Blue Flower World News April May 2024

Illegal Shark Fin Trade Murdering Important Sharks Needed For The Ocean's Nature Balance

INLTVWorldNews Part 1. INLTVWorldNews 29th May 2024 Part 1 INLTVWorldNews 29th May2024 Part 2 INLTVWorldNews 29thMay 2024 Part 3 INLTVWorldNews 29th May 2024 Part 4

45 Plus And Another 6 Plus Palestinians Murdered In Gaza By Isrel Defence Force Under Orders Of Netanyahu And Gallant INLTVWorld News 28thMay 2024. INLTVWorldNews Headlines 28th May 2024 Part 2 INLTVWorldNews Headlines 28th May 2024 Part 3 INLTVWorldNews Headlines 28th May2024 Part 4 INLTV UK Trump Legal Case Sports Weather World News Headlines 28th May 2024 Part 5

International Outrage Over International Law Crimes Committed by USA President Joe Biden and Israel's Netanyahu And Gallant

"These Israeli Air Strikes on innocent women and children which has caused over 45 to be killed and over 180 injured are outrageous.. it is hell on earth now in Gaza..."..  Emmanuel Macron, President of France

"They have now gone too far .., this  Slaughter of Genocide of the Palestinian People in Gaza and the West Bank using USA supplied weapons has to immediately stop"....  says Donald Trump to his friends INLTVWorldNews 28th May 2024 Part 1

Stanley Is Looking For Love - IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE FOR Stanley ...

Stanley likes long walks on the beach and rarely gets tired..

International Outrage Over International Law Crimes Committed by USA President Joe Biden and Israel's Netanyahu And Gallant

Joe Biden - Wikipedia

USA President Joe Biden Involved in War Crimes by supplying Bombs that Helped Israel's Netanyahu And Gallant burn alive Palestinian women and children in Gaza

Palestinian Women and Children In Gaza Burnt Alive by USA Bombs Supplied by USA President Joe Biden

Who Really is Yahya Sinwar and Where Is Yahya Sinwar?

INLTVNews exposes Joe Biden US President Provided The Bombs That Israel's Netanyahu And Gallant Used To Murder And Injure A Further 100 Plus Palestinians Civilians In Gaza Women and Children Burnt Alive 27th May 2024

Israel is said to be considering a deal which would see a top Hamas chief involved in planning the October 7 attacks to go free in exchange for a release of all remaining hostages. Yahya al-Sinwar has ruled the political wing of the Palestinian movement in Gaza since 2017 and has a long history of orchestrating attacks on Israel. He served 22 years in prison after he was convicted of planning the killing of two Israelis in 1989 and was only released as part of a prisoner exchange in 2011. INLTVWorldNews 8thApril 2024 Part 1 INLTVWorldNews 8thApril 2024 Part 2 INLWorldNews 27thMay 2024 P9A2of8 INLWorldNews 27thMay 2024 P9A3of8 INLWorldNews 27thMay2024 P9A5of8

 ICC To issue Warrants to Arrest Netanyahu Gallant Hamas Mossad Asset Leader Yahya Sinwar Is Doing Its Job BY BERNIE SANDERS

 ICCToissueWarrantsToArrestNetanyahuGallantHamasMossadAssetLeaderYahya =SinwarIsDoingItsJobBYBERNIE SANDERS

Official portrait of Vice President Joe Biden in his West ...

USA President Joe Biden Involved in War Crimes by supplying Bombs that Helped Israel's Netanyahu And Gallant burn alive Palestinian women and children in Gaza

Palestinian Women and Children In Gaza Burnt Alive by USA Bombs Supplied by USA President Joe Biden

International Outrage Over International Law Crimes Committed by USA President Joe Biden and Israel's Netanyahu And Gallant

"These Israeli Air Strikes on innocent women and children which has caused over 45 to be killed and over 180 injured are outrageous.. it is hell on earth now in Gaza..."..  Emmanuel Macron, President of France

"They have now gone too far .., this  Slaughter of Genocide of the Palestinian People in Gaza and the West Bank using USA supplied weapons has to immediately stop"....  says Donald Trump to his friends 

Who Really is Yahya Sinwar and Where Is Yahya Sinwar?

INLTVNews exposes Joe Biden US President Provided The Bombs That Israel's Netanyahu And Gallant Used To Murder And Injure A Further 100 Plus Palestinians Civilians In Gaza Women and Children Burnt Alive 27th May 2024

ICJ rules Israel must ‘immediately halt’ offensive in Rafah | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera

Another Over 100 People Murdered And Injured By Israeli Air Strike In Gaza 27th May 2024

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UN halts Rafah food distribution due to shortages and hostilities

David Gritten,BBC News

Two thousand aid trucks stuck at Rafah border, aid group warns

Dan Johnson,BBC News

Three-quarters of Gaza marked as IDF evacuation zones, BBC finds

20th May 2024 By Ahmed Nour, Abdirahim Saeed,BBC Arabic
ICJ rules Israel must ‘immediately halt’ offensive in Rafah | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must immediately halt its offensive in Rafah and allow unimpeded access to investigate allegations of genocide.

The UN’s top court is ordering Israel to immediately halt its offensive on Rafah, open the border crossing to let aid to flow freely into Gaza and to allow unimpeded access for investigators over allegations of genocide in Palestine. Israel said it is acting on its right to defend itself and called charges of genocide outrageous.


The International Court of Justice called on Israel to end its operation in Rafah, the southernmost town in Gaza.

Over the last two weeks, Israel has reduced entire neighbourhoods in Rafah to rubble and forcefully displaced hundreds of thousands of people.

What was the ICJ ruling on South Africa’s case against Israel?

According to the court, Israel must stop its offensive on Rafah.

The court was not convinced that Israel had taken sufficient measures to protect civilian life and voted – 13 judges to two – that Israel must take effective measures to enable any UN-backed commission of inquiry to enter Gaza and probe genocide allegations.

The court also reaffirmed its previous January 26 ruling that Israel must scale up aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

“The ICJ is essentially saying: OK, enough,” said Alonso Gurmendi, an international law scholar at King’s College, London.  “It is a pretty substantial order … it [reflects] a loss of patience [with Israel] in my opinion.”


What was South Africa’s complaint against Israel?

South Africa initially filed an emergency request for Israel to end its offensive on Rafah, but then broadened its request for a full ceasefire in Gaza.

Will this stop Israel’s attack on Rafah?

Minutes after the ruling came in, reports emerged of Israeli air raids in Rafah.

For now, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not made a formal statement. But analysts believe that Israel will continue to violate the ICJ’s order.

Legal scholars and analysts said Israel refused compliance with earlier ICJ provisional measures on January 26. The ICJ had called on Israel to scale up aid to protect the rights of Palestinians under the genocide convention.

Gurmendi added that the new provisional measure compounds the pressure on Western states that arm Israel.

“How can you justify selling weapons for Israel to use in Rafah? I don’t think you can. I think it is legally impossible,” he said. “So while this [ICJ order] won’t stop the operation in Rafah itself, it builds pressure on the idea that it is OK to just keep selling weapons to Israel.”

What else did the ICJ say?

It ordered Israel to open the Rafah crossing for unhindered provision of aid.

“The order is [legally] binding on Israel. Previous [ICJ] orders [to scale up aid] have already put states on notice that there is an imminent risk of genocide and therefore their duty – under the genocide convention –  to prevent that has already been triggered,” said Heidi Matthews, a legal scholar at York University in Toronto.

“Obviously, some folks will be disappointed that there wasn’t a full ceasefire order. This is still a big move, but it’s not a full ceasefire move,” she added.

Any reaction from Palestine or Palestinian groups?

Hamas welcomed the ICJ rulings. It said in a statement that Israel continues to commit massacres in the Gaza Strip. The group added that it expects the court to eventually issue an order for Israel to stop its war on the entire besieged strip.

“What is happening in Jabalia and other governorates of the Strip is no less criminal and dangerous than what is happening in Rafah.”

“We call on the international community and the United Nations to pressure the occupation to immediately comply with this decision and to seriously and genuinely proceed in translating all UN resolutions that force the Zionist occupation army to stop the genocide it has been committing against our people for more than seven months.”

How did Israel respond?

The response from Israeli officials has been largely defiant.

Many officials repeated prior accusations that the court was aiding “terrorists.”

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that Israel was in a “war for its existence,” adding that stopping the invasion of Rafah was akin to demanding Israel “cease to exist”.

He warned that stopping the assault meant the “enemy will reach the beds of our children and women throughout the country.” He then tweeted that “history will judge who stood by the Nazis of Hamas and ISIS [ISIL].”

Will the ICJ be able to enforce Friday’s ruling?

They have no enforcement power in the UN system. Enforcement relies on members of the court to uphold their obligations under international law and on the UN Security Council.

How does this court hearing differ from the last one?

Both hearings aimed to secure an end to Israel’s devastating war on Gaza. Experts told Al Jazeera that the ICJ’s new orders intensify pressure on Israel and allied states to protect Palestinians and end its war on Gaza, which has killed more than 35,000 people and made the enclave effectively uninhabitable.

Israel's Finance Minister and leader of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich.
Israel’s Finance Minister and leader of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich [Gil Cohen Magen/AFP]

What’s next?

ICJ orders are legally binding. However, the court’s ruling will now be discussed at the UN Security Council, where states can decide to take united action to enforce the court’s orders. Security Council resolutions are also legally binding.

However, the US has a veto, which it has historically used to shield Israel from the consequences of violating international law.

On April 18, the US vetoed a proposed resolution that would have made Palestine the 194th UN member.



list of 3 items

Harvard students stage walkout at graduation ceremony 24th May 2024

Hundreds of graduating students at Harvard University staged a walkout during commencement after the school said it would not allow 13 students who took part in Gaza campus protests to graduate.

Weeks earlier, pro-Palestine demonstrators had erected an encampment at the school, similar to other nationwide campus protests that began at Columbia University in April.

Protesters are calling for universities to boycott companies and individuals with ties to Israel amid the ongoing war there.


The're Killing Women And Children In Gaza Music and Live Gaza Film Version Two

A song written for everyone to sing around the world in support and memory of the

over 35,000 innocent Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank murdered by Israel's IDF and over 80 ,000 Palestinians  in Gaza and the West Bank badly injured by Israel's IDF  under direct orders of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant

and they both wonder why the main ICC prosecutor has asked the ICC to issue bench warrants against them serious war crimes .... it seems that  the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant seem to be suffering the same mental disease  as the Directors of Eron suffered ... That is Willful Blindness

Anadolu Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant (L) visits troops near Israel's border with the southern Gaza Strip (7 May 2024)

Their Killing Women and Children In Gaza In Broad Daylight
Verse One
The Gaza Israel War...
Why is it happening? ....
The Gaza Isrsel War...
Supported by the major Western Powers ...
Verse Two
The Gaza Israel War.
Why is it happening?...
The Palestinians are having to flee their homes..
Before the Israelites drop more bombs..
Their killing women and children in Gaza..
In broad daylight..
Their killing women and children in Gaza..
Who are not even in the fight...
Middle Eight
People are watching their TV Screens..of..
Thousands of innocent women and children being murdered...
As though it was just another violent movie....
 They haven't yet seen..
Verse Three
The Gaza Israel War..
Why is it hapenning?..
All the woundered and sick are having to be...
Moved their Gaza Hospital Beds...
Before another rocket hits their beds.
AFP File photo showing displaced Palestinian children carrying containers with food in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip (19 May 2024)
Unrwa said food warehouses and distribution centres in eastern Rafah were inaccessible because of the Israeli military operation
Map showing access restrictions in the Gaza Strip (16 May 2024)

Israel's defence minister rejects ICC prosecutor’s request for warrants

21st May 2024 David Gritten,BBC News
Yoav Gallant (L) stressed that Israeli forces were fighting in Gaza “in accordance with international law"

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has rejected the arrest warrants sought by the International Criminal Court's prosecutor for him and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mr Gallant said the prosecutor, Karim Khan, had drawn a "despicable" parallel between Israel and the Palestinian armed group Hamas and attempted to deny his country's right to self-defence.

Mr Khan also accused Hamas’s Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar, military chief Mohammed Deif and political leader Ismail Haniyeh.

He said on Monday that he had "reasonable grounds" to believe the five men bore "criminal responsibility" for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity during the war in Gaza.

Mr Netanyahu and Hamas also reacted with outrage to the announcement.

If the ICC’s judges decide to issue the arrest warrants, it will be up to its 124 member states - who do not include Israel or its ally, the US - to decide whether or not to enforce them.

The US said the move against Israel’s leaders was “outrageous”, while the UK described it as “deeply unhelpful”. But France expressed support for the ICC and its “fight against impunity”.

Mr Khan’s case against the leaders of Hamas and Israel stems from the events of 7 October, when Hamas gunmen attacked southern Israel, killing about 1,200 people and taking 252 others back to Gaza as hostages.

Israel responded to the attack by launching a military campaign to eliminate Hamas, during which at least 35,640 people have been killed in Gaza, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry.

Mr Khan accused the Hamas leaders of crimes against humanity and war crimes including extermination, murder, the taking of hostages, rape and torture.

For the Israeli leaders, the accusations included deliberate attacks on civilians, and the use of starvation as a weapon of war, as well as extermination and murder.

"International law and the laws of armed conflict apply to all," Mr Khan said. "No foot soldier, no commander, no civilian leader - no-one - can act with impunity.”

In a statement, Mr Gallant insisted that Israeli forces were fighting in Gaza “in accordance with international law, while taking unprecedented measures to facilitate humanitarian aid”.

“I stand with, support, and commend our troops, who are defending our people and fulfilling the extraordinary privilege and obligation of defending ourselves, by ourselves,” he said.

He added: “The attempt made by the ICC prosecutor Karim Khan to turn things around will not succeed - the parallel he has drawn between the Hamas terrorist organization and the State of Israel is despicable.”

Mr Gallant reiterated that Israel was not a signatory of the Rome Statute, the ICC’s founding treaty, and did not recognise its authority.

“Karim Khan's attempt to deny the State of Israel the right to defend herself and ensure the release of the hostages held in Gaza must be rejected explicitly.”

There was no immediate response from Mr Khan to the remarks or to the statement made by Mr Netanyahu, who denounced the warrant applications for him and Mr Gallant as a “moral outrage of historic proportions”.

Hamas - which is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by Israel, the US, UK and other countries - demanded the “cancellation of all arrest warrants issued against leaders of the Palestinian resistance” and denounced what it called Mr Khan's "attempts... to equate the victim with the executioner".

The group also complained that the application for warrants against Mr Netanyahu and Mr Gallant had come “seven months late”, and that other Israeli political and military leaders had not been named alongside them.

The Israeli government also urged on Tuesday “the nations of the civilised, free world - nations who despise terrorists and anyone who supports them - to stand by Israel”.

“Make sure the ICC understands where you stand,” spokesman Tal Heinrich told a briefing.

“Oppose the prosecutor's decision and declare that, even if warrants are issued, you do not intend to enforce them. Because this is not about our leaders. It's about our survival."

The US ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, said there was no comparison between "actions taken by a democratic government here with the behaviour of a terrorist organisation that is fighting in a way that has created these conditions".

“I don't think that a day has gone by that I haven't worked with either the prime minister or the defence minister or somebody in their immediate circle on how you get humanitarian assistance to starving people," he told a conference, according to Reuters news agency.

Speaking to reporters in Vienna, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also branded Mr Khan’s decision as a “deeply unhelpful development”.

"There is no moral equivalence between a democratic state exercising its lawful right to self-defence and the terrorist group Hamas."

Italy’s Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, said it was “truly singular, I would say unacceptable, to equate a government legitimately elected by the people in a democracy with a terrorist organisation”.

And Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala described the allegations against Israeli leaders as “appalling and completely unacceptable”.

However, their reaction contrasted sharply with those of other European countries.

French foreign ministry put out a statement late on Monday voicing support for the ICC, “its independence and the fight against impunity in every situation”.

Belgium’s Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib also said it prioritised the fight against impunity and that “crimes committed in Gaza must be prosecuted at the highest level, regardless of the perpetrators”.

The German foreign ministry said it respected the ICC’s “independence and the conduct of proceedings”, but warned that the simultaneous warrant requests had “resulted in an incorrect implication of equivalence”.

A European Union spokesman said it supported the ICC’s “central role in bringing justice to victims in all situations under its jurisdiction” and that the bloc would be “taking note of” the rulings of the court’s judges to Mr Khan’s applications


100 Plus Dead After Israeli Troops Open Fire On DESPERATE Palestinians In Food Lines

Corporations Control Our Governments

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Palestinian community mourns 7 children killed in Gaza airstrike BBC News

Medics treat three wounded Palestinian children at Al-Aqsa Hospital following an Israeli air attack, in Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip on October 24 [Majdi Fathi/NurPhoto via Getty Images]

Gaza has become a ‘graveyard’ for children amid Israeli attacks: UN

Did Israel's Mossad Have Prior Knowledge Of The 7th Oct 2023 Hamas Attack On Israel

An average of 420 Palestinian children have been killed or injured every day in the Gaza Strip since October 7.

Israeli Airstrike Kills 4 Palestinian Boys Playing Soccer NBC News

Did Israel's Mossad Have Prior Knowledge Of The 7th Oct 2023 Hamas Attack On Israel?

Gazan freelance AP-CNN- journalist Hassan Eslaiah Video



Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday night spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate about the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor to seek arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli leaders amidst the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Sanders’ remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below and can be watched here.

There has been a lot of attention and controversy attached to a recent action by the international criminal court, the ICC.

The core purpose of the ICC is to prosecute the most serious international crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. I believe it is very important that all of us support accountability for these crimes and the important mission of the ICC.

Last year the ICC declared that President Vladimir Putin of Russia was in violation of international law and that he was a war criminal.

The ICC issued arrest warrants for Putin and one of his senior officials saying there are reasonable grounds to believe that they had committed the war crime of unlawful deportation and transfer of population for their systematic kidnapping of thousands and thousands of Ukrainian children.

I supported the ICC decision, and, in fact, that is the tip of the iceberg of what Putin has done in Ukraine. Putin started the mostly destructive war in Europe since World War II. He has bombed civilians and devastated civilian infrastructure, killing at least 30,000 civilians and displacing millions more. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded as a result of Putin’s horrific invasion of Ukraine.

On that occasion, when the ICC declared Putin a war criminal, the United States government welcomed the ICC decision. A White House spokesperson said “there is no doubt that Russia is committing war crimes and atrocities in Ukraine, and we have been clear that those responsible must be held accountable. The ICC prosecutor is an independent actor and makes his own prosecutorial decisions based on the evidence before him. We support accountability for perpetrators of war crimes.” That is what a U.S. government spokesperson said in March 2023, and I agree. In my view, Mr. Putin is in fact a war criminal.

We live in a world of increasing division, tension, and hostility. Around the globe, countries are dramatically increasing their military budgets. More countries are attempting to gain nuclear weapons and other dangerous weapons systems. It is in times like these that we most need international law. Without it, we will have an even more violent world where might makes right and where war criminals can act with impunity.

In recent years, the ICC has attempted to hold governments and political leaders accountable for crimes against humanity. That is what they do, and that is what they are supposed to do. All wars are terrible, and very often civilian casualties are unavoidable. But after the horrors of the second World War, countries throughout the world came together to try to establish rules to govern the conduct of war and to limit civilian casualties. The ICC’s role is to enforce these limits.

On Tuesday, the ICC prosecutor announced that he was requesting arrest warrants for three top Hamas leaders, including Yahya Sinwar, the group’s leader in Gaza.

To my mind, Sinwar and his Hamas accomplices are clearly war criminals. The horrific October 7th terrorist attack on Israel began this war and included the mass murder of 1,200 innocent men, women, and children, the taking of hundreds of hostages, and sexual violence against captives. These war crimes are well documented, and very few people would dispute the merits of those charges.

The ICC prosecutor also asked for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant. The ICC charges focus on the use of starvation of civilians as a method of war as well as intentional attacks against the civilian population. Those are the charges. The use of starvation of civilians as a method of war – clearly a war crime – as well as intentional attacks against the civilian population.

Specifically, the prosecutor says that Netanyahu is responsible for “depriving [civilians] of objects indispensable to their survival, including willfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions.”

Now, many people here in the Beltway, in Washington, have responded negatively to this decision from the ICC prosecutor. It seems that some folks here were comfortable with what the ICC did in terms of Putin and in terms of Sinwar, but not with Netanyahu. Some have argued that it is unfair to compare the democratically elected head of the Israeli government to Putin, who runs an authoritarian system, or Sinwar, the head of a terrorist organization.

But that is not what the ICC has done. In fact, the ICC prosecutor has looked at what each of these leaders has done – looked at their actions – and then compared those actions to established standards of international law. In other words, the ICC is not making some claim of equivalence, as some have charged, but is in fact holding both sides in this current war to the same standard.

Yes, democratically elected officials can commit war crimes. Let me repeat: democratically elected officials can commit war crimes.

The ICC is doing its job. It’s doing what it is supposed to do. We cannot only apply international law when it is convenient. And the independent panel of international legal experts the ICC appointed to help with this case unanimously – unanimously – agreed with the charges.

People may be uncomfortable to see the Prime Minister of Israel charged with war crimes, but let us take a hard look at what he has actually done. And we must determine whether his actions meet the standards of being a war crime.

In seven and a half months, more than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed and almost 80,000 injured. Thousands more are still under the rubble, but their bodies have not been fully identified. Some 60% of the victims are women, children, or the elderly. More than 250 aid workers have been killed, including 193 U.N. staff, more than any previous conflict.

There are 2.2 million people living in Gaza, and more than 1.7 million of them have been forced from their homes – 75% of the population. I’m trying to think of my own state, what it would be like if three-quarters of the people were driven out of their homes. These are by and large poor people. In the last few weeks, more than 900,000 have been displaced – many of them chased out of one place, chased to another place, gone to another place. Many of these people are children, Gaza has a young population. Many of them are elderly. Many of them are sick. These are people who have been forced out of their homes and moved, and moved again, often without adequate food, without adequate water supplies, and certainly without adequate health care.

When we talk about war crimes, talk about attacks on civilians, let’s understand: Gaza’s housing stock has been demolished. Again, I try to think of my own state, what it would mean if 60% of the housing was destroyed. Now, if these people who have been chased their homes, displaced from their homes, are ever able to return to their communities, where are they going to live? Over 60% of the housing units in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed, including 221,000 housing units that have been completely destroyed, leaving more than a million people homeless. Entire neighborhoods have been wiped out both by bombing and planned detonations of explosive charges.

Looking at the war, we understand that Hamas is a difficult enemy that often uses civilians to protect their own people. But what we’re talking about over 60% of the housing units in Gaza have been destroyed. It’s hard to believe that there was a terrorist in every one of those buildings.

Israel has destroyed the civilian infrastructure of Gaza. You know, wiped out their ability to have electricity. Virtually no electricity in Gaza right now, virtually no clean water, and raw sewage is running through the streets, spreading disease. Now, if that’s not an attack on civilians, I don’t know what is.

The healthcare system in Gaza has been systematically annihilated, 21 hospitals have been made inoperable. In fact, of the 36 hospitals in Gaza, only four have not been damaged by bombardment, raided by the Israeli military, or closed. More than 400 healthcare workers have been killed.

Well, what do we say when we have a war in which the healthcare system is annihilated at a time when you have tens and tens of thousands of people who are wounded, many of them seriously?

The education system in Gaza has been virtually destroyed. Every one of Gaza’s 12 universities has been bombed. Got that? Every one of the 12 universities in Gaza has been bombed. More than 400 schools have suffered direct hits and 56 schools have been totally destroyed. Today, 625,000 children in Gaza have no access to education at all.

And I’ll tell you something else. When you talk about what’s going on in Gaza, what is not talked about almost at all – I think I read one article on it – I want you to think about the psychic damage being done to children. The children who see housing being destroyed, their parents or relatives being killed, who see drones flying around them, some of which have guns, being pushed out of their homes, deafening noise, inadequate food, inadequate water, pushed, shoved into any place, everyplace. If there is one child in Gaza that does not suffer psychic damage from this horror, I will be very surprised.

As a result of the destruction and Israeli policies restricting the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, more than a million people today face catastrophic levels of hunger and Gaza remains on the brink of famine. Hundreds of thousands of children face starvation. Even now, more than seven months into this war, Israel’s invasion of Rafah has severely disrupted the humanitarian relief operation, closing the two main border crossings and making it almost impossible for the U.N. to access warehouses or distribute aid.

Very little aid has gotten in for more than two weeks, bakeries have had to shut down, and hospitals are running low on fuel. Just today, the U.N. announced that it had been forced to halt all food distribution in Rafah after running out of supplies. The World Food Programme said “humanitarian operations in Gaza are near collapse,” saying that if food and other supplies don’t resume entering Gaza “in massive quantities, famine-like conditions will spread.”

Now, Mr. Netanyahu’s been on TV today, and elsewhere. He denies it all. Ain’t true, says Mr. Netanyahu. He claims that Israel is deeply worried about the civilian population, worried about the children, and that Israel is not blocking humanitarian aid at all. Not at all. Well, it turns out that the United Nations and virtually every other humanitarian group involved in the humanitarian disaster in Gaza strongly disagrees with Mr. Netanyahu.

Now, we can trust the words of a Prime Minister under criminal indictment in Israel, or we can trust the people whose function in life is to provide humanitarian aid.

The U.N. Secretary General says that much more aid is urgently needed to “avert an entirely preventable human-made famine” and that “there is no alternative to the massive use of land routes.”

Cindy McCain, the wife of our former Republican colleague John McCain, who is now the head of the World Food Programme, said of Gaza, “there is famine, full-blown famine in the north and it is moving south.”

A month ago, more than 50 humanitarian organizations called on Israel to allow greater humanitarian access and stop unnecessarily restricting aid. That’s 50 humanitarian organizations. Mr. Netanyahu says one thing, but 50 organizations who are desperately trying to the get food to hungry people say something else. Let the world decide who is telling the truth. And this group of humanitarian organizations included Catholic Relief Services, CARE, Mercy Corps, Oxfam, Save The Children, Refugees International, and scores of other well-respected humanitarian organizations – they say that Netanyahu and his team have blocked humanitarian aid.

Two of our colleagues, Senator Van Hollen and Senator Merkley, visited Rafah in January, and I heard their presentation to the Democratic caucus. Upset by the unreasonable Israeli restrictions on aid, they talked about trucks being inspected and inspected, sent back, that things that should have been allowed to get through were not allowed to get through. They said afterward that the U.S. must, “demand that the Netanyahu government lift the impediments for delivery of basic goods needed to sustain life in Gaza.” Netanyahu denies it, two of our colleagues who were there say that Israel has blocking aid.

The United States government also disagrees with Netanyahu. USAID Administrator Samantha Power said, “food has not flowed in sufficient quantities to avoid this infinite famine in the south and it is giving rise to child deaths in the north.” In March, Secretary of State Blinken said, “the bottom line is food is getting in, but it is insufficient.” In April he said, “there has been progress, but it is not enough. We still need to get more aid in and around Gaza.” In a formal report this month, the State Department said, “Israel did not fully cooperate with the United States government efforts and the United States government-supported international efforts to maximize humanitarian assistance flow to and distribution within Gaza.”

I got a kick out of hearing Mr. Netanyahu this afternoon. He talked about airlifts. My god, they’re supporting air drops, they’re supporting food coming in from the sea. The reason the United States is spending millions of dollars getting food in from the sea is precisely because Israel is blocking the ability to get trucks in! And the reason that Jordan and the other countries and the United States are doing air drops is once again because trucks cannot get through. Netanyahu is taking credit, and yet the reason we’re having to do those things is precisely because of the policies of his government.

President Biden himself has said, “a the major reason that distributing humanitarian aid in Gaza has been so difficult [is] because Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians… Israel has also not done enough to protect civilians,” President Joe Biden.

So, it is fair to say that most of the world disagrees with Mr. Netanyahu.

Think about all of that destruction. Think about the tens of thousands of civilians killed, the schools and hospitals blown up. Take a look at the pictures of emaciated children starving to death while food sits miles away.

One of the interesting things to my mind is that we don’t see enough of those pictures. And maybe that has something to do with the fact that the Israeli military has killed dozens and dozens and dozens of journalists. I just met with some journalists last week, including a young man who happens to come from my home state of Vermont who had no doubt he was targeted, along with other press people. Big press symbols on their coats, and they were attacked. He was slightly injured, one of his colleagues was killed, and another one was severely injured.

Now, if you add all that stuff up, are these actions war crimes?

Yeah. I believe that they are. I believe that there is substantial evidence that the extreme right-wing Israeli government led by Netanyahu has used starvation as a weapon of war and has clearly targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure.

As I think we all agree, I certainly do, Israel had the right to defend itself against the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th. But it did not – and this is where we get into the issue of war crimes – yes, you have the right to defend yourselves. Yes, Israel has the right to go after Hamas, very few people doubt that. But Netanyahu and his government do not have the right to wage an all-out war against the children, against the women, against the innocent people of Gaza. And for that, there must be consequences.

What the ICC has done is important for the global community, in the sense that we cannot allow the human race to descend to barbarity. Somebody has got to say: look, war is terrible, and it’s a little bit embarrassing as a human being that we’ve been at war for thousands of years and have not seemed to make much progress at eliminating war. But if there is war, let us learn from what happened in the past and do our best to protect the women, the children, the innocent people. So, Israel had a right to defend itself against a terrible enemy in Hamas, but it does not have the right to wage an all-out war against the people of Gaza.

Now, what the ICC is doing is important for the world. It’s [a message] to leaders all over the world – dictators, people in democratic countries – that if you go to war you cannot wage all-out war against civilians. That’s what the ICC is doing, that’s important. But it is also important, Mr. President, for those of us in the United States. Our nation claims to be the leader of the free world, and at our best we try to mobilize countries to uphold international war and prevent crimes against humanity. That is what we try to do and have done.

But how can or how will the United States be able to criticize any country in the world, whether it is Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, or anyone else – any other country in the world – if we actually believe what Netanyahu is saying?

If we turn our backs and ignore the crimes against humanity that are being committed in Gaza right now, what credibility will we ever have in criticizing the actions of any country, no matter how terrible those actions may be? Because people will say, oh, really? You’re attacking China, Turkey, anybody else, really? You’re really deeply concerned? But apparently for Netanyahu, it’s allowed. We don’t believe you.

And I don’t want to see this great country of ours be in that position. I want to see this country respected all over the world as a country that does believe in human rights, that does believe in international law.

The ICC as I see it is trying to uphold international law and minimum standards of decency. Our government should do no less.


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The Ben Gurion Canal project

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Israel Leveling Gaza In Preparation To Build Ben Gurion Canal

Israel Leveling Gaza In Preparation To Build Ben Gurion Canal

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Israel Leveling Gaza In Preparation To Build Ben Gurion Canal

Israel Leveling Gaza In Preparation To Build Ben Gurion Canal

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Israel Leveling Gaza In Preparation To Build Ben Gurion Canal

Israel Leveling Gaza In Preparation To Build Ben Gurion Canal

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Israel Leveling Gaza In Preparation To Build Ben Gurion Canal

Israel Leveling Gaza In Preparation To Build Ben Gurion Canal

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One of the original planned paths would go through the Arabah valley, cut west before the Dead Sea basin through the hills and curves north again to avoid the Gaza Strip

A competitor to the Suez Canal is being planned to cut across Israel and connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea.

This canal would give the U.S. and Israel control over a key chokepoint in the world for military ships, grain exports, energy and other commodities.

The planned route of the canal goes right through northern Gaza, and many analysts believe that Gaza is being destroyed and wiped out right now to make way for the construction of this canal, which would bring in billions of dollars a year for Israel (and grant Israel control over its access)

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Mounting evidence and reports of the 7th October 2023 attack on Israel with Israeli hostages taken was a well planned Israeli Mossad False Flag Operation created as a excuse to the world to completely level  Northern Gaza Strip with rockets, bombs, bulldosers and tanks, kill thousands of Palestinian men, women and children, and make over two million Palestinians homeless and force those still living to flee the Northern Gaza Strip to make way to build an new Canal through Israel and The Gaza Strip as an alternative to the Suez Canal.

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A House On Fire In Kibbutz Kfar During An Attack By Palestinian Terrorists From Gaza Strip On Oct 7th 2023

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SMS Message From Hamas Reveals To Gil Dickmann Israeli Man Fate of Kidnapped Relatives

images/Carmel Gat Age 39 Kidnapped-Yardan Romann Aged 35

Carmel Gat Age 39 Kidnapped-Yardan Romann Aged 35

 IDF Israeli Soldier VS Palestinian Kids

An SMS Message From Hamas Reveals To Gil Dickmann an Israeli Man The Fate of Kidnapped Relatives and Offer By Hamas To Swap All The Israeli Hostages For Palestinian In Held In Captivity By Israel Authorities. ..Euro News


One child killed in Gaza every 10 minutes on average says WHO chief

War Through the Eyes of Gaza’s Children

UN halts Rafah food distribution due to shortages and hostilities

David Gritten,BBC News

AFP File photo showing displaced Palestinian children carrying containers with food in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip (19 May 2024)

Unrwa said food warehouses and distribution centres in eastern Rafah were inaccessible because of the Israeli military operation

Food distribution in the southern Gaza city of Rafah has been suspended due to a lack of supplies and insecurity, the UN says.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Unrwa, warned its distribution centre and a World Food Programme warehouse were now inaccessible because of the ongoing Israeli military operation against Hamas in eastern Rafah.

At least 815,000 of the more than a million people taking refuge in Rafah have fled since the Israeli operation began two weeks ago.

Unrwa also said its health centres had not received any medical supplies in the past 10 days.

The news came as the US said it did not believe any of the aid that had entered northern Gaza through a newly-completed floating pier had been distributed to Palestinians by humanitarian organisations.

On Saturday, crowds of Palestinians desperate for food intercepted a number of WFP lorries transporting aid from the pier, which prompted the agency to suspend deliveries until new routes could be identified.

Israel launched a military campaign to destroy Hamas in response to the group's cross-border attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 others were taken hostage.

More than 35,640 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry.

After seven months of war in Gaza, Israel has insisted victory is impossible without taking Rafah and eliminating the last remaining Hamas battalions there.

But the UN and Western powers have warned that an all-out assault could lead to mass civilian casualties and a humanitarian catastrophe.

On 6 May, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) ordered residents of eastern Rafah to evacuate for their own safety before it began what it called “precise operations” against Hamas operatives and infrastructure.

Since then, troops have advanced into central neighbourhoods and taken control of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt. The crossing remains closed, while the UN says the nearby Kerem Shalom crossing with Israel is too dangerous to access.

On Monday, Israel’s Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, declared that it was “committed to broadening the ground operation in Rafah”.

Unrwa said in a report on Tuesday that it had been forced to suspend food distribution because the Israeli operation had left its distribution centre and a WFP warehouse inaccessible.

When asked about the ramifications, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric told reporters in New York: “People don’t eat.”

It is not clear how many people are still living in the Rafah area. But the head of Unwa implied it was more than 800,000 on Sunday, when he said that “nearly half of the population are on the road”.

The IDF has told them to head to an “expanded humanitarian area” that stretches from nearby al-Mawasi to the central town of Deir al-Balah and said they will find field hospitals, tents, food and other supplies.

However, the UN has said nowhere is safe in Gaza and that the designated area is already crammed with people and does not have clean drinking water supplies and sanitation facilities.

The IDF said on Tuesday that its soldiers were continuing “targeted raids on... terrorist infrastructure and buildings” in eastern Rafah, and that it had “eliminated dozens of terrorists” who tried to approach them.

Another statement said it was facilitating “the passage of hundreds of trucks containing food, water, medical supplies, and shelter equipment” across Gaza.

It reported that 381 aid lorries were transferred via Kerem Shalom on Tuesday and that another 70 entered northern Gaza via the Erez West crossing. But it also noted 650 lorry loads remained waiting for collection by aid agencies at the two crossings.

As well as saying that Kerem Shalom is difficult to access safely, the UN has noted that areas in the vicinity of Erez West are under other Israeli evacuation orders.

Map showing access restrictions in the Gaza Strip (16 May 2024)

A UN-backed assessment published in March warned that 1.1 million people in Gaza were facing catastrophic levels of hunger and that famine was imminent by May in northern Gaza, where an estimated 300,000 people are trapped.

No formal famine declaration has been made, but WFP executive director Cindy McCain said earlier this month that “there is full-blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south”.

On Friday, the first lorry loads of aid rolled off the US military’s floating pier south-west of Gaza City, which US officials have said will “surge humanitarian assistance”.

US Central Command announced early on Tuesday that 569 tonnes of aid had been delivered by cargo ships that sailed from Cyprus.

But later in the day, Pentagon Press Secretary Maj Gen Pat Ryder told reporters in Washington that none of those supplies had yet been distributed by humanitarian organisations.

Mr Dujarric said contractors were able on Friday to drive 10 aid lorries from the pier to a WFP warehouse in the central town of Deir al-Balah. But the next day 11 of the 16 lorries which set off were intercepted by hungry crowds.

"These trucks were traveling through areas where there'd been no aid,” Mr Dujarric said. “I think people feared that they would never see aid. They grabbed what they could.”

Gen Ryder said there had been discussions among the US, Israel and the UN "to identify alternative routes for the safe movement of staff and cargo”.

“We do anticipate that assistance will be distributed in the coming days, of course, conditions permitting,” he added.

Meanwhile, the head of the World Health Organization warned that the largest partially functional hospital in northern Gaza was reportedly hit four times on Tuesday, as battles rage between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in the nearby Jabalia area.

The IDF said it was reviewing reports from medics at Kamal Adwan hospital in Beit Lahia that its emergency department had been struck by Israeli missiles, forcing them to rush patients on hospital beds to a street outside.

The WHO also said al-Awda hospital in Jabalia had been besieged since Sunday, with staff, patients and people accompanying them trapped inside.

Tens of thousands of civilians have fled Jabalia since 11 May, when the IDF said it would re-enter the area because Hamas had regrouped there.


Palestinian community mourns 7 children killed in Gaza air strike BBC News

A House On Fire In Kibbutz Kfar During An Attack By Palestinian Terrorists From Gaza Strip On Oct 7th 2023

A House On Fire In Kibbutz Kfar During An Attack By Palestinian Terrorists From Gaza Strip On Oct 7th 2023


Shorna Murray Euro News Reporter Tel Aviv


SMS Message From Hamas Reveals To Gil Dickmann Israeli Man Fate of Kidnapped Relatives

Palestinian fighters call for the protection of an Israeli mother and children

Israeli village massacre frontline report BBC News



SMS Message From Hamas Reveals To Gil Dickmann Israeli Man Fate of Kidnapped Relatives

images/Carmel Gat Age 39 Kidnapped-Yardan Romann Aged 35

Carmel Gat Age 39 Kidnapped-Yardan Romann Aged 35

 IDF Israeli Soldier VS Palestinian Kids

An SMS Message From Hamas Reveals To Gil Dickmann an Israeli Man The Fate of Kidnapped Relatives and Offer By Hamas To Swap All The Israeli Hostages For Palestinian In Held In Captivity By Israel Authorities. ..Euro News


SMS Message From Hamas Reveals To Gil Dickmann Israeli Man Fate of Kidnapped Relatives

'They're all dead Dozens killed as Israel targets south Gaza

Israel Mother, children and grand parents are kidnapped by Hamas gunmen

UN halts Rafah food distribution due to shortages and hostilities

David Gritten,BBC News


SMS Message From Hamas Reveals To Gil Dickmann Israeli Man Fate of Kidnapped Relatives

An Israeli whose family members where kidnapped and murdered by Hamas reveals how he learnt about the fate of his own kidnapped relatives.
He was sent a text a message from Hamas to his phone number saying that it was the El-Qassam  Brigade, part the Military Wing of Hamas saying:
"Family, this is a message from El-Qassam, which is one of the Military Units of Hamas ...Carmel Gat, the name of my counsin...).. we offered your government a deal to release all the Zionist Hostages for releasing all the Palestinian Prisoners ..if you want to know the situation of your hostages just stay in touch with us ... and there is a link there.."
Euro News Reporter Shorna Murray Euro News Tele Aviv..: 
"The Israeli Man Gil Dickmann  did not click on the link as a result of fears of it would hack his phone.. Gil Dickmann's Cousin Carmel Carmel Gat was kidnapped by Hamas Militants on October 7th 2023 ...the wife of his other cousin  Yadel Gat ..his aunt  was murdered ...he learned of her fate from seeing a live video of her capture and then another video laying near the home that she once loved...."
The Israeli Man Gil Dickmann 
"I saw videos on Telegram ..and a saw a video showing she (my aunt was hand cuffed ..they were walking her down the street of the Kabutzz .... and in another video I saw her with her face to the ground murdered.. also took a lot of time till the IDF came ... we still do not know why.. we do not know what happened .. we kind of lost faith in all the world... I still can't believe it now today.."
Euro News Reporter Shorna Murray Euro News Tele Viv..: 
"There has been many reports this week saying that hostage negotiations are reaching a critical momentum, although this has been formerly denied by the Israeli Government. .. who say that as soon as there is news, the families of those captured will be the first to know.. and then the world will know. Then meanwhile the Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu
 has vowed to continue the intense vacation of the Israeli Offensive in Gaza, whereas we know that thousands of Palestinians were killed.. thousands of children have been killed ..
 and as former US President Barack Obama has said..
'Life in Gaza is unbearable..'.. Shorna Murray Euro News Tel Aviv
Yardan Romann Aged 35 Kidnapped cc
Carmel Gat Age 39 Kidnapped

Previous ground offensives by Israel into Gaza in 2014 and 2019 were more limited in aim — intending to punish and degrade Hamas but not remove it completely. More than 1,000 Palestinians were killed during the 2019 campaign; the death toll in 2014 exceeded 1,500, including more than 500 children.

Three-quarters of Gaza marked as IDF evacuation zones, BBC finds

20th May 2024 By Ahmed Nour, Abdirahim Saeed,BBC Arabic
Reuters A displaced Palestinian woman waits to evacuate after Israeli forces launched a ground and air operation in the eastern part of Rafah

More than three-quarters of Gaza's territory have been designated as evacuation zones by the Israeli military since the war against Hamas began in October, an analysis by BBC Arabic has found.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has issued evacuation orders to Gazans since Israel launched a military campaign on 7 October in response to a cross-border attack that day by Hamas, in which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 people were taken hostage. The Israeli response has killed more than 35,000 people in Gaza so far, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

The BBC’s analysis shows the cumulative areas designated as evacuation zones amount to 281 sq km (108 sq miles). That is the equivalent of 77% of Gaza's territory.

The IDF has told BBC Arabic that its evacuation instructions are protecting civilians by directing them to safer areas.

The UN and other aid agencies insist that there are no safe areas for Gaza's estimated two million civilians. They have also questioned the suitability of an IDF-designated “humanitarian zone” in the territory.

Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has issued dozens of evacuation warnings affecting various areas of Gaza as part of its military operations against Hamas.

By mid-May, only less than a quarter of Gaza’s territory was not designated as an evacuation zone.

Gaza is a densely populated enclave, around 41km (25 miles) long and 10km wide, bounded by the Mediterranean Sea on one side and fenced off from Israel and Egypt at its borders.

On 7 October, the first day of the conflict, the IDF directed civilians in different parts of Gaza to seek shelter, before it launched its first air strikes.

Later in October, the IDF told civilians in the north, including Gaza City, and central areas to move to south of the Wadi Gaza riverbed.

The IDF announced new evacuation zones in November which included more of central Gaza and parts of the south.

At the start of December, the IDF began issuing evacuation maps where Gaza was divided into blocks to provide more precise instructions, after coming under international pressure.

In December and January, evacuation warnings were expanded further to the south to include the city of Khan Younis and surrounding areas.

In early April, the IDF renewed warnings not to return to the northern parts of Gaza.

In May, almost half of the city of Rafah was added to the evacuation zones, as the IDF ground troops advanced into southern Gaza from the east.

Civilians were simultaneously urged to move to an “expanded humanitarian area” stretching from al-Mawasi, just north of Rafah, to the nearby regions of Khan Younis and Deir al-Balah.

The IDF also recently called for people in and around Jabalia and Beit Lahia in northern Gaza to evacuate to shelters in western Gaza City, as it started fresh operations against Hamas in the two areas.
