Shocking Study Reveals mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Also please see:
Truth About Vaccines (
The Covid Scamdemic (
DrBhakdi CovidVaccines Criminal Human Experiment (
PCRTests Fake or Real (
Vaccines Revealed Dr Andrew Wakefield (
Vaccines Revealed Dr Rachid Buttar (
Vaccines Revealed Del Bigtree-Hirewire (
Reuters Article Confirms Ukrainian Biolabs are Creating High-Threat mRNA Pathogens
Karen Kingston from The Kingston Report
This is NOT Russian Disinformation
The existence of US-funded biolabs in the Ukraine creating highly-infectious viruses (mRNA pathogens) to target Russian civilians and create global pandemics is not “Russian-disinformation”. The REUTERS article confirms that the Ukraine was creating high-threat pathogens. Lieutenant General Kirillov confirms that these artificial viruses, or mRNA pathogens, are the cause of global pandemics, such as COVID-19.
The Russian military investigation confirms that COVID-19 and other pandemics are global operations that are well-planned out by the Pentagon (DTRA), USAID, US Intelligence Communities, NIH, EcoHealth Alliance, and that US pharmaceutical companies are involved. The Lieutenant General specifically mentions Pfizer and my med-legal analysis regarding their mRNA vaccine technology.
I hope government leaders and media outlets in the United States will express an interest in the med-legal analysis that is literally being used in the war room of a global military power to seize and destroy Pfizer’s mRNA bioweapon injections across Europe, Asia, and Africa soon….or, at least before it’s too late to save America and our children.
The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.
Reuters Article Confirms Ukrainian Biolabs are Creating High-Threat mRNA Pathogens
Karen Kingston from The Kingston Report
Ukraine biolabs are creating highly infectious mRNA viruses that are fueling global pandemics and killing millions of global civilians. Why is the United States funding Ukraine's biowarfare programs?
March 21, 2023: On March 11, 2023, REUTERS reported that, “The World Health Organization advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country's public health laboratories to prevent "any potential spills" that would spread disease among the population.”
This REUTERS article now confirms the findings of the Russian biowarfare investigation, conducted by Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Military Chief of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops, that the Ukraine has been creating highly-infections pathogens (mRNA viruses) to target citizens of Russia, as well as to create global pandemics
The big question is, “Why is the United States supporting a country that has been creating bioweapons for use on global civilians? Shouldn’t the United States be supporting Russia, the nation that is trying to seize and destroy the bioweapons that are being used on global civilians?”
The answer is because President Biden is acting on behalf of the enemies of America. President Biden and his son Hunter helped fund the high-threat mRNA pathogens that causing the disabilities and death of millions of civilians around the globe.
The above is a screenshot from the WHO’s Disease Outbreak News. I added the image of the mRNA nanotech and brought to you by Pfizer logo on the right.
When discussing the cause of global pandemics, as announced by the World Health Organization, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov states;
“In light of statements by the World Health Organization about outbreaks of Marburg fever, Lassa fever, anthrax, and cholera in different regions of the world, the extremely difficult situation with economically significant animal diseases; African swine fever, pathogenic avian influenza, foot-and-mouth disease.
The height of foolishness appears to be the work done at Boston University to INCREASE the PATHOGENIC PROPERTIES of pathogens, such as COVID-19, so-called “directed evolution,” changes that may or may NOT take tens or hundreds of years in nature, and to create ARTIFICIAL VIRUSES with a higher risk of infecting humans.
An analysis of documents, some of which were obtained during the special military operation, shows that such research on enhancing the functions of dangerous pathogens conducted, including in the states of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, is systematic, and large U.S. pharmaceutical companies are involved in its implementation.”
Lieutenant General Kirillov states that the cause of global pandemics are artificial viruses or pathogens (mRNA pathogens) created by labs funded by the US government and directed by the Pentagon’s DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency). The US Pentagon (DTRA) was ‘conducting research’ using these highly-infectious mRNA pathogens on civilians in Transcaucasia.
Transcaucasia is an eastern European region that southern Russia is part of
This is NOT Russian Disinformation
The existence of US-funded biolabs in the Ukraine creating highly-infectious viruses (mRNA pathogens) to target Russian civilians and create global pandemics is not “Russian-disinformation”. The REUTERS article confirms that the Ukraine was creating high-threat pathogens. Lieutenant General Kirillov confirms that these artificial viruses, or mRNA pathogens, are the cause of global pandemics, such as COVID-19.
The Russian military investigation confirms that COVID-19 and other pandemics are global operations that are well-planned out by the Pentagon (DTRA), USAID, US Intelligence Communities, NIH, EcoHealth Alliance, and that US pharmaceutical companies are involved. The Lieutenant General specifically mentions Pfizer and my med-legal analysis regarding their mRNA vaccine technology.
I hope government leaders and media outlets in the United States will express an interest in the med-legal analysis that is literally being used in the war room of a global military power to seize and destroy Pfizer’s mRNA bioweapon injections across Europe, Asia, and Africa soon….or, at least before it’s too late to save America and our children.
The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.
Psalm 124: 2-5
If the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us, they would have swallowed us alive when their anger flared against us; the flood would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over us, the raging waters would have swept us away.
The Kingston Report is reader-supported. Consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Expertise and Intelligence is Required to Win an Intelligence War
I’ve been fighting this psychological war to educate Americans and our government officials for two years now. If you want America to take control of this biowarfare nightmare, please reach out to government leaders and powerful media influencers to request for me to present the evidence that can take down Pfizer and stop the mRNA technology platform dead in its tracks. I can be reached through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us, they would have swallowed us alive when their anger flared against us; the flood would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over us, the raging waters would have swept us away.
The Kingston Report is reader-supported. Consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Expertise and Intelligence is Required to Win an Intelligence War
I’ve been fighting this psychological war to educate Americans and our government officials for two years now. If you want America to take control of this biowarfare nightmare, please reach out to government leaders and powerful media influencers to request for me to present the evidence that can take down Pfizer and stop the mRNA technology platform dead in its tracks. I can be reached through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Keep up the good fight!
The Goodness Inside
People often ask me for advice on supplements and medical treatments. I can’t make medical recommendations for you, but for me, I know that reducing the level of acid in your body and taking a supplement that contains zeolite can help remove toxic metals from your body
I use TouchStone Essentials Zeolite daily.
Thank you for reading The Kingston Report. This post is public so feel free to share it.
Shocking Study Reveals mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease
Saturday, April 24, 2021
A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases in the vaccine recipients.
1 Interaction between SARS-COV-2 Prions & ACE2 Receptors
Interaction between SARS-COV-2 Prions & ACE2 Receptors
The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains “prion-like regions” that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body.
This has been documented by a study entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2,” published by the Human Microbiology Institute:
Interactions between amino acids of PrDs and non-prion-like regions of SARS-
CoV-2 RBD and ACE2.
The presence and unique distribution of prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains of the spike protein is particularly interesting, since although the SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV S proteins share the same host cell receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates a 10- to 20-fold higher affinity for ACE2.
The Cross-Species Jump
This special relationship between the S protein and ACE2 receptor is the key to cross-species infection which made it possible for the coronovirus to make a jump from animals to humans.
The special relationship between the S protein and ACE2 receptor is the key to cross-species injection which made it possible for the coronovirus to make a jump from animals to humans.
A remarkable fact is that the Coronavirus carried by bats cannot directly infect the human body, let alone a virus that can possess human-to-human transmission.
This cross-species jump was not natural and was achieved by the team lead by the Batwoman of China, Shi Zhengli. You can read more about it in detail in COVID19 Files – Scientific Investigation On Mysterious Origin Of Coronavirus.
This is what Batwoman of China had to say when GreatGameIndia exposed the research done in Wuhan Institute of Virology.
It was funded under gain-of-function experiments through Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance by the US Government.
The Coverup
The interesting part is that Peter Daszak is the same guy who orchestrated the publication of a ‘scientific’ paper in Lancet claiming that the virus made the cross-species jump naturally.
How can the same guy who funded the experiments to make the cross-species jump of the virus, claim that it evolved naturally?
If you think that’s outrageous, well just wait for it.
President of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak
Peter Daszak is also the same guy the WHO sent to China to investigate the claims whether the virus evolved naturally or was coronavirus engineered.
Yet another person linked to the team is Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier, another key to the coronavirus investigation who also created the deadly mutant H5N1 virus.
We encourage our readers to explore more about the amazing personalities in the WHO investigative team.
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines & Prion-based Diseases
What are Prions
Because of such experiments by these eminent scientists the virus contains prions-like domains in its receptor region of the spike protein.
Prions are misfolded proteins with the ability to transmit their misfolded shape onto normal variants of the same protein. They characterize several fatal and transmissible neurodegenerative diseases in humans and many other animals.
How mRNA Vaccines Work
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded molecule naturally present in all of our cells. It carries the instructions for making proteins from our genes, located in the cell nucleus, to the cytoplasm, the main body of our cells.
Enzymes in the cytoplasm then translate the information stored in mRNA and make proteins.
An mRNA vaccine delivers the instructions for making a bacterial or viral protein to our cells. Our immune system then responds to these proteins and develops the tools to react to future infections with the pathogen.
mRNA Vaccine induced Prion-based diseases
Research has shown that RNA editing alterations cause prion diseases – fatal neurodegenerative disorders characterized by rapidly progressive dementia.
Research has shown that RNA editing alterations cause prion diseases – fatal neurodegenerative disorders characterized by rapidly progressive dementia.
Now when the mRNA vaccine triggers the immune response, the body may itself start creating prions induced by the vaccine mimicking its presence in the spike protein causing prion-based disease in the vaccine recipients.
The risk of this was assessed by Dr. J. Bart Classen, who authored a paper (read below) in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases titled “Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease.”
Development of new vaccine technology has been plagued with problems in the past. The current RNA based SARS-
CoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing.
The authors evaluated the vaccine for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.
The intricate mechanisms of neurodegeneration in prion diseases
The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations.
The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations.
The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.
The finding of the study as well as additional potential risks lead the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.
Prions maintain Long-term Memories
The vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The memory molecules are a normal version of prion proteins.
In four papers published in Neuron and Cell Reports, Dr. Kandel’s laboratory showed how prion-like proteins – similar to the prions behind mad cow disease in cattle and Creutzfeld-Jakob disease in humans – are critical for maintaining long-term memories in mice, and probably in other mammals.
When long-term memories are created in the brain, new connections are made between neurons to store the memory. But those physical connections must be maintained for a memory to persist, or else they will disintegrate and the memory will disappear within days.
Memories are stored for the long-term with the help of prion-like proteins called CPEB. CPEB prions aggregate and maintain synapses that recorded the memory.
When CPEB prions are not present or are inactivated, the synapses collapse and the memory fades.
– David Sulzer, PhD, Columbia University Medical Center
Prions and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Prions are also known to cause a neurodegenerative disorder called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).
According to the CDC:
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurodegenerative disorder believed to be caused by an abnormal isoform of a cellular glycoprotein known as the prion protein.
As per the CDC, this disease is rapidly progressive and always fatal. Infection with this disease leads to death usually within 1 year of onset of illness.
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- themisthiosApril 10, 2021 at 2:23 pm
Brain degeneration amongst those daft enough to take the vaccine will be difficult to detect as the media and state education has already killed millions of brian cells in their heads.
Delores Cahill is right – this is all about “Slow Kill”. Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People will Start Dying a Few Months After the First MRNA Vaccination:
- lynnthomaApril 12, 2021 at 12:21 am
Although I have serious concerns about these experimental vaccines, viruses don’t exist, so I’m unsure what to believe and not believe in this article.
- Margita KolcakovaApril 12, 2021 at 7:55 pm
Odpoveď pre Lynnthom: na Internete koluje už nepočetné množstvo článkov od profesionálnych vedcov, lekárov a ďalších ľudí, ktorých upozornenia sa celkovo, či čiastočne zhodujú s týmto zverejnením. Zhodujú sa však jednoznačne v tom, že kto tak túžobne chce, nech sa dá očkovať, jeho zodpovednosť, lebo bol upozornený a predsa sa z vlastnej vôle rozhodol. Tak je to aj s vierou v Spasenie – záchrane Kristom Kráľom neba i zeme a večnosti. Sú stále tí istí, ktorí váhajú, ktorí si v sebe myslia, že je to bájka istých ľudí, tzv kresťanov, že je to až šialenstvom, že radšej od toho a takých na kilometre. Aké bude ich zdesenie, že predsa počuli volanie pre všetkých, aby sa dali zachrániť a prišli ku Kristovi takí špinaví a hriešní bez Boha na svete a On ich prijme a ukáže im cestu, lebo On je tou cestou pravdou i životom, kto uverí, bude zachránení. Tak uverte , že skutočná pravda je, nedajte sa očkovať za žiadnu cenu a uverte v ponúkanú Božiu záchranu, lebo idú najhoršie časy, aké vôbec kedy boli na zemi a tí, ktorí uverili budú zachránení. Tento svetový poriadok končí prevzali ho do moci iní- horší od satana a to je ten Nový svetový poriadok, kde nepotrebujú napr. Slovákov a väčšinu ľudí z národov, potrebujú otrokov, ktorí sa im podrobia, ostatní pomrú ako muchy, alebo kobylky Nuž zodpovednosť je na každom z nás. Už nie je bezstarostný život, už je na každom človeku jeho osobná zodpovednosť. Prajem pekný zvyšok dňa a dobré osobné rozhodnutie, ktoré za vás nemôže nik iný urobiť! AMEN!
- Debbie MasonApril 13, 2021 at 1:47 am
My father had Parkinson’s now after vaccine he is in the senio pysho ward! I think vaccine did this please help my dad!
batwoman shi zengli, the chinese communist party shill: GO FUCK YOURSELF COMMUNIST WHORE AND SHUT YOUR OWN STINKING VOMITHOLE!
And they told us what would happen in Escape from NY… a vaccine for curing cancer turned the majority of the population into flesh eating night walking zombies….
So sad that no one put younger ghe odd facts that we now nolonger have colds or flu… or even pneumonia… only the unisolated covid virus…
- lynnthomaApril 14, 2021 at 4:42 am
Margita Kolcakova Ďakujem
- Shannon PAtrickApril 14, 2021 at 7:30 am
Are you sure it’s not a Emperor has no clothes kinda situation?
Viruses ARE parasites and should be treated as such. No more globalist vaccine bullshit.
I’m not a scientist (I wish I was), but I can say there is some sort of curious connection here between parasites (scabies, scrapie, giardia) and covid. I say this because one can see that hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and there’s one more common anti-parasite or anti-worm drug that’s just getting attention (what’s its name?) that is also being used for covid. And then there’s sweet wormwood or artemisia used to treat malaria also used to treat covid.
So, the question (at least for me–the layperson who’s trying to learn more) is what is the connection between viruses, parasites and covid? I’ve read that all viruses are parasites…
Anyway, there’s more to this than we know at present.
- Isabelle BEAUCAMPApril 17, 2021 at 10:41 pm
Il me semble que le lien serait l’amer, l’amertume: Quinine, Artemisia, Ivermectin ont un goût amer.
CJD prion disease – Bio Weapon – A Waisting Disease from contaminated meat
CJD disease
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is caused by an infectious form of a type of protein called a prion. In CJD, this prion is abnormally shaped compared with the normal prion protein. (Normal prion proteins are found throughout the body, mainly in the nervous system).
- What is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare, fatal brain disorder. The disease causes problems with cognition (thinking and memory), as well as other symptoms.There are three types of CJD:
- Sporadic CJD. In this type, the disease develops in a person for unknown reason(s). Occurring in about 85 percent of cases, this is the most common form of CJD
- Hereditary CJD. In this type, there is a family history of the disease. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of cases of CJD are hereditary.
- Acquired CJD. In this type, an infection following a medical procedure or eating the meat of an infected animal leads to CJD. Acquired CJD accounts for less than 1 percent of cases of CJD.
- What causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is caused by an infectious form of a type of protein called a prion. In CJD, this prion is abnormally shaped compared with the normal prion protein. (Normal prion proteins are found throughout the body, mainly in the nervous system). Scientists believe the abnormal shape of these prion proteins causes them to clump together in the brain, causing nerve cell death and the brain damage that cause the symptoms of CJD.In sporadic CJD, scientists think an error in the way cells make proteins results in the development of the abnormally shaped prion proteins. Errors in cell development occur more frequently as one grows older, which might explain why the disease is mostly seen in people over 60 years old.In hereditary CJD, a change (mutation) in the gene that makes the normal prion protein changes it into the infectious form. The abnormally shaped prion protein then continues to reproduce. It should be noted that although this gene can be inherited by children of those who have the disease, not all of the children will develop CJD.In acquired CJD, the abnormally shaped prion protein is introduced from outside the body—for example, in the meat from an animal that has the disease, or a surgical instrument. When the abnormally shaped prion encounters normal prions, the normal prions change to the abnormal shape. The now abnormally shaped prion protein replicates and spreads.Researchers are still trying to understand how the abnormally shaped prion proteins damage the brain and what factors make a person more likely to develop CJD.Because Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an infectious disease, can it be spread from person to person?Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an extremely rare disease that is NOT spread from person to person in the usual way that other infectious illnesses are, such as colds or the flu. There are only rare case reports of individuals who have potentially contracted the disease through blood, organ transplants, or other tissue transplants that were from individuals with unrecognized CJD. The strict criteria for blood, organ and tissue donations include prevention of CJD disease transmission.What are the symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?Early symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) may include:
- Cognitive problems (trouble with memory, thinking, communication, planning and/or judgment)
- Confusion, disorientation
- Impaired balance or walking
- Vision problems
- Behavior changes, including depression, agitation, mood swings, and anxiety
- Severe mental decline
- Involuntary muscle movements such as muscle jerks in arms and legs (called myoclonus), muscle stiffness, spasms, and tremors
- Blindness
- Weakness in arms and legs
- Coma
- Electroencephalogram (EEG). Some types of CJD have a unique electrical brain wave pattern that can be seen on an EEG.
- Lumbar puncture (also called spinal tap). Abnormal prion proteins can be detected in the cerebrospinal fluid of infected patients with the Real Time-Quaking-Induced Conversion (RT-QuIC) test.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This brain scan can detect deterioration and malfunction of brain tissue.
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation. Support.
Vaccines Revealed Dr. Patrick Gentempo
Updated Vaccines Revealed Summary 20-02-2021
Vaccines Revealed Episode One
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview One
Vaccines Revealed Episode 9 Interview Two
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Video Part 1
Vaccines Revealed Episode 9 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Video Part 2
Vaccines Revealed Episode 9 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Video Part 3
Vaccines Revealed Episode Nine Mary Holland Esq. Lawyer
Talks for the law relating Covid-19 Issues
including lockdowns and Covid-19 Vaccines

What is Robert Kennedy Jr. Fighting For?
It's no surprise he gets into battles. Kennedys seem to be born with their chins out. But why does the 66-year-old scion of America’s most prominent political family take his crusades—the environment, vaccines, you name it—to places where very few people want to go?
Several months after the publication of this story, Instagram deactivated RFK Jr.’s Instagram account. “We removed this account for repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines," a spokesperson for Facebook, which owns Instagram, said in a statement.
The quarantine has been okay. The monotony is no fun, but he can’t complain, and doesn’t. Mostly Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is just at home in Brentwood, Los Angeles, with his family, working and doing some surfing with his kids once in a while. One day everyone got attacked by bees in the yard—that was scary for a few minutes.
Between them he and his wife, the actress Cheryl Hines, have seven children. Six are Kennedy’s (two with his first wife, Emily, and four with his second wife, Mary, who died in 2012, after they were separated); one is Hines’s daughter from a previous marriage. It is mid-August and five of the kids, all between the ages of 16 and 25, have been at the house for the whole quarantine. Everyone’s on a different eating schedule, it seems. The men grill a lot of meat. There is the occasional tension about dirty dishes.
At least there aren’t many animals at the moment—just the dogs, one of them a rescue pit bull, and some tortoises. They don’t have the emu anymore.
The room that Kennedy, who is 66, uses as an office is walled with books on shelves stacked six high from floor to ceiling, hundreds and hundreds of books. On top of those: a long line of framed photos like cars on a freight train—old ones, recent ones, black-and-white, color. A sprawling L-shaped sofa with blankets and pillows, a big TV.
One sunny day this summer, Kennedy’s niece and her husband came by with her kids for a swim, and everyone was out in the backyard. Except Hines, who was scheduled to participate in the reading of a new play via Zoom.
She was in her office overlooking the pool, in the middle of the reading, when she suddenly heard a scream—high, loud, shrill, suggestive of catastrophe. She looked out the big windows and saw kids running everywhere, grownups chasing them, people grabbing their hair, people jumping into the pool—and heard the unending scream, which had multiplied to more screams.
“The dad has two of the toddlers under his arms, and there’s another toddler screaming and they’re all screaming. And Bobby’s running around, the dogs are barking,” Hines says. “I’m thinking, Do I need to stop this and call 911?”
But in the back of her mind she knew that Bobby would know what to do, because he knows what to do in these situations. He’s an animal person. Like that time not long ago when he was hiking with their friend Michael Baum, a lawyer Bobby has worked on cases with and who used to be his neighbor in Malibu, and they saw a rattlesnake. “We’re going along this hike with his dogs, and he sees a rattlesnake right in the middle of the path. He says, ‘Michael, get your phone, get a picture of this snake—here, take my phone, take it,’” Baum recalls. “I’m worried about Bobby, because he’s leaning down within a foot and a half, getting his head down there, ready to grab and catch the snake so he can hold it up and get a picture of it. The look on his face while he’s catching it, with a smile, and the delight he has in doing things in nature, is hilarious and charming.”
Bobby knew what to do.
He is not an easy man to talk to.
Not because he is hard to reach (he isn’t). Not because he is smarter than you (which he is). He is hard to talk to because there is only one subject he really wants to talk about.
It’s not the bee incident. Or life in quarantine. Or Biden or Trump or his pit bulls. When you talk to Bobby Kennedy Jr., much of what you end up talking about is studies and statistics and, of course, vaccines. It is the preemptive subject of almost any discussion. He has a kind of hoarder’s wall of journal references and esoteric studies and dense spreadsheets of data, which you have to climb over and around to reach him.
He insists, famously, that most vaccines pose a grave danger to public health, causing everything from autism and other intellectual disabilities to allergies to cancer. He is equally skeptical of the dangers of any of the potential Covid-19 vaccines.
Even when you try to steer the conversation into areas of humanity or hobbies or history, you often end up back in an obscure scientific journal or a questionable tale about Jonas Salk or a screed against Anthony Fauci.
On this subject, I think he is dangerously wrong. But that’s not the most interesting thing to talk with him about, nor is it the subject of this story. You can judge his arguments for yourself on your own time. The debate about whether vaccines are safe rages every day, and you can go online and read studies and opinions on every side. You can read almost any story by or about Kennedy and you will encounter the substance of his beliefs in detail. There aren’t many doctors in the world who think it’s a debate at all, of course.
A deeper question than whether he’s right or he’s crazy is why Bobby Kennedy Jr. is doing any of this. There was a time when he was almost universally admired, a fighter for conservation and the environment—perhaps the dominant issue of our time—and a shining figure worthy of his family’s legacy. Now he is shunned by many of his former allies and admirers, ignored by much of the once fawning media, and just tuned out by many who are uncomfortable with his sometimes hectoring obsessiveness.