She dove into a pile of folders. Minutes later she read out the relevant section.
‘Now,’ I told Judge Coate, ‘interpret that for me.’
Following Coate’s explanation, I sought clarification, ‘So, I own anything that I stated here and can share that with whoever I choose?’
Judge Coate nodded, ‘That is correct.’
‘But Fiona,’ Professor Milroy interjected, ‘you may be tested on how much what you say you said here indicates what we said.’
‘Thank you,’ I smiled. ’That was my next question.’ Oh sure, I thought. As if the Royal Commission will spend public funds prosecuting a victim instead of investigating her complaints. What a great national news headline that would make. ‘You’ll have to excuse my audacity,’ I offered, ‘but that is what has sustained me.’
‘Oh no, that’s fine,’ they all agreed.
It was time to go. I shook Milroy’s hand, peered deep into her brown eyes and expressed, ‘Thank you. I know you’re genuine.’
‘Fiona,’ Milroy implored, ‘keep making submissions.’
I mournfully shook my head, ‘What’s the use?’
I met Judge Coate’s handshake which was so firm I was reminded of the western ritual where men shake hands to establish dominance. I stared defiantly into her right eye and returned her grip with enough strength to make my point but without committing an offence.
As I exited the room, the panel members stretched, sighed heavily and exchanged looks which said, That was intense!
Jon and I had barely exited the room when he, grinning from ear to ear proudly exclaimed, ‘Oh, Fi! Milroy would have employed you on the spot! Well done!’
We were escorted into yet another hotel room where a government appointed psychologist waited to debrief me.
I engaged in half an hour of intellectual discussion before tiring of it. You must let yourself break, Fiona, my brain warned me. You need to feel the emotion before you leave.
‘They’re not going to do a thing,’ I complained. ’This is a whitewash! And I knew it would be. I knew not to get my hopes up. But still I did. A small part of me hoped that there would be justice for me. I’ve never asked for much -. . .’ I lowered my head as my whole being convulsed in emotional release. I wept sorely from some hidden chasm of despair. Minutes passed before I gathered myself enough to speak again. ’I just thought that maybe. . . just maybe. . . for once something might be done for me. But I was wrong. There’s a part of me, buried deep within that’s reserved solely for justice. That part of me opened today for the very first time, but it just got shut right back down again.’
I did not realise it at the time, but a poorly sutured invisible wound was tearing open. My session with the Royal Commission sparked a crazy chain reaction of events including going public, delivering a national press conference, re-entering intensive therapy, making police witness statements, speaking at an international conference, and writing this book.
Australian ‘Satanic Panic’
A tightly organised, mafia-style, hierarchically structured crime syndicate has infiltrated every aspect of Australian government and society including the judiciary, churches, law enforcement, military, child protection, hospitals, educational facilities, childcare centres, and Parliament. The network has numerous branches and countless members who profit from various illegal activities including drugs, arms and child sex trafficking. It is a well-oiled clandestine machine fuelled by public ignorance and distraction. Detecting members of this system and their tactics is like driving a new model of car: you suddenly notice all the other cars on the road of the same make and model. Ritual Abuse (aka: RA, Cult Abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse, SRA) constitutes one facet of the child trafficking machine. The Australian media has reported on RA cases, although references are limited and difficult to locate. Reporting of these cases peaked in the mid1990s during the Wood Royal Commission.
Damage Control Psy-Op
The CIA adopted a multi-pronged approach to bury the epidemic of SRA reports and control the Australian narrative. Here is a summary of their tactics:
- Establish a bogus investigation, to gather and contain victims and their evidence. - Assassinate all network perpetrators who risked exposing the trafficking operation. - Focus the entire scandal on a handful of outed, now conveniently dead, scapegoats. - Muddy the waters by labelling the pursuit of pedophile crimes ‘homophobia’ and ‘moral panic.’ - Devise a bogus disorder to label and denigrate victims and their therapists with. - Conduct bogus research to support the bogus disorder. - Recruit dirty doctors and hired guns to defend the bogus disorder in the media and courtrooms. - Create derogative newspeak to mock, devalue and discredit victims and their witness testimony; e.g., ‘conspiracy theorist’ and ‘hysterical.’ - Recruit agent journalists to promote the cover-narrative in the mainstream media. - Support subsequent findings of bogus investigation with bogus disorder and research. - Have perpetrator academics teach the bogus research and bogus disorder in universities to perpetuate the lie, deter future therapists from understanding the truth, and forever conceal the child trafficking operation. - Restrict therapists from working with victims of extreme abuse, via new Health Board policy preventing such, and policing which targets dissident therapists for deregistration.
Pedophilia is NOT Homophobia
‘Homophobia’ is the propaganda angle the CIA chose to defend and bury allegations of government involvement in child sex trafficking. Hence the CIA-infiltrated Australian media subtly shifted reader focus from revelations of ritual abuse and VIP pedophilia – to accusations of ‘homophobia’ and minority rights violations. VIP pedophiles routinely ‘came out’ as gay to distract from child rape allegations.
‘Metaphor for Incest’
Early 1990s disclosures of ritual abuse and mind control were labelled a ‘metaphor for incest’ by Australia’s most recognised DID expert Warrick Middleton. ‘Metaphor for incest’ is precisely what Gold Coast Hospital head psychiatrist Dr Flanagan parroted at me in 1991. Flanagan and Middleton worked together for the Queensland Health Department. In 1995, journalist Richard Guilliatt quoted Middleton in his article which cast doubt over the validity of ritual abuse testimony:
‘I believe it is a metaphor,’ argues Dr Warwick Middleton, a Brisbane psychiatrist specialising in trauma. ‘It re-creates in the present a scenario that evokes the helplessness of the past.’ 62
Warrick Middleton failed to provide any scientific research to back his opinion that victims’ torturous PTSD flashbacks are merely metaphors. Metaphor is best treated by academia rather than psychiatry. Here is my critique of Guilliatt’s 1995 introduction of the CIA’s new narrative to discredit the wave of SRA reports:
Richard Guilliatt, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 February 1995.
In a bizarre modern phenomenon, hundreds of women are dredging up lost memories of childhood abuse involving blood, sex and devil worship. The accusations are criminal – but investigators have never proven a case of Satanic ritual abuse.
[Persuasive, misleading reporting. WA police proved and convicted a case of SRA in 1991. Sydney investigators actively buried SRA reports.]
By the late 1980s, this phenomenon had spread to both Europe and Australia, most notably with the ‘Mr Bubbles’ case in Sydney, when staff of the Seabeach Kindergarten in northern Sydney were arrested and accused of occult sexual abuse. Therapists, private investigators and police began telling the media this was a problem of great consequence, and a four-part report on Channel 10 in late 1990 prompted police to form a taskforce…
In Australia, the Mr Bubbles case collapsed from lack of evidence. Although the principal defendant in the Mr Bubbles case, Anthony Deren, later confessed to fondling adolescent girls earlier in his life, the evidence of occultism amounted to a handful of anti-Satanic books in his home and the fact that children at Seabeach chanted Ram-Sam-Sam, a common children’s song…
[Police sabotaged the case and omitted crucial evidence from court. The DPP prevented Professor Kim Oates (head of the Child Protection Unit at the Camperdown Children’s Hospital) testifying that his hospital staff found 5 children were sexually abused at Seabeach Kindergarten. The children reported Luciferian chanting, not ‘common’ harmless preschool songs as the journalist persuades the reader to conclude.]
Although Satanic abuse stories are not as common in Australia as in the US, one Sydney rape counsellor estimates from her contact with therapists that about 300 women in NSW are being treated for ritual abuse. That estimate is supported by the Herald’s own calls to ‘survivor’ groups, therapists and sexual assault workers. Phoenix Van Dyke, the organiser of the ritual abuse support group Beyond Survivors, says she has been in contact with more than 200 women who believe they are survivors. The Sydney Rape Crisis Centre has had more than 100 cases in recent years and one major Sydney hospital about 30
To believe these women, one would have to accept NSW has been permeated by brutal Satanic cults since at least the late `60s, a network of evil which has indulged in murder, prostitution, child pornography and other crimes without leaving evidence…
Ref: 62 Richard Guilliatt (1995). Therapy in Turmoil: The Memory Controversy. Sydney Morning Herald, 1 February.
[‘To believe’ is persuasive language. NSW Police buried the evidence, ambushed victims’ homes, removed kids from whistle-blowers.]
One middle-ground view of these stories is that satanic abuse ‘memories,’ although not literally true, may be a way for incest victims to symbolically represent the evil done to them. ‘I believe it is a metaphor,’ argues Dr Warwick Middleton, a Brisbane psychiatrist specialising in trauma. ‘It re-creates in the present a scenario that evokes the helplessness of the past.’
[Middleton presented subjective opinion and did not substantiate it with scientific evidence.]
But others are beginning to view Satanic ritual abuse as simply a form of mass hysteria sparked by a confluence of events in the early 1980s – growing public alarm about child abuse, the rise of support groups and alternative counselling, the influence of Christian fundamentalism in the US and the popularity of ‘confessional’ TV chat shows such as Oprah, which have given unquestioning coverage to stories of Satanism.
[Vague inference. There is no clarification of ‘others’ or their qualifications or associations. This is CIA propaganda aimed at swaying the reader’s opinion.] Therapists are now grappling with the vexed question of whether Satanic abuse survivors are mentally ill people suffering delusions, vulnerable people influenced by their therapists or actual incest victims who have wildly distorted their abuse. If the latter is true, how many of their memories are reliable, and how can a therapist possibly determine what is fact and what is fantasy?
Remarkably, however, this debate appears to be completely bypassing many of the therapists, child abuse workers and sexual assault counsellors who have banded together to combat ritual abuse. After years of exposure to abuse cases, these counsellors are adamant that there is nothing unbelievable about the vivid detail of the stories they are hearing, and many view the current debate as a ‘backlash’ against their cause.
[The journalist does not clarify how many and which ‘therapists’ he refers to, apart from Middleton who states an unproven opinion. He then introduces CIA concept that victims are ‘deluded,’ ‘fantasists,’ their memories ‘unreliable.’ He is using the NLP equivalent of writing, by repeating the word ‘unreliable.’]
Among some survivors and even therapists, the ‘backlash’ and the failure of police investigations are now cited as examples of the diabolical cleverness of Satanic cults, whose influence reputedly extends to the top of our society. ‘It’s very deliberately instigated by people who have an enormous amount to lose,’ says Janet. ‘I think it’s much more than a backlash … it’s actually orchestrated by ritual abuse perpetrators as a way of discrediting survivors.’
[Repeatedly placing quotation marks around the word ‘backlash’ is designed to persuade the reader to disagree with the professional’s testimony that she experienced a backlash.]
This view has been fuelled by allegations, currently under investigation, that NSW police have been bribed by pedophiles. One therapist claims to have seen infra-red Federal Police photographs of nocturnal forest rituals. A Child Protection Services official talks about covens meeting around Australia on certain days of the year. Even the official NSW Government booklet on ritual abuse – distributed to hundreds of health workers since 1993 – dismisses the growing body of contrary evidence as an example of society’s collective ‘denial.’
[The journalist’s choice of the word ‘fuelled’ is subjective persuasive writing, not objective news reporting. His placing quotation marks around the word ‘denial’ again persuades the reader to disbelieve the therapist’s witness testimony.]
Richard Guilliatt is still writing newspaper articles that subtly undermine the credibility of ritual abuse victims. His 2017 hit piece in The Australian targeted me.63 Wood Royal Commission The ‘investigation’ referred to in the above article was the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service (aka, Wood Royal Commission) which operated from 13 May 1994 to 30 Jun 1997. Justice James Roland Wood was appointed commissioner. The purpose of the investigation was to examine allegations of systemic and entrenched corruption within the NSW Police, namely that police were protecting pedophiles, and that some police were themselves involved in pedophile activities and ritual abuse. The Wood Royal Commission was to specifically examine multiple allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse at Sydney’s Seabeach Kindergarten.
The Wood Royal Commission was sparked by complaints from politician Diedre Grusovin regarding reports of a child trafficking network involving not just police, but politicians, churches, child welfare services, juvenile detention centres, the Education Department, media moguls, and entertainers. The trafficking operation involved the ritual abuse of children who were pimped to Kings Cross brothels. The following Legislative Council document (dated 10 October 1990, p.8046) recorded Grusovin’s complaint:
Ref: 63 Richard Guilliatt (2017). ‘Those Events Never Happened.’ The Australian, 30 September.
On 12th September Reverend the Hon. F.J. Nile asked a question regarding Satanism. The answer is as follows: 1. Yes. 2. No. The Hon. Deirdre Grusovin alluded to a network of pedophiles and said that established networks, such as Satanists, could also be involved in these practices. 3. I can assure the House that any allegations of child abuse or Satanism are and will continue to be thoroughly investigated by the New South Wales Police Service.
Wonderful Wollongong
Commissioner Wood chose Wollongong as his focus case because he had a big bloody mess to cover up:
For those whose memories do not extend back to the mid-1990s, Arena was a Labor politician in the NSW upper house, who gained national attention in 1996 when she named two people – retired judge David Yeldham and former state MP Frank Arkell – as potential pedophiles. At the time, a royal commission into the NSW Police Service headed by Justice James Wood was in full swing, but Arena and others believed it was not doing enough to look at people in high places. Along with fellow Labor MP Deirdre Grusovin, Arena promised to name at least two Sydney men in a parliamentary speech, and the next day asked why the commission had not investigated Yeldham or Arkell. 64
Ordinarily, such allegations would have been met with probably successful defamation actions, but Arena spoke with the protection of parliamentary privilege, protecting her from being sued. Her speech caused an uproar and both men denied being pedophiles. But before long, Yeldham was revealed to have lived a double life as a homosexual, and he took his own life on November 4, 1996. Arkell was horrifically murdered on June 26, 1998, a fortnight after another Illawarra man, David O’Hearn, was killed in equally brutal fashion in his Albion Park home. The perpetrator in both cases was a 19-year-old, Mark Valera, who claimed that both men had propositioned him sexually, and that he had been abused by his own father.
Frank Arkell (Wollongong mayor), David O’Hearn (Wollongong shopkeeper), and Trevor John Parkin were ritually murdered. Parkin and O’Hearn were disembowelled. O’Hearn was decapitated and his severed hand used to draw an inverted cross, pentagram, and the word ‘SATAN’ on his walls.65 Gareth Robinson:
Wollongong's daily newspaper has been having a look. The Illawarra Mercury has published a series of stories about the secret lives of some of the city fathers, stories about a child sex ring, about priests and teachers abusing trust. There have been claims of satanic abuse, none ever proven, [note the same subjective persuasive comment.] and a string of convictions in the courts…The line of inquiry into Wollongong itself runs long and deep. What was revealed at the Royal Commission goes back many years, to another Mayor. He was Tony Bevan, a pilot, property developer, and one-time owner of Bevan's Real Estate Agency… There were complaints that Tony Bevan was having sex with young boys… Tony Bevan, who was known to offer boys the thrill of a ride in the plane he flew on regular shark patrols. Victim: [Tony Bevan] started to take me up to the [Kings] Cross, which was during the week and every weekend.
Ref: 64 Ian Kirkwood (2015). Franca Arena was Right on the Mark. Newcastle Herald, 30 October.
65 ABC Radio National (1998). Wonderful Wollongong. Sunday, 30 August
66 Alex Constantine (1995). Psychic Dictatorship in the USA. Feral House
These men were part of the Luciferian pedophile network that ritually abused and sex trafficked boys to the Kings Cross brothels. Incidentally, I witnessed children dropped by air into the shark infested waters to deter others from whistleblowing against the CIA trafficking network.
‘False Memory Syndrome’
In 1993, Dr Corydon Hammond, a professor at the University of Utah’s School of Medicine, conducted a seminar on federally funded mind control experiments. Topics covered by Hammond included brainwashing, post-hypnotic programming and the induction of multiple personalities by the CIA. Hammond contended that the cult underground has roots in Nazi Germany, and that the CIA’s cult mind control techniques were based upon those of Nazi scientists recruited by the CIA for Cold Warfare. (Researcher Lenny Lapon estimates in Mass Murderers in White Coats that 5,000 Nazis resettled in the US after WWII.) Hammond was forced to drop this line of inquiry by professional ridicule, especially from the CIA’s False Memory Syndrome Foundation, and a barrage of death threats. At a recent regional conference on ritual child abuse, he regretted that he could no longer speak on the theme of government mind control.66
MK-ULTRA child rapist and killer Martin Orne cofounded the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. The concept of ‘false memory’ was in fact the brainchild of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, the US Army Intelligence Officer who headed Psychological Operations. In classic Psy-Op style, Aquino appeared on Oprah dressed in theatrical pop-satanism garb, to muddy the waters after multiple children identified him as a Luciferian pedophile. Aquino was implicated in every major USA case involving CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse and MKULTRA mind control, including the McMartin Preschool, Presidio Preschool, and Franklin scandals.
Aquino and Orne’s False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) and its Australian counterpart (AFMA) were formed specifically to counter the tidal wave of disclosure by victims of CIA child trafficking and Project MK-UKLTRA which began in the 1980s and peaked in the early 1990s before the CIA effectively shut it down. The FMSF Board comprised former CIA and military doctors with backgrounds in behaviour modification - not ritual abuse.67 All members were accused pedophiles and/or CIA perpetrators. Here are some facts about key False Memory associates
US FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION Martin T. Orne (Founder) - Senior CIA MK-ULTRA psychiatrist. - Raped and murdered countless MK-ULTRA child subjects. - Co-Director, Unit for Experimental Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania. - Experimented in hypnotic programming and dissolving memory. Aaron T. Beck - MK-ULTRA psychologist. - Father of Clinical Psychology and CBT. Campbell W. Perry - Australian hypnosis expert. - MK-ULTRA psychologist. Elizabeth Loftus - Conducted unethical bogus research, fabricated statistics, generalised narrow findings to population at large. - Sued twice for lying about child abuse victims. - Avoided psychology deregistration by resigning. Ralph Underwager - Psychiatrist discredited in US courts. - Told Amsterdam pedophile magazine journalist it is ‘God’s will’ and ‘responsible’ for adults to rape children. - Told British reporters in 1994 that ‘scientific evidence’ proved 60% of all women molested as children believed the experience was ‘good for them.’ Hollida Wakefield-Underwager - Ralph Underwager’s wife. Peter and Pamela Freyd - Psychiatrists. - Stepsiblings who married. - Peter was sexually abused at age 11 and later prostituted himself. - Accused of incest by their daughter. Harold Lief - Former Army Major in Medical Corps. - Close colleague of Martin Orne. - MK-ULTRA psychiatrist experimented with behaviour modification and hypnosis programming at the University of Pennsylvania’s Unit for Experimental Psychiatry. - Employed by the Freyds to retrospectively diagnose their adult daughter as a ‘fantasist’ for accusing them of incest, after he joined the FMSF, and when he was not Jennifer Freyd’s doctor. He made this diagnosis after Jennifer had qualified as a PhD psychologist and university lecturer, and after she outed her parents during a 1993 conference presentation. David Dinges - Co-Director of University of Pennsylvania’s Unit for Experimental Psychiatry with Martin Orne. Margaret Singer - Testified with Louis Jolyon West in Patty Hearst’s trial. - Experts on cults and brainwashing. - Investigated techniques used by North Koreans against American soldiers. - Collaborated with CIA doctor Richard Ofshe
Michael Cox (President) - Accused by daughter of sexual abuse. - Convicted of raping two stepsons (his conviction was typically overturned on technicality). - President CAFSA (Citizens Against False Sexual Allegations; CAFSA knowingly employed convicted pedophile Bob Dutton; CAFSA was supported by MK-ULTRA hypnotist Peter W. Sheehan. Robert Stanley (President) - Member International Society of Hypnosis. - Deregistered by Psychology Board for having sex with a client who died shortly after.69 Graham Dene Burrows - Order of Australia Medal. - Authored books on hypnosis. - Provided reference in failed attempt to reinstate associate Robert Stanley’s psychology registration. - Photographed hosting Martin Orne at his home on 22 August 1979. - Victorian Medical Board reluctantly ‘investigated’ him in 2011 after the media reported they had received 100 complaints about him in three days.70 (Used patient as guinea pig, resulting in suicide. Destroyed patient medical file to prevent investigation into his over-prescription of drugs causing kidney failure.) - Retrospectively diagnosed father as mentally ill and so not responsible for throwing his 4-year-old off a bridge.71 (Criticised by presiding judge. Accused of concocting the evidence by MP who demanded the University of Melbourne sack him.) Jerome Gelb - Co-founded the AFMA in consultation with FMSF.
- Branded ‘mentally unstable’ after bringing a loaded handgun to court. A subsequent police raid found a cache of illegal weapons (800 rounds, guns, knives, cattle prod) stored in his home.72 Edward Ogden - Worked for the Victorian Police Force (who were outed by Dr Reina Michaelson as Luciferian pedophiles). - Said, ‘Mind-control is a fantasy of the Cold War.’ - Involved in various drug experiments. David Millikan - ‘Cult investigator’ who said, ‘only middle-class people join cults.’ - Worked for the ABC with Nevill Drury. - Co-authored ABC book with Drury promoting Christianity and New Age compatibility. - Drury was a Luciferian and Shaman who took LSD at the Esalen Institute. - Drury promoted Michael Aquino. - Drury wrote the only authoritative biography of Rosaleen Norton, the notorious 1950s-60s ‘Witch of Kings Cross’ who worshipped Pan, Hecate, Lilith and Lucifer, and practised Kundalini yoga, out-of-the-body trance exploration, and Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic sex magick. Jan Groenveld - ‘Investigated cults’ with David Millikan. - Daughter is a Satanic Ritual Abuse victim. - CAN (Cult Awareness Network) member with MK-ULTRA US Army doctor Col. Louis Jolyon West (my perpetrator). - Founded Australia’s Cult Awareness Information Centre. - Trained in MK-ULTRA developed Neuro Linguistic Programming. - Influenced by Steven Alan Hassan (CAN member mentored by NLP creator John Grinder). Yolande Lucire - Demonstrated a Scientology approach to psychiatric medication. - Agreed to not administer psychiatric treatment to a Scientologist’s daughter who consequently killed her father. - Member Australia’s Cult Awareness Information Centre. Peter and Pamela Freyd were stepsiblings who married. They coined the term ‘false memory syndrome’ in response to being accused of sexually abusing their daughter Dr Jennifer Freyd, Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon, who outed them at a 1993 mental health conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan. On 17 April 1995, Peter Freyd’s brother William wrote an open letter to WGBH-Boston, criticising the TV station’s inexplicable bias in favour of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation
There is no doubt in my mind that there was severe abuse in the home of Peter and Pam…The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a fraud designed to deny a reality that Peter and Pam have spent most of their lives trying to escape.73
Ralph Underwager was a founding FMSF member. In June 1991, Joseph Geraci, Editor-in-Chief of the pro-pedophilia publication, Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia interviewed Ralph Underwager in Amsterdam. During this interview, Geraci asked Underwager, ‘Is choosing pedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individual?’ Underwager responded:
Certainly, it is responsible. What I have been struck by as I have come to know more about and understand people who choose paedophilia is that they let themselves be too much defined by other people. That is usually an essentially negative definition. Pedophiles spend a lot of time and energy defending their choice. I don’t think that a pedophile needs to do that. Pedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God’s will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people. A pedophile can say: ‘This closeness is possible for me within the choices that I’ve made.’ Pedophiles are too defensive. They go around saying, ‘You people out there are saying that what I choose is bad, that it’s no good. You’re putting me in prison, you’re doing all these terrible things to me. I have to define my love as being in some way or other illicit.’ What I think is that pedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness, they can say, ‘I believe this is in fact part of God’s will.’ They have the right to make these statements for themselves as personal choices. Now, whether or not they can persuade other people they are right is another matter. ‘Mr Bubbles’ Ritual Abuse Case Ralph Underwager gave crucial evidence in Australia’s notorious ‘Mr Bubbles’ case in which children were sexually and ritually abused while attending Sydney’s Seabeach Kindergarten. Underwager was interviewed by Australia’s 60 Minutes in an episode, Witness for Mr Bubbles, which aired 5 August 1990. Reporter Mike Munro stated: Six weeks ago (17 June 1990) we brought you a story that a number of people, including some in high places, wanted to keep secret: the case against Mr Bubbles. In that report, parents named Tony Deren as the man who had sexually assaulted their children. Deren’s wife ran the kindergarten they attended. Tonight, we investigate another crucial aspect of this disturbing case. You remember, police listed seventeen young victims, and more than fifty (54) criminal charges were eventually laid. But when the Mr Bubbles case went to court, not one of the children was called to give evidence. The charges were thrown out, and Tony Deren was set free. One of the key Deren witnesses was a hired gun from the United States, a psychologist named Ralph Underwager, who says he’s an expert in child sexual abuse. He testified that the children’s evidence had been contaminated, and they were too young to know what the truth was… This is Ralph Underwager, psychologist. He was paid $25,000 and gave crucial evidence in favour of Tony Deren; evidence which helped Deren walk free… Always the same story: three and four-yearolds being lured into bubble baths with a man who sexually abused them.
Professor Kim Oates: Having examined them, and talked with them, I’m absolutely convinced the children were sexually abused. Reporter: There’s absolutely no doubt? Oates: No doubt at all Reporter: That’s the evidence Professor Kim Oates wanted to give in court. But he was never asked. As head of the Child Protection Unit at the Camperdown Children’s Hospital in Sydney, he’s known around the world as an expert in detecting child sexual abuse. Reporter: So, we have 18 children who were examined, five of whom your staff say were definitely sexually abused, and all of them from the same preschool. What’s your reaction to that? Oates: Well, I think if you look at the incidence of significant child sexual abuse in the community, significant enough to lay physical findings in the preschool age group, I think it’s extraordinary. Reporter: This is Debbie’s medical report. Once again, it was positive; there was sexual abuse. Debbie’s mother: I was entirely spun out on that because I, at that point, had been trying to tell myself that, no, this wasn’t happening, it wasn’t true, who would interfere with my child. Another child (wasn’t identified): I put some things in his body, and he put some things in my body, but I didn’t want him to. Reporter: Cindy’s medical report confirms she was abused. The doctor found signs consistent with traumatic dilatation of the anus. Reporter: This is Boroko Court House, Port Moresby, New Guinea. In 1972, Deren was brought here, charged with the aggravated assault of two young girls. He’d interfered with them in a swimming pool. Something Deren admits. And both charges were proven. Reporter: There’s no doubt scores of questions remain unanswered in the Mr Bubbles case, and some of them relate to Ralph Underwager, the expert witness Tony Deren paid to testify on his behalf. Ralph Underwager was imperative to Tony Deren’s defence. As a supposed independent expert, he testified that the evidence of the Bubbles children had become contaminated. And, they were too young to understand their duty to tell the truth. But, here in America, we’ve certainly discovered Underwager’s reputation and credentials aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Dr Anna Salter: Well, he is someone who makes his living going around the country and testifying against children in child sexual abuse cases. He says the same thing in essentially every case. Which is every… Reporter: And Anna Salter knows what she’s talking about. A PhD from Harvard, and a master’s degree in Early Childhood. She says young children can be believed. Dr Anna Salter: This is consistent with the literature. If you look at what is the best legal textbook in the country today on children as witnesses, ‘Child Witness: Theory and Practice,’ Malcolm Meyers says clearly children as young as three can comprehend the duty to tell the truth. Reporter: And this man is a highly respected legal scholar in America? Dr Anna Salter: I think he’s fairly clearly the chief leading scholar on child sexual abuse in the country. Reporter: Six American states have given Dr Salter a grant to check Underwager’s methods in court. And what did she find? Dr Anna Salter: That he isn’t accurate. That what he says in court does not necessarily fairly represent the literature. Reporter: He distorts the facts? Dr Anna Salter: Uh, frequently. Sometimes he quotes specific studies, and he’s frequently wrong about what the studies say. Reporter: So, we thought we’d get Dr Salter to analyse the evidence Underwager gave under oath at the Mr Bubbles hearing, where he testified his qualifications had never been questioned. But in an American case, the Swann case, this is what the courts said about Mr Underwager. Dr Anna Salter: The court remains convinced the psychologist did not have the qualifications to testify as a doctor. The trial court ruled that the psychologist’s proposed testimony was not proper because there was no indication that the results of the doctor’s work had been accepted in the scientific community. Reporter: In the Mr Bubbles case, he said his qualifications were never in question… Now, the second incident, in the Mr Bubbles case, was where Underwager said that 90 percent of accusations against child molesters are wrong. Now, is that backed up scientifically? Dr Anna Salter: No, that’s gobbledegook. I don’t know of any study that would support that… Reporter: Ralph Underwager was hired to defend Polly’s father. And as usual, he testified that nothing had happened. It was all a delusion, and Polly had simply made the whole story up. But then, Underwager was cross-examined by Polly’s lawyer, Eric Vaughan. Vaughan: He used the theory that it was a delusion of the child that she was doing a favour for the mother by saying this happened when it really didn’t happen, to gain the favour and to be the apple of the eye of the mother. Reporter: A delusion that she was continually raped over four days. Vaughan: That’s right. Reporter: The jury took only an hour to decide Polly Barnes was telling the truth, and that Ralph Underwager’s testimony that nothing had happened, could be ignored. In fact, Underwager’s evidence was rejected so much, the jury awarded Polly three and a quarter million dollars… So, while Underwager was being rejected here in America, he had no such trouble at the Mr Bubbles hearing in Australia where he testified that the children were too young to tell the truth…Ralph Underwager has testified for the defendants in about 400 child abuse cases.
Wood RC Cover-Up
The Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service Final Report was published on 1 May 1997. Three volumes of this report were devoted to pedophilia inquiries. Volume Four, Chapter 5 (pp.99 -116) were solely devoted to the subject of Ritual Abuse. At the end of this chapter, Commissioner James Wood concluded:
5.13 From a common sense perspective, while it must be recognised that apparently respectable and successful members of the community do commit child sexual abuse, a quantum leap in credibility is required to suppose that they would do so in the bizarre, ritualistic way described, which includes the infliction of serious, even fatal, injury and mutilation upon their own children.
 James Wood’s examination of Ritual Abuse amounted to a blatantly biased whitewashing. Wood devoted the entire content of Chapter 5 of his report to discrediting victims, parroting critics’ unscientific reasons for why Ritual Abuse does not exist in Australia, excluding the evidence for Ritual Abuse’s existence, and listing alternative possible reasons
– none scientifically evidenced
– for the epidemic of SRA reports in Australia.
James Wood’s list of alternative explanations included:
- Mental illness
- Substance abuse history
- Urban legend
- ‘Metaphor for incest’
- Lying to get compensation
- Exposure to ritual themes in books, film or television.
Concerning the last point, Forensic Psychology academics told my post graduate class the media do not influence people’s thinking and behaviour. Horror movies, violent video games and rock music do not influence people to commit heinous crimes. By contrast, Wood claimed film and television influence people to believe that heinous crimes have been perpetrated against them.
In his Final Report, Commissioner Wood said Ritual Abuse does not exist from a law enforcement perspective because:
1. Rarely, if ever, are bodies of the ‘victims’ or their graves found, nor do neighbours, friends or relatives report children missing in the numbers required to account for the allegations;
2. there is rarely, if ever, any evidence of the kind which can be confirmed by modern forensic technology;
3. signs of physical injury in the form of scarring, burns and the like, are not found upon medical examination of ‘victims’ who report torture of the most extreme and prolonged kind; more often than not the medical examination fails to confirm the abuse as alleged;
4. in cases of criminal conspiracy, inter-group jealousies or disputes inevitably develop and throw up an informant. In cases of RA, this rarely if ever occurs. Similarly, a co-conspirator who is otherwise in trouble, and prepared to supply information in return for an immunity or assistance in sentencing, rarely emerges;
5. again, contrary to experience with child sexual abuse generally, most of the offenders are reported to be females;
6. although many ‘victims’ claim that photographs are taken and videotapes made of the activity, visual records of the kind are rarely found, nor does the large amount of child pornography in circulation portray the bizarre and ritualistic activities described; and
7. so many people tell the same story and allege the involvement of so many others in the events that it is difficult to see how there could not be independent evidence, or knowledge of it on the part of persons outside the alleged rings.
Allow me to address James Wood’s seven points:
1a. Bodies and graves are indeed found. Police and doctors who are part of the trafficking Network write bogus reports to coverup the deaths. I witnessed Leonas Petrauskas write a fake death certificate saying a child was stung by a blue bottle, to cover Paul Keating’s crime. When I made a witness statement to Terry Frost at Tweed Heads Police, he said my accounts matched numerous ‘unsolved murders’ in the Sydney areas I named, and he would urgently send my statement to Sutherland detectives.
b. Most bodies are disposed of. I witnessed bodies being fed to dogs, cremated in factory furnaces, dissolved in chemical pools, and thrown from a helicopter into the ocean. Bodies are commonly fed to pigs (Paul Keating had a pig farm). I am sure you can think of a few other ways of disposing of dead bodies. Just watch TV for inspiration…
c. Most child murder victims are bred by cult members and slave breeders for the purpose of ritual sacrifice. Their births are never registered. Many children are legally stolen from parents via Child Protective Services. Thousands of babies were stolen from ‘unfit’ mothers and ‘adopted.’ Many children are trafficked by pedophile parents, and when the innocent parents find out and report the matter to police, dirty cops write bogus reports against the innocent parents who subsequently lose custody of the child victims. I later received a call from a lawyer who told me the Sutherland detective in charge of my case covered up the sex trafficking of her client’s son in this manner.
d. My cult grandparents’ neighbour who resided at 12 McAlister Ave was also a cult member. His obese wife ‘committed suicide’ after she had a nervous breakdown following the multiple ‘cot deaths’ of her young children. I witnessed one of these ‘cot deaths’ when I was five years old. The preschool boy was ritually sacrificed by the neighbour and my step-grandfather in the front room of the neighbour’s house. Leonas Petrauskas wrote the death certificate.
2. Again, there certainly is evidence. Network members in positions of authority routinely fabricate circumstances surrounding victims’ deaths. Doctors and police routinely falsify death certificates and police reports. Take for example the 1986 murder of Sallie-Anne Huckstepp by dirty cop Roger Rogerson who protected the Sydney child trafficking operation that James Wood investigated. Sallie-Anne was writing an article about the Sydney child trafficking network when Rogerson’s contract on her was fulfilled. Sallie-Anne was found dead in Sydney’s Centennial park. The usual police coroner was not on duty the day police were called to Sallie-Anne’s body. The substitute officer arrived and was instructed to record the death as suicide by drowning in a pond. The honest police officer noted struggle marks on Sallie-Anne’s arms and wrote the death up as suspicious. This led to an investigation during which the officer gave what he thought was a confidential testimony; however, by the time he arrived back at his station, everyone knew what he had just said. He was consequently victimised, traumatised, and transferred 1000 kilometres away to Murwillumbah police station. Yet NSW police continued to hound the man; they raided his home multiple times in search of grounds for charging him - such as a pencil taken from work. The clean cop was forced to retire from the police force. He withdrew to a farm out the back of Mount Warning and never recovered from the trauma of what the corrupt NSW cops did to him. So, if that is what accidentally emerged because a good cop happened to be on duty on the wrong day, imagine what convicted murderer Roger Rogerson’s minions routinely covered up every other day?
3a. As part of their Order of the Illuminati practises, bloodline victims like me must not be physically flawed or scarred, and sacrifices must be without blemish. My abusers were experts at administering torture techniques, including electrocution, that do not leave physical evidence. It is possible to beat someone in the gut through a phone book to hide superficial evidence of the beating, a traditional police method. #b. Some victims do carry scars, but police and medical staff do not believe victim accounts of how these were acquired. DID victim Jennifer Haynes (who made history when her dissociative parts were granted permission to testify in court) appeared on 60 Minutes (26 May 2019) to discuss her horrific child abuse. Her physical scarring is so severe she wears a colostomy bag and can never have children. Yet her testimony was ‘consistently faced with ridicule and disbelief.’ (Note that during the initial show trailer, Jennifer mentioned being subjected to ‘ritual abuse’ – yet 60 Minutes subsequently edited this out of the broadcasted episode.)
c. Any leakage of physical evidence is routinely covered up. I accidentally suffocated during a ritual and was transported to Sutherland Hospital for resuscitation. To cover for the incident, my perpetrators told hospital staff one of the cult members was my mother, and duped medical staff release me into her care.
4. The notion that an informant would voluntarily step forward is the most ridiculous point on James Wood’s list. Like the mafia, pedophile ring membership is a life-long commitment. As the famous Hotel California song says, ‘You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.’ At six years of age, deep in the National Park, I witnessed the fate of a ‘traitor’ who tried to leave the pedophile ring. Each of the man’s four limbs was tied to a different vehicle. The four vehicles then accelerated in opposite directions. I certainly was reluctant to talk after being made to watch that.
5. I witnessed male and female ritual abuse perpetrators, and believe me, the women were as debauched as the men. However, a disproportionate number of men were involved in my abuse, and in the abuse of the numerous other ritual abuse victims who contacted me. #
6. As for Wood’s reference to an alleged lack of videotape and other evidence, consider the 2004 disappearance of the video evidence that Dr Reina Michaelson submitted to the Victorian Police Commissioner. The video footage featured men in Victorian Police uniform raping preschool children at a Mornington Peninsula childcare centre. The video footage ‘disappeared’ in police custody. Reina told me she was subsequently slapped with a ‘D-Notice’ on the grounds that what she knew about the government’s involvement in child trafficking could undermine the public’s confidence in the government.
7. When examining ritual abuse from a law enforcement perspective, James Wood ignored the following ritual abuse case which preceded his ‘investigation’ by three years
CHILD SEX ABUSE LINKED WITH SATANISM: POLICE David Humphries, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 1991.
PERTH: Perth police say they have proved a link between organised child sex abuse and devil worship, following the conviction on Monday of a young man on 22 charges of indecent assault and dealing and of evil intent. The head of WA’s child sex abuse unit, Detective-Sergeant Roger Smart, said the conviction of Scott Brian Gozenton demonstrated the link. Satanic practices ‘and the associated abuse perpetrated on children is prevalent in the United States and Britain and no-one can now doubt that the link can be made here,’ Sergeant Smart said.
Gozenton, 20, pleaded guilty to all charges and was remanded until April 5 for sentencing after the District Court was told that 13 witchcraft covens operated in Perth. Judge Kennedy was told that Gozenton had been a victim of sex abuse as an eight-year-old and had been recruited as a teenager into a satanic cult where adults practised bizarre sex with each other, their own children and teenage recruits. The more bizarre and perverse the orgies, the closer cult members felt to the Devil, Gozenton’s barrister, Mr Mark Trowell, said. ‘The real villains are those individuals who visited their perversity on this young man,’ Mr Trowell said. Gozenton was a tragic result of sexual abuse perpetrated by a school caretaker against himself and six other boys for three years. Shame prevented him from revealing his ‘terrible secret’ and he became introverted, rebellious and distant from his parents. ‘At the age of 14, he was approached by a school chum about a new family where rebellion was encouraged and someone like this young man could get a sense of belonging,’ Mr Trowell said. He said the coven was attended by about 20 adults of both sexes, their young children and the teenage recruits. Rituals were both homosexual and heterosexual, he said.
His client had recognised cult members at earlier hearings but had refused to identify them for fear of reprisals, Mr Trowell said. ‘These evil people kept this young man under their spell and direction for four years while these offences against him were committed. He…was instructed to establish a junior coven for the purpose of recruiting junior members from school and the Scout group with which he was associated.’
Mr Trowell said the initiation rituals mostly involved touching of genitals and, apart from three charges of oral sex were ‘not unduly perverse.’ The evil design charges related to attempts to recruit others into the cult, where Gozenton had the code name of Death. He said Gozenton had been seeking to extricate himself from the satanists, established a stable relationship with a woman and improved relations with his parents and did not deserve a jail sentence.
Mr Chris Drew, for the Crown, said the charges against Gozenton were ‘extremely serious’ and that jail was the only option available.
Ref: 68 R.J. Ofshe & M.T. Singer (1994). Recovered-memory therapy and robust repression: influence and pseudomemories. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, October, 42:4, 391-408. 69 Psychologists Registration Board of Victoria (2003). Hearing Re: Robb Stanley, 16 June.
70 Lucie van den Berg (2011). Heat turns on Melbourne University Professor amid allegations. Herald Sun, 23 June.
71 Selma Milovanovic (2011). Expert witness in Freeman case should be sacked: MP. The Age, 12 May
72 Renee Switzer (2007). Armed shrink 'unstable mentally.' Sydney Morning Herald, 3 February
73 Valerie Sinason (2018). Memory in Dispute. Routledge
74 E. Loftus & J. Palmer (1974). Reconstruction of Automobile Destruction. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour, 13, 585–589. 75 E. Loftus & J. Pickrell. (1995) The formation of False Memories, Psychiatric Annals, 25, 720-725.
76 L.S. Crook & M. Dean (1999). ‘Lost in a shopping mall’ - A breach of professional ethics. Ethics & Behavior, 9:1, 39-50.
77 L.S. Crook & M. Dean (1999). Logical fallacies and ethical breaches. Ethics & Behavior, 9:1, 61-68.
78 James A. Coan (1993, August 18). Creating false memories. Senior paper, Psychology Honors Program, University of Washington, Seattle.
79 James A. Coan (1997). Lost in a Shopping Mall: An Experience with Controversial Research. Ethics & Behavior. 7. 271-84.
The Devil Made Me Do It
Royal Commissioner James Wood also ignored the Australian 60 Minutes episode that aired in the late 1980s called, The Devil Made Me Do It. It aired one year after an episode, Satan’s Children, in which a 15-year-old English girl Teresa detailed her experience of Ritual Abuse. Reporter Ian Leslie presented both episodes. The Devil Made Me Do It involved a discussion panel including Senator Fred Nile plus two former coven pedophile ring members, a young man from Sydney and a young woman from Adelaide. The Adelaide woman was under police investigation for her involvement in criminal activities (including the ritual murder of babies) which, she said, were committed on campus by a coven comprised of University of Adelaide staff and students.
Elizabeth Loftus
Royal Commissioner James Wood used the gangrenous writings of CIA psychologist Elizabeth Loftus to dismiss multiple witness accounts of organised pedophilia and ritual abuse. Wood’s Final Report referenced Loftus’ 1994 book, The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse, to support his conclusions:
a. ‘False memories’ of Ritual Abuse can be artificially created as a result of third person suggestion, b. A victim of Ritual Abuse can’t experience dissociation and repression of traumatic memories, and c. Ritual Abuse victims are female ‘attention-seeking’ hypochondriacs whose flashbacks may be attributed to overly zealous female therapists.
Loftus’ 1994 book was not a scientifically conducted, peer reviewed research publication. It was just a book.
At the time of her 1994 book release, Loftus had published one study relevant to her ‘false memory’ theory, an experiment which examined university students’ memory for films of car accidents.74
In 1995, Loftus co-published the notorious Lost in a Shopping Mall study.75 76 77 78 79 Loftus’ assigned University of Washington postgraduate student James Coan as chief co-investigator for her mall study. Subjects’ family members were asked to provide James Coan with three true childhood stories about the subjects, and to describe a typical family shopping trip. Based on the shopping trip descriptions, a false story was created for each subject about getting lost as a child during a shopping trip. Subjects were told their family members said the events ‘had happened.’ The subjects were asked to repeat the stories and to try and remember more details. Finally, the subjects were told that one of the memories was false and asked to choose the false memory.
Elizabeth Loftus conducted and published this research before receiving ethical approval for the study. Loftus added a second interview plus another evaluation scale to the research protocol long after the study was approved on 10 August 1992.
James Coan reported in his 1993 honors thesis that only 6/24 subjects completed the study, and zero subjects created a false memory.80 81 Crook and Dean (1999) analysed Loftus’ data and discovered only 2/24 subjects likely completed the study.82 First year psychology students are taught, a minimum of n=10 subjects is required for valid statistical analysis. So, Loftus blatantly lied when she reported: ‘Of the 24 total, 19 subjects correctly chose the getting-lost memory as the false one, while the remaining five incorrectly thought that one of the true events was the false one… These findings reveal that people can be led to believe that entire events happened to them after suggestions to that effect.’ 83
The raw data from the shopping mall study were subpoenaed by defence attorneys in Burgus v. Braun. Loftus successfully obtained a gag order for her fraudulent data. The case settled on 31 October 1997 and the data returned to Loftus.
Elizabeth Loftus published another lab experiment in 1996.84 This examined, ‘whether imagining events from one’s past can affect memory for childhood events.’ A total of 38 undergraduate psychology students (young female university students studying the same course) participated in the study for course credit. Loftus asked the students to imagine described events such as tripping over or falling through a window.
The characteristics of Elizabeth Loftus’ samples made it inappropriate for her to generalise findings from her studies to the population at large. And yet Loftus drew conclusions from these severely flawed studies about the reliability of child abuse memories, and the possibility that a parent or therapist could create false memories of child abuse in a person who has experienced trauma of the most severe kind. Loftus basically equated a psychology student’s experience of watching a car crash film or imagining themselves falling over – with real life accounts of being systematically raped and tortured throughout one’s development. That is beyond preposterous. 
Elizabeth Loftus’ conclusions failed to hold up under cross examination.
In 1994, Lynn Crook successfully sued Loftus. Lawyer Barbara Jo Levy asked Loftus, ‘If you are asked to testify about your experiments of implanting false memories, would you use those first six?’ Loftus replied, ‘No, I don’t think I will use the first six’ (Transcript, p.61).
In December 1995, two women filed ethics complaints against Elizabeth Loftus with the American Psychological Association, claiming she had misrepresented their successful recalled-memory lawsuits to the media. Loftus resigned from the APA in January 1996, so the APA dropped their investigation.
Ref: 80 James A. Coan (1993, August 18). Creating false memories. Senior paper, Psychology Honors Program, University of Washington, Seattle, p16. 81 James Coan (1997). Lost in a Shopping Mall: An Experience with Controversial Research. Ethics & Behavior. 7. 271-84. 82L.S. Crook & M. Dean (1999). Logical fallacies and ethical breaches. Ethics & Behavior, 9:1, 61-68. 83 E. Loftus & J. Pickrell. (1995) The formation of False Memories, Psychiatric Annals, 25, 720-725. 84 M. Garry, C. Manning, & E. Loftus (1996). Imagination Inflation: Imagining a Childhood Event Inflates Confidence that it Occurred. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 3:2, 208-214
A Washington Post article entitled, In the Sharon Case, a Grilling to Remember (27 October 2006) described a damning cross examination of Elizabeth Loftus:
But when Fitzgerald got his chance to cross-examine Loftus about her findings, he had her stuttering to explain her own writings and back pedalling from her earlier assertions. Citing several of her publications, footnotes and the work of her peers, Fitzgerald got Loftus to acknowledge that the methodology she had used at times in her long academic career was not that scientific, that her conclusions about memory were conflicting, and that she had exaggerated a figure and a statement from her survey of D.C. jurors that favoured the defence.
In 2003, Nicole Tau successfully sued Loftus for invasion of privacy. At age six years, during a videotaped interview by a medical doctor, Tau had accused her mother of child abuse. Tau subsequently forgot her abuse but spontaneously recalled it at age 17 years. Corwin and Olafson (1997) published an article about the case, favouring the notion that repressed memory of childhood abuse can be recalled. Elizabeth Loftus set out to discredit Tau by hiring a private investigator to locate Tau. The PI lied to Tau’s family by pretended to be Corwin’s research assistant. Loftus subsequently published an article based on the PI’s interviews with Tau’s family in which she identified Tau as a victim of crime. Tau filed an ethics complaint against Loftus in 1999 with the University of Washington who upheld the complaint.
During a 2013 TED Talk about memory, Loftus intentionally misrepresented the basic facts of Nicole Tau’s case by saying it was about a ‘woman’ who ‘accused her mother of sexual abuse based on a repressed memory.’ Loftus knowingly omitted crucial facts of the case: that Tau was six years old when she made the report, then forgot the memory, and then spontaneously and accurately recalled the memory 11 years later at age 17 years.
CIA Infiltrated Australian Therapy Industry
A 1994 FMS newsletter documented the influence the CIA pedophiles had on Australian therapists. The following is a letter to the FMA from Jerome Gelb (the psychiatrist who took a loaded handgun to court):
The Australian False Memory Association has now been formally organized. The links between the AFMA and Australian professionals seem strong and the fact that the Australian Psychological Society has already established guidelines for recovered memory situations indicates a positive and determined approach by professionals to deal with the problem. A letter from Dr Jerome Gelb, a psychiatrist in Australia, affirms this optimism. He states, ‘I am writing to keep you up to date with events in Australia regarding FMS and Recovered Memory Therapy. Australian Psychiatrists are, apart from very few exceptions, fully aware of the iatrogenesis of so-called repressed memories, MPD and Satanic Abuse. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists has been helpful in publishing on the issue.’ Dr Gelb mentioned the television and newspaper articles that have recently appeared in Australia noting that they understand the iatrogenic nature of some memories. Dr Gelb said that he had published a detailed letter to the Editor in the December 1994 RANZCP Journal of Psychiatry and that the journal of Australasian Psychiatry, Vol 2, No 4, August 1994, pp 179-180 had published his article, ‘Reality Revisited.’ Dr Gelb went on to write that, ‘I feel that public opinion in Australia is supportive and the media is also. Most importantly, Australian Psychiatrists are almost universally wary of American therapy fads and are highly critical of poorly trained therapists and the inappropriate use of suggestion, persuasion and memory recovery techniques of all kinds. Please let your membership know of these developments.’ 85
CIA-Dictated APS Recovered Memory Guidelines
The APS Guidelines Relating to Recovered Memories were introduced on 27 October 1994. According to the 1994 US FMS newsletter, the APS Guidelines Relating to Recovered Memories were adapted from a book written by MK-ULTRA hypnosis researchers Australian Peter W. Sheehan and Kevin M. McConkey which was based on their hypnosis research. 86 Peter Sheehan and Kevin McConkey both conducted hypnosis research with MK-ULTRA psychiatrist Martin T. Orne. 87 Kevin McConkey was the current APS President, and his hypnosis book was currently in press, when the APS introduced their Guidelines Relating to Recovered Memories that he co-authored. Here are the key points from APS Guidelines Relating to Recovered Memories that stopped Australian psychologists acknowledging the existence of ritual abuse and mind control, and treating victims of extreme abuse, for the following 25 years:
- Memories can be altered, deleted, and created by events that occur during and after the time of encoding, and during the period of storage, and during any attempts at retrieval.
- Although some clinical observations support the notion of repressed memories, empirical research on memories generally does not. Moreover, the scientific evidence does not allow general statements to be made about any relationship between trauma and memory.
- The available scientific and clinical evidence does not allow accurate, inaccurate, and fabricated memories to be distinguished in the absence of independent corroboration.
- Assumptions that adult problems may or may not be associated with repressed memories from childhood can’t be sustained by available scientific evidence.
- Psychologists should be alert to the role that they may play in creating or shaping false memories.
- Psychologists should seek to meet the needs of clients who report memories of abuse and should do this quite apart from the truth or falsity of those reports.
- Psychologists should explore with the client the meaning and implications of the memory for the client, rather than focus solely on the content of the reported memory. - Psychologists should be aware that research is needed to understand more about trauma-related memory, techniques to enhance memory, and techniques to deal effectively with childhood sexual abuse.
Ref: 85 FMS Foundation Newsletter (1994). 1 November, 3:10. 86 K.M. McConkey & P.W. Sheehan (1995). Hypnosis, Memory, and Behaviour in the Forensic Setting. Guildford.
87 M.T. Orne & K.M. McConkey (1981) Toward convergent inquiry into self-hypnosis, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 29:3, 313-323
88 C.J. Dalenberg et al. (2012). Evaluation of the evidence for the trauma and fantasy models of dissociation. Psychological Bulletin, May 138:3, 550-88
89 B. Brand & L. McEwen (2014). Coverage of Child Maltreatment and its Effects in Three Introductory Psychology Textbooks. Trauma Psychology, Fall, 8.
Allow me to place things into perspective – the men who wrote these APS Guidelines trained under Martin Orne who, according to US Congressional witness testimony, raped, tortured and murdered children in name of national security and psychological research.
Here is my retort to the above points:
- There is zero scientific evidence to support the claim that mainstream therapists can create false memories. Only MK-ULTRA doctors possess the knowledge and military technology to radically alter memory. Memories can only be deleted during and after encoding using unethical hypnosis, illicit drugs, torture, and cutting-edge medical procedures.
- ‘False memory syndrome’ is not a recognised mental health condition, has no clinical history or symptomology (when Repressed Memory has both) and does not feature in the DSM.
- A range of studies using various methodologies across cultures support a causal relationship between trauma and dissociation (alterations in memory and identity). One research team found, ‘strong empirical support for the hypothesis that trauma causes dissociation, and that dissociation remains related to trauma history when fantasy proneness is controlled. We find little support for the hypothesis that the dissociation-trauma relationship is due to fantasy proneness or confabulated memories of trauma.’ 88
- The APS basically ruled that unless the therapist can find a third-party witness to the abuse, they should not work with - or even acknowledge as substantially true - the client’s abuse memories. The APS should apply the same rule for every experience a client brings to therapy, otherwise that is discrimination. Courts consider an individual’s witness testimony a form of evidence, yet the APS does not. Perpetrators are adept at concealing their crimes and eliminating witnesses, a fact the APS ignores.
- Genuine belief in a client’s testimony is essential for establishing rapport and eliciting client trust. Therapists can’t possibly meet the therapeutic needs of victims of extreme abuse unless they believe and understand the abuse account. A client will only trust enough to disclose their abuse details and therefore integrate only when they perceive the therapist sincerely believes them. Empathy and belief can’t be feigned at hypervigilant high IQ victims.
- Victims will never process and heal from extreme childhood abuse unless therapy focusses on the actual abuse memory including the thoughts and feelings experienced during the childhood trauma incident, instead of what the adult victim presently thinks and feels about their memories of extreme abuse.
Loftus Legacy
Elizabeth Loftus was discredited, professionally disciplined, and sued in the USA for her blatant lack of ethical conduct and unscientific methodology. Yet her unproven opinion regarding memory (a) was the basis for Royal Commissioner James Wood’s dismissal of multiple independent reports of Ritual Abuse; (b) provides the Australian blueprint for dismissing the nature and existence of extreme child abuse within mental health, education, and forensics; and (c) underpins all psychology teaching and educational texts in Australia. Most Australian psychology textbooks are American imports; mine were. A 2014 study examined three undergraduate psychology textbooks and found all three concluded that child abuse memories are likely false.89 All three textbooks referenced Loftus’ writings. Owing to this unfounded and illogical embracement of Loftus’ opinion:
- Australian universities and educational materials teach psychology students that most child abuse memories are false, repressed trauma memories are particularly unreliable.
- Regulatory bodies deter psychologists from acknowledging the validity of repressed child abuse memories and working with implicit trauma memories.
- Australian psychology students receive no training in the Trauma Model approach. - Australian therapists receive zero training in recognising or treating ritual abuse and mind control.
- NSW Victims of Crime counselling services forbade the use of scientifically validated, effective tools like EMDR for processing implicit abuse memories (until I publicly accused them of withholding treatment). A therapist can only use EMDR if they tape the sessions; yet this is not required for other, less effective treatment modalities.
- University criminology lecturers do not teach future Australian law enforcement officials that child trafficking is run as a single, integrated global operation.
Failed Wood Royal Commission
During a 1997 parliamentary hearing, Senator Fred Nile addressed the Mr Bubbles case and the Wood Royal Commission’s mishandling of it as follows:
The Hon F Nile: I seek the indulgence of the Attorney General. I wish to ask him a question without notice. Why did the children who attended the Seabeach Kindergarten, of the Mr Bubbles case notoriety, receive more than $500,000 compensation? How is it possible that the Government of New South Wales, through the Victims Compensation Fund, is able to pay compensation to the children who were at the Seabeach Kindergarten even though the Wood Royal Commission refused to make any findings about the case and the Director of Public Prosecutions was unable to successfully prosecute the perpetrators of the alleged assaults?
Government officials subsequently deemed the Wood Royal Commission a ‘failure.’ In May 2002, the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs conducted an inquiry into crime in the community. An excerpt from Volume Two of their Report (published August 2004) reads:
Almost immediately, the Committee received substantial submissions covering all aspects of the Inquiry. From New South Wales came very serious allegations of corruption in New South Wales policing, including allegations of protection of pedophiles, ‘doctoring’ of police statistics, corruption of the newly introduced promotions system for duty officers, the failure of the Wood Royal Commission and the systemic failure of bodies set up to investigate such issues. Instead of being applauded for seeking remedies, the whistle-blowers received punitive treatment…
Subsequent Cases
Reports of organised pedophilia and ritual abuse continued to surface in multiple locations around Australia, following the failed Wood Royal Commission and the subsequently established Police Integrity Commission also headed by James Wood. Here are some case examples:
1. Brisbane ABC, CJC Pedo Network Senator Bill Heffernan stated in the Australian House of Parliament (29 May 1998):
Recently I made a speech in which I highlighted the code of silence which protects worldwide child sex networks; in particular, Australian pedophile networks. These networks include people in the judiciary, parliament, clergy and the Public Service. Many of these people live in an abhorrent culture in which is included as a ‘spoils of office’ the right to have sex with children.
These people put themselves at continual risk of serious compromise in their workplaces as perpetrators, as too do those people who knowingly ignore or turn a blind eye to this ultimate betrayal of our children. Honourable senators should be concerned at recent developments involving the Criminal Justice Commission, the body set up to investigate official corruption in State after the Fitzgerald inquiry. One of the senior members of this body, Mr Bob Hailstone, a former priest and manager of the ABC in Brisbane, and director of the corruption prevention division of the CJC [Criminal Justice Commission] has left the CJC in what could only be called exceptional circumstances.
In November last year a State police pedophilia task force raided Hailstone’s house at 31 Dudley Street, Bardon and took possession of a great deal of obscene material. Last week Eric Goh, a man who lives with Hailstone at 31 Dudley Street, appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on charges of possessing for sale indecent or obscene material.
These charges raise serious issues of concern.
I have in my possession a letter which I will now read into the public record, and which records disturbing incidents alleged to have occurred at Mr Hailstone’s house. The letter was written by a man, Mr Phillip Wood, shortly before he died. Hailstone recently resigned from the CJC rather than face disciplinary charges including association with an inappropriate person. It seems to me that the whole period of Hailstone’s service with the CJC should be examined, particularly as this body has failed in the past to investigate pedophilia allegations. The letter written to a Brisbane solicitor reads as follows:
Dear Malcolm,
This is my account of the incident on 30th June 1996. On 30th June 1996 I attended a luncheon party at the home of Mr. Robert Hailstone, 31 Dudley Street, Rainworth. In attendance were a total of fourteen persons, including Mr. Robert Hailstone – it then mentions a second and third person – the others I either didn’t know or can’t remember their names. During the course of the luncheon, some of the guests and the host were talking about having sex with young Asian boys, especially during their holidays in Thailand. This conversation was somewhat disturbing to me as I regard pederasty as anathema, but I said nothing. Later on, the conversation was about the church and their involvement in it, some of the group having been to church that day.
This triggered a hostile reaction in me, and I asked them how they could be involved in an institution that so vocally condemns homosexuality. This prompted an outburst of abuse by one of their number to me, with me responding by calling them a bunch of churchgoing pedophiles and saying that they should be outed (meaning to publicly expose them).
I then left the house. As I was reversing out of the driveway (there were a number of cars parked there) I clipped the wing mirror of one of the cars. This bought the lot of them out onto the driveway, shouting abuse and kicking the driver’s side of my car breaking the driver’s side window. I was bleeding from the broken glass and being physically attacked by a number of persons. In an attempt to escape I reversed into a tree and drove into the side of a car parked in the driveway. In the melee that followed one of their number managed to turn off the ignition of my car and remove the key. I was then left alone in my car whilst they huddled together a few metres away. I used a spare key and drove out of the driveway. I was covered in glass and blood and very shaken up, but I drove to my home in Victoria Point without incident. I had arrived at the luncheon at approx. 12:15 pm and arrived at my home at 3:30 pm.
Mr Robert Hailstone, who is a director of the CJC had stated to me on a couple of occasions that he could have anyone in Queensland arrested on a trumped-up drug charge. With this in mind, l was afraid to report the incident to the police. l paid for the repairs to the side of my car ($920) and made two separate claims to the NRMA insurance company for the damage to the front ($2785.18) and rear ($870.89) of my car. I hope that this account is comprehensive enough.
Yours Sincerely,
Phillip J. Wood
Madam President, this letter was dated 8 November 1996. Mr Wood was found dead in his home on 10 November 1996. 2. NSW Central Coast Coven EVIL IN THE WOODS Miranda Wood & Martin Chulov, The Sun Herald, 8 August 1999, p7.
The Police Integrity Commission is probing a shocking series of allegations that pedophiles have been protected by police and officials entrusted to care for the children. Police have uncovered evidence of central coast sites used in satanic rituals, to which drawings made by children who claim to have been abused, bear an eerie resemblance. One mother's traumatised child tells of adult groups hanging him from a cross, killing animals, performing sexual acts on cult members and watching orgies. A child from a separate family, who does not know the other child, tells an identical story.
The Sun-Herald has seen evidence of the rituals.
One mother, Genevieve, who has fought a four-year campaign to have authorities probe her claims said her case was similar to 33 other cases reported to the Department of Community Services. Medical evidence has proved that both Genevieve's children have been abused. ‘I'm coming across more and more women who tell the same story,’ she said. ‘I've spent years trying to get help for my children, but there are people who don't want this to come out. As he comes to feel safer, he has given more detailed explanations of what has happened to him and his brother. They held laser lights in their eyes to disorientate them. They were locked in basements and they had to watch each other being abused. He couldn't have possibly made all of this up.’
Genevieve said the boys had told her the names of those who assaulted them, and they could recall seeing at least 30 people at rituals in the bush. She said she believed the cult's rituals had been passed through generations of satanic covens. ‘My son can recognise members in the street and he even knows their names,’ she said. The children called the bushland site ‘the woods.’ They would take long walks through the bush and it was always at night. The ceremonies were held at night,’ Genevieve said.
The drawings by each child also show the same violent acts and symbols used by the cult. One of the symbols Genevieve's son drew was the same symbol on the ceremonial table police have taken a photo of at the bushland site.
Genevieve said the children were afraid to tell of the ritualistic abuse after cult members threatened to kill them and their mothers. Cult members also told them a bomb in their stomach would explode if the truth was revealed - a trait associated with worldwide satanic covens. Genevieve said her son could also remember being drugged and hypnotised. ‘He said they dressed in black robes and had eye and mouth pieces cut out,’ she said. ‘I know they're pretty dangerous people. I have had warnings outside the house telling me to stop investigations. We're fearful for our lives. The boys never want me out of their sight.’
She is now battling to let the truth come out and protect other children from a fate similar to that of her sons. Genevieve said: ‘It's an absolute nightmare. You try to get help and you have the door slammed in your face repeatedly. I'd do anything to stop this from happening again. After a while they make you feel as though you dreamed it all up. The laws and the attitudes need to change.’
Commissioner James Wood headed the Police Integrity Commission which investigated this case which subsequently went nowhere. Are the victims and witnesses now dead?
3. National ALP Pedophile Network
SA Parliamentary Speaker of the House, Peter Lewis, stated (1 April 2005):
There are a large number, but not a high percentage, of people in high places and positions of trust who take it for granted that they can indulge their sexual appetites for children of both sexes so long as they arrange to cover it up and get away with it… It’s a national problem and MPs involved seem to know each other.
On 4th April 2005, Peter Lewis resigned his position as Speaker of the South Australian Parliament. He resigned amidst allegations that certain ministers and journalists thwarted his attempts to expose high-end pedophilia rings by reducing his concerns about pedophilia to ‘homophobia.’ Lewis stated during his parting speech:
I…was quietly, and as quickly as possible, bringing some of the people who had made the allegations to the point where they might pluck up enough courage and confidence and swear the truth of those allegations, enabling them to be more carefully investigated. But they were being ‘bumped off’- that is, murdered and viciously assaulted – quicker than I or the people who were helping me could get them to write down their allegations and then swear that what they were saying was true…
The most outrageous thing of all…is…what appears to be the related and organised activities of those pedophiles in high public office – that is, the judiciary, the senior ranks of human services portfolios, some police and MPs, across the nation, especially within the ranks of the Labor Party.
Yet you only have to recall in recent years the investigations, charges and successful convictions against such people as Darcy, Liddy, Wright, Wells, a former senator and other current and past MPs in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria to understand my concern. They have not acted alone or in isolation, it seems to me…
It is not surprising that we find [pedophiles] in the jobs and roles of leadership.
4. Melbourne Priest Luciferian Pedophile Ring In 2006, the Catholic Church’s Melbourne diocese acknowledged as ‘substantially true’ allegations that a priest took part in ritual murders in the 1960s and paid compensation to a surviving victim.
PRIEST DID ‘RITUAL KILLING’ Gary Hughes, The Courier Mail, 26 May 2006.
A Catholic priest took part in satanic murders and rituals that included child sexual abuse. The Catholic Church’s Melbourne Archdiocese has accepted claims about the rituals as ‘substantially true’ and paid $33,000 compensation to a man who was a victim of the rituals as a child. The archdiocese’s independent sexual abuse investigator, barrister Peter O’Callaghan, QC, described the details of the ritualised murders and sexual abuse provided by the victim as ‘extraordinary… but I have no reason or justification for doubting his credibility,’ Mr O’Callaghan said in a letter to the victim’s lawyers in 2000.
Earlier during a formal interview with the victim, Mr O’Callaghan said he was satisfied the man was telling the truth.’ I see no reason why I shouldn’t accept what you say,’ he said. ‘Amazing as it is, I accept it…’
In a sworn statement given to the archdiocese, the victim said he was first abused by the priest in Melbourne in the early 1960s, when he was serving as an altar boy at the Sacred Heart Church in Sandringham. The priest has since died. In his statement the 56-year-old victim, who wishes to remain anonymous, gave details of at least three deaths – a young woman, a young man and a child – that occurred during satanic rituals over a number of years. Two victims had their throats cut and a third was killed with an axe. Animals were also killed during the ceremonies. ‘I have some gruesome memories of killings,’ the victim said…
The independent compensation panel made a $33,000 ex-gratia payment to the victim in 2001 after his claims had been investigated by Mr O’Callaghan. The archdiocese is paying for counselling for the man, who has been diagnosed as suffering from complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
Gary Hughes,, 26 May 2006.
The most extraordinary thing about today’s allegations of murders during satanic rituals involving a Melbourne priest is not that they’ve been made, but that the Catholic Church admitted in writing that it accepted they were substantially true. Indeed ‘extraordinary’ was the word used by the Melbourne Archdiocese’s experienced sexual abuse investigator Peter O’Callaghan QC to describe the allegations when they were put to him in 2000…
The statement provided to the Archdiocese by the victim, who wants to remain anonymous, makes chilling reading. He details how the Catholic priest, who has since died, first began abusing him at the age of 11 in 1961 when he was serving as an altar boy at the Sacred Heart Church in the bayside suburb of Sandringham and attending a Catholic school, where the priest was chaplain. The priest got the victim alone in a room on the pretext of giving him a sex education lesson and sexually abused him. Later the priest would sexually abuse the boy in his car and at the Sacred Heart Church’s presbytery, where the victim was lured on the promise of playing with toy soldiers.
But it’s the accounts of satanic rituals and the victim’s eyewitness reports of murders that are harrowing. In the statement he details at least three murders – a young girl, a youth and a young child. He says the victims were mostly drugged and appeared to be in a daze before having their throats cut or being hacked with an axe. He says he was forced to take part in the rituals and was sexually abused during them by the priest and others involved in the ceremonies.
While claims of satanic rituals and ritualised sexual abuse by victims are nothing new, what makes these allegations different is the Melbourne Archdiocese’s acceptance of the claims as being true. To our knowledge, it is the first time the Catholic Church in Melbourne has done that in writing.
Some of the rituals, which occurred over a three-year period, took place in an old house owned by the Catholic Church in Sandringham. The house was later demolished, and a new Sacred Heart Church built on the site. . . Other rituals took place at other locations around Melbourne. The victim would be driven to and from the locations by the priest. The victim said during one of the final sexual assaults by the priest he was threatened with a carving knife and told he would be killed if he ever talked to anyone about what he had seen or what had been done to him.
The victim first contacted Victoria Police in 1998 and was told details would be passed to the homicide squad. He says he heard nothing more . . .
In a letter to the victim dated January 5, 2001, the then head of the Melbourne Archdiocese, Cardinal George Pell, apologised for the ‘wrong and hurt’ he suffered at the hands of the priest. The victim’s decision to speak out follows the conviction in the United States earlier this month of Catholic priest Gerald Robinson for the ritualistic murder of a nun. He said he believed there were other victims of ritualised abuse in Australia who were too afraid or embarrassed to speak out. Robinson was charged with the murder of the nun 26 years ago after a female victim of child sexual abuse went to authorities with claims that the priest had been involved in satanic rituals.
The victim in the two articles is James Shanahan. Cardinal George Pell, who signed the (5 January 2001) letter
5. Bathurst, NSW Police and Clergy Pedophile Network In 2008, a decade after the Wood Royal Commission ruled that Ritual Abuse does not exist in Australia, the greatest Ritual Abuse scandal in Australia’s history broke into mainstream media. The following newspaper articles refer to this case: CHANTING, SPELLS AND SEX ORGIES AT ST STANISLAUS COLLEGE Gemma Jones, Herald Sun, 27 August 2008. POLICE are investigating claims that up to 40 boys were sexually abused by a pedophile ring of priests and teachers at an exclusive NSW school… A former priest at the school has been charged with 33 counts, a former teacher has already been convicted of several offences and two other teachers are under investigation. In his first interview, a brave young man who used the internet to expose the abuse revealed the full extent of the horror at the school. He is one of two victims who have told The Daily Telegraph how they were herded into a prayer room by a priest chanting ‘hypnotic’ spells in tongues. Inside the prayer room, the boarders who attended the school in the 1980s said they were subjected to horrendous sexual abuse or forced to assault each other… A former boarder now aged 35, who can’t be identified because of a court suppression order, started at St Stanislaus in the ’80s because it was the only private school in the area his family could afford. He alleged the abuse began after a priest took him aside for private tutoring about the Catholic Church and God two months after he arrived at the school and the horror turned into a twice-weekly event. ‘They got a group between eight and 12 of us together and they’d just start chanting and I would wake up during these sessions and see what was going on,’ he said. ‘It was like an orgy.’ The second victim, who declined to give permission to be named, yesterday described the horrific night-time prayer sessions in the staff’s quarters under candlelight. ‘You’d pass out … they spoke in tongues … another element was called laying on hands, that was the basis on which he would engage in physical contact,’ the victim said. He said the students were all small in stature and many of them emotionally troubled. ‘I know of people who have been contacted, they said, ‘Yes, you’re right but I haven’t told my wife what happened to me I’m not going to tell you guys (police),’ he said. Police last night confirmed 13 alleged victims had already come forward. ABUSE AT ST STANISLAUS COLLEGE ‘INVOLVED NIGHT ORGIES’ Angus Hohenboken, The Australian, August 28, 2008. ORGIES involving up to 60 schoolboys, priests and teachers are among allegations levelled at former staff members of a NSW Catholic boarding school. The Seven Network last night reported claims that nine former teachers and priests from St Stanislaus College in Bathurst, in eastern NSW, had committed sexual abuse on students during ‘hypnotic’ night prayer services in the 1980s.
An alleged victim, whose identity was withheld for legal reasons, said the number of victims involved in the encounters had grown over time. ‘It started out on a one-on-one basis and then in small groups of between eight and 12, and then on one occasion there was a large group of at least 60...’  
The victim whistle-blower was Tor Nielsen. The group of 60 Tor referred to were 60 children raped during a Luciferian ritual in Bathurst City Hall. This pedophile orgy was attended by visiting NSW police officers who boarded at St Stanislaus College during the famous Bathurst car race.
Suspicious St Stanislaus Deaths
Tor Nielsen did a letter drop in Bathurst to expose the pedophile ring. Consequently, his lawyer who failed to silence Tor ‘fell’ from an eighth story apartment. Another witness was found dead the day before he was due to testify in the pedophile trials. A former St Stanislaus College student whose son now attended the school. He was also a lawyer who worked at Frederick Jordon Chambers in Sydney. My friend found him hanged to death by his tie from a bookshelf in the basement library one morning. Only half an hour prior to his death the following evening, staff witnessed the lawyer in a normal mood working on one of his cases. Although attending police treated the death as suspicious, it was ruled a suicide.
6. Brisbane, Queensland
A counsellor at a prestigious Queensland private school ritually hypnotised students before masturbating them, slapping them in the face and putting acupuncture needles in one child’s genitals, the royal commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse has heard. The scores of alleged victims of Kevin Lynch at Brisbane Grammar school included a boy who was sexually abused in a grief counselling session given after learning his father had committed suicide…
One alleged victim of Lynch, known only as BQK, told the commission that the counsellor’s ‘treatment [was] built around his convincing me that I could harness the power of my orgasms to gain an edge’ in studies and sport. ‘He would regularly masturbate me to the point of ejaculation and sometimes would make me ingest my own semen,’ he said. Lynch also slapped the boy in the face to ‘psyche me up about winning a metaphorical race. Other times he would use acupuncture needles and put them into my testicles or stick his thumb in my anus,’ BQK said. BQK told the commission he ‘assumed this was a normal treatment method’ and did not appreciate he had been seriously abused until ‘well into my adult life.’
He said he could not understand why Grammar staff had not questioned why Lynch operated out of a room that had two heavy, soundproof doors, red and green light signals controlling student access, and had significant stocks of tissues and towels, which he used to wipe up semen. The room was set up as a ‘sick conveyer belt of victims for Lynch,’ he said…
My husband worked at Brisbane Grammar School where we lived in school-owned apartments on Gregory Terrace with my baby. I contended with a BGS coven involving an English teachers and ground staff who targeted my daughter. They posed as a new church that I was invited to. My suspicions were aroused when the English teacher’s young obese daughter broke down in terror at a ‘church’ meeting, like we were at a coven gathering.
James Wood’s Sexist Conclusion
In his Final Report, Royal Commissioner Wood concluded Ritual Abuse victims to be:
…nearly always women, who during therapy for a variety of personal problems, reveal previously unrecalled memories of bizarre childhood victimisation at the hands of multiple offenders, and who are frequently diagnosed as suffering from multiple personality disorder.
The Australian victims documented in the above newspaper articles are male. Most of the Sydney pedophile network victims who contacted me are male. This contradicts Commissioner Wood’s sexist dismissal of Ritual Abuse victims as crazy, hysterical females.
Bill Heffernan Reiterates
To read the explosive full story of Eyes Wide Open by Fiona Barnett  ...  the true story the mainstream media controlled by the CIA/MIMI6 and their trillionaire controllers  refuse to mention ...
Please see the following webpage links
Eyes Wide Open 
CIA Child Trafficking | MK-ULTRA in Australia Ritual Abuse & Mind Control | Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation Trauma-Focused Integration 2019 by Fiona Barnet